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Help Baltimore (21)

1 Name: VON : 2015-04-28 13:07 ID:yHm19itT [Del]

So mostly everyone has heard about the Baltimore Riots and I don't think I can express how sad I am. Being Hispanic I know how racist, rude, and just ignorant people can be, so I can imagine how painful it must be for the black community to have this going on.

So I decided I want to make a change and you can join me. Because we don't have to wait until we're adults to make a change, we're capable of doing it right now.

I don't believe that violence will be the answer for our problems. Yes, I don't agree with the rioting, but I also don't believe in injustice. That's where we, as a nation, can come in. Your race, looks, status, and gender doesn't matter. We should all love each other exactly how we are.

And Hope,( the expectation that this world and circumstances we're in will get better) is the only thing we have.

So help me share this hope.

The riots will continue to happen, I have no doubt about that. But what about the chaos that happens afterwards? Already people are helping clean the disaster that these riots are causing. You can be apart of that too. Our world can be changed as they see different colored people/teens (not that color should make any difference) helping the community and making a stand.

Showing everyone that we are not stupid immature teens who are having a tantrum, but instead growing into wise adults and proving everyone wrong that we are an ignorant generation.

Injustice is wrong, but how can we make justice if people won't listen to what we say. So let's make them listen, but instead of using our fists and violent actions, let's show them with hope.

We can't change people, but we can change on how they perceive us. Let us make the difference.

2 Name: VON : 2015-04-28 13:09 ID:IQhb24Sp [Del]

*we are not an ignorant generation. Excuse any other spelling or grammar mistakes, I'm only human.

3 Name: dracosquiddy : 2015-04-28 16:41 ID:aEigwcIm [Del]

This thread needs way more attention. I've seen a few pictures of people helping out around Baltimore, but sadly the news isn't doing coverage on that the only thing they are focused on is the root, not the people actually trying to help out. There's a video of a man getting between the police and the routers telling them to stop.

4 Name: dracosquiddy : 2015-04-28 16:46 ID:aEigwcIm [Del]

5 Name: Tobbichi : 2015-04-28 21:39 ID:3jxMAyOm [Del]

I have a friend out in baltimore in an especially bad neighbourhood. He skyped me looking frantic saying "I can't run away... [I] hear shots." These riots need to end. I'm tired of seeing racist, unjust hypocrites rioting. We need to stop this.

6 Name: VON : 2015-04-28 23:06 ID:yHm19itT [Del]

dracosquiddy Thank you and I'm glad you think that this needs change. I saw the article, I really think more people should know that they can do something through all of this.

@Tobbichi That sucks about your friend, but I totally agree with him, this needs to stop. Tell him to volunteer to clean the streets afterwards and let his friends from school join him. That's the only real way to spread the word.

7 Name: dracosquiddy : 2015-04-29 00:24 ID:aEigwcIm [Del]

Well the main goal of the dollars is that we are suppose to be a movement, showing the world that humanity still has good within all the evils of the world. Or at least that's my main reason for being in the dollars, I wanna show people that there are kind and loving people in this world. It's not about ones self growth and prosperity but to grow as one together and prosper.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: Tobbichi : 2015-04-29 08:03 ID:3jxMAyOm [Del]

@VON Thanks for the idea. I'll talk to him about it today, I think he will like it.

10 Name: VON : 2015-04-29 13:53 ID:yHm19itT [Del]

This is what we are capable of doing!

11 Name: LeafeonZ : 2015-04-29 14:18 ID:/qlyKirB [Del]

Heres my opinion: Pandas are black, white, and chubby, but everyone loves pandas, so lets all be nice!!

12 Name: Gauge : 2015-04-29 15:31 ID:nPgQOSJr [Del]

You guys seen that photo of the little kid handing out water to the cops standing outside all day? Little dude setting an example of some peace.

13 Name: ShiroTheRoyalPaladin : 2015-04-29 16:03 ID:hz4h5bum [Del]

I don't get why people are racist, if I were you, I would take a video camera and video tape the crime and give it to the police

14 Name: VON : 2015-04-29 16:39 ID:yHm19itT [Del]

@Gauge I saw it and I think this is exactly what we should be showing to this generation instead of blood and violence.

15 Name: VON : 2015-04-29 16:39 ID:yHm19itT [Del]

@Shiro I don't get what you mean?

16 Name: Jade Kyo : 2015-04-29 20:22 ID:3m4T8qkZ [Del]

I don't live near Baltimore but I REALLY wish I could help, but I'm praying for things to get better! if there's anyway for someone like me who does not live near Baltimore to help I would very much like to know!

I'm white but I don't hate blacks at all!!! I wish all this racist stuff would just end already HATING SOMEONE JUST CAUSE THEY'RE DIFFERENT ISN'T GONNA DO ANY GOOD!!!!! HATING IN GENERAL IS ONLY GOING TO CAUSE BAD!!!!

may God have mercy upon us!

17 Name: VON : 2015-04-29 22:26 ID:yHm19itT [Del]

I think prayer already is such a powerful thing so please keep it up! :) I would recommend just getting the word out for people who do live in Baltimore to help. Also if you see someone being made fun of because of their race (or in general) stand up for them, because if people see you doing it others will follow.

18 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2015-04-30 00:54 ID:xBsvC9mH [Del]

Though I'm not religious, kindness goes a long way.
People in Baltimore, please continue to try to build peace and help cleanups. Also volunteer in homeless shelters, drug rehab centers, and schools. I believe that actively trying to help the oppressed up from the ghetto is an important step.
The rest of us not in MD, I guess, will watch from afar and donate what we can.

19 Name: Jade Kyo : 2015-04-30 18:07 ID:3m4T8qkZ [Del]

thanks! I'll keep praying and trying to help as much as I can!

>>18 agreed

20 Name: Colorless : 2015-04-30 20:08 ID:E1dx7QJM [Del]

17<< VON Yes tonight I was seeing the news again about this situation and I had the sudden urge to pray too. I wish I was near to help them, but I'm too far so this is the best I can do.

21 Name: VON : 2015-05-03 14:52 ID:VaZHUbLC [Del]

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