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Grafitti Removal (43)

1 Name: Kurata-San : 2014-07-25 17:03 ID:oKSMqp0s (Image: 1536x1024 jpg, 752 kb) [Del]

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Hey Dollars!
I have a mission for you! Ever seen that graffiti kicking around your town?
As dollars, we need to remove it! It reflects badly on the public!
Here's what to do!
At your local hardware store, locate graffiti remover.
Buy a sponge and go to a graffitied spot, then, remove it!

2 Name: Chrome_kun : 2014-07-26 23:48 ID:DnK6frck [Del]

wow has anyone done this already, it would be amazing, well be helping the public, we might be in trouble with some gangs who ut the though

3 Name: mr_ramfurinkus : 2014-07-27 01:00 ID:XxgESA/s [Del]

I don't really see graffiti as much of a problem. In fact I kinda like it. I realize that some people may have issues with it, but I've never personally heard anyone say "Hey, you know what's ruining this community? that damn graffiti!"

4 Name: SkyGyrl : 2014-07-27 21:28 ID:InW9Ndma [Del]

Just be careful you don't cover any graffiti art, concentrate on tags then. It's a shame to see art be ruined =) the tags are just ugly.

5 Name: Kotoza : 2014-07-27 22:41 ID:SDYNVyD8 [Del]

Like the idea! Just like in DRR :3
Just make sure not to get in trouble with gangs and always have people with you!

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Egneven : 2014-07-29 13:53 ID:9TxOR9aH [Del]

The graffiti in my area ranges from tags and profanity that benefit nobody, to actually fairly inspirational and even beautiful pieces that it would be a shame to see removed

8 Name: Yuri !719V2SSC1E : 2014-08-30 21:05 ID:uxfaq9xg [Del]


9 Name: Shiro : 2014-08-31 19:00 ID:5yZ3FXsS [Del]

i love this post (bump)

10 Name: Yuri !719V2SSC1E : 2014-08-31 19:58 ID:uxfaq9xg [Del]

Yeah, I do too. I think we should post before and after pictures of our cleaning

11 Name: Otaku Chloe : 2014-08-31 21:12 ID:xra3hUfC [Del]

Wow I'll definitely try this ;)

12 Name: zoral : 2014-09-01 23:35 ID:g12wRvzG [Del]

There is no grafitti where I live.

13 Name: Tabena Alice : 2014-09-02 11:12 ID:93NApFhR [Del]

It's a good idea but in my town, which is decorated with many of them, the place most soiled spot belongs to residents who didn't care at all. Last time, I was 'Hey! Let's go!' but a passerby told me that what I was doing was considered as a trespass and that I better go home before someone else caught me.

Why? Seriously I was just cleaning it mister!
And the guys who have tagged?
Laws troll me...

14 Name: Lux : 2014-09-03 13:33 ID:4ND3JakC [Del]

some graffiti looks really cool in some places. it gives it an edge i think

15 Name: Kuroshita-san : 2014-09-04 13:18 ID:frHpRzRu [Del]

>13 really? Sorry, but I can't stop laughing xD
What's happening in this world sometimes?^^

Haven't you tried to explain what you're doing?

16 Name: Ray : 2014-09-05 08:25 ID:RE+HZPqf [Del]

Sometimes , it depends . Awesome graffity just needs to be left there . I mean , the artist is super cool to make that , we should at least appreciate the cool ones . Sure I think it's wrong to doodle on walls but if they make a good decoration , it really worth not removing it :)

17 Name: Night : 2014-09-05 09:10 ID:6PfmhmBU [Del]

Some people may say 'graffiti is just art at the wrong place'

18 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-05 11:55 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

We already have other threads for this and don't allow duplicate threads, sorry. Please check the archives before posting in the future.

>>13 That's what you get for not talking to the owner of the property first :T Also a lot of people consider graffiti art (tags included, unfortunately) and will confront you if you clean it in broad daylight.

19 Name: Demon girl : 2014-09-07 03:59 ID:d9t8MQgb (Image: 1920x1200 jpg, 849 kb) [Del]

src/1410080376851.jpg: 1920x1200, 849 kb
Hello ever one , where I live has trains
And there's a lot of graffiti art all over it

20 Name: Kezuga : 2014-09-08 22:30 ID:AErDNXj3 [Del]


21 Name: cXe!Bv5coThefY : 2014-09-09 08:46 ID:mLrLhXt0 [Del]

Just make sure you're not cleaning away officially commissioned artwork. A politician in my country decided to get some good press by cleaning graffiti, and ended up in some trouble.

22 Name: Keen : 2014-09-11 04:56 ID:FwFETiJc [Del]

In Melbourne, getting rid of street art is illegal, it's a massive point of pride around here.

23 Name: RYMS_mia : 2014-09-12 10:11 ID:yyUzW2i8 [Del]

i don't believe that these are bothering anyone, right? it doesn't hurt, but people does, so why don't we start by removing criminals ans such from the world first ? -just an opinion-

24 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-09-12 12:25 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

I'm not sure what the problem is - your ability to read or comprehend.

We already have other threads for this and don't allow duplicate threads, sorry. Please check the archives before posting in the future.

This means do not comment here. There are other threads to discuss this instead.

25 Name: S : 2014-09-13 00:24 ID:ngfISxtz [Del]

^ that angry. haha

26 Name: Maya Jane : 2014-09-13 12:41 ID:OFTcDrTQ [Del]

I think with graffiti, you have to be careful that it was allowed to be made and if it's not rude, I think it is ok to keep, because it is people expressing themselves. But if it is rude, then it probably be taken down

27 Name: Akano : 2015-07-01 17:48 ID:MtaOQ02Q [Del]

We can remove them the night so no one sees us.

28 Name: CAmiLLa : 2015-07-02 15:21 ID:DUBiWQyh [Del]

Graffiti is a way of people expressing themselves, I myself do graffiti and see nothing wrong with it, in fact it gives the town/ area different and inspiring! Sure if its random graffiti that just says hi or is completely rude the get rid of it but if its graffiti that is much more artistic then leave it because believe it or not a lot of money and work goes into good and artistic graffiti such as the one on the picture! Some graffiti even tackle important issues so maybe you should take that into consideration!!

29 Name: EJM : 2015-07-02 15:26 ID:a64VLLZA [Del]

Not to be the odd one out or anything. But I know a place where some one graffitied all over a wall and it was completely unwanted, but the artistry 'livened up' the area so they kept it.

So what I'm trying to say, is that graffiti isn't always all bad and evil.

It's a form of self expression

30 Name: Ayumi Nakada : 2015-07-03 17:40 ID:t/qD1Dcs [Del]

>>28 >>29 yes that is one way to look at it and i agree but some graffiti i see around is just bad words and stuff like that i think that kind should get removed because it's not appropriate but yes on the other hand some graffiti can be really beautiful art and it would kinda be a shame to wash it away after someone put so much work into it

31 Name: Drakiin : 2015-07-03 19:26 ID:lftbmogq [Del]

>>28 Yes while not all graffiti is bad there is a lot of unwanted graffiti around. Actually, one of my closest friends owns a shop that was tagged multiple times. What I am saying is don't go defending every bit of graffiti around just because a minor amount of it isn't destructive.

32 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-07-04 16:40 ID:SG7MDVfC [Del]

Guys, please read >>18 & >>24.

I don't know why this kid >>27 bumped a year old thread, but they obviously didn't bother reading past posts.

33 Name: Pari : 2015-07-05 11:49 ID:JssBq2s3 [Del]

I do agree with >>31, some graffiti are not bad, there are a lot of artists who express themselves through it. Well we could call it art. But I also agree that some "graffiti" or should I say "writing" on the wall should be removed e_e ... But doing it alone is kind of hard we should do it in group or even at two people.

Still, I encourage Dollars to do it ! Fighting ! TT_TT

34 Name: Risa : 2015-07-05 22:35 ID:Kn4yyS2b [Del]

I actually do take down bad graffiti in my neighborhood and it"s an amazing feeling and it's even better when he local shop owners come outside whenever I'm gone and hidden so I a see their reaction and seeing their faces of happiness is the best thing ever!!!

35 Name: manaka : 2015-07-05 23:21 ID:hyvScJ1J [Del]

i'll try it, i can't wait to see how people will look happy

36 Name: Tora : 2015-07-05 23:37 ID:MzCpd3qS [Del]


37 Name: hatsu : 2015-07-06 01:39 ID:DUBiWQyh [Del]

Only tagging should be removed not the "artistic and amazing" graffiti ao be careful with what you take down as some graffiti had a lot of work put on it! 😊

38 Name: YUKI$ : 2015-07-06 09:21 ID:IULjkVAz [Del]

In my country specifically supporting graffiti art

39 Name: lulush : 2015-07-06 12:39 ID:GaIliqtT [Del]

my city actually has a group that when asked creates murals and graffiti like art. but in a more constructive way try making some clubs out there im shore there is a bugit in the city to fund it like they do ours

40 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-07-21 22:35 ID:wXxbV0un [Del]


41 Name: Shuuya : 2015-07-21 23:37 ID:j88T3pqN [Del]

Good idea.. but... only erase the bad graffiti... because others draws are beautu in the walls.... sorry for my english... o don't write fine... xD im from south america xD

42 Name: L10N1X : 2015-07-21 23:47 ID:1BHqWMVR [Del]

Well, we can ask for the neighbors who have a graffiti in their wall and remove it. if we do this more frequently we have the opportunity to appear on tv but the paint it's not free, we have to do another activity to produce money and then we have the chance to remove all the graffiti in our cities.

43 Name: Usagi : 2015-07-22 00:22 ID:v4R4vSPB [Del]

I suppose, my city isn't so much with the graffiti, I am a bit happy about it. We actually have areas where the artists do graffiti and they can do it in an area with a small fee I believe. We have many areas like that. I hope though I can help in ways. If and when I see the art in areas that it shouldn't be in.