Dollars BBS | Missions




















GISHWHES '14 (18)

1 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2014-07-01 22:44 ID:RWqRXhsV [Del]

The Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen is here again!

GISHWHES is a week long event where users around the world form teams, as well as acts of randomness, and take amazing photos/videos of them doing it (aw yea). They're typically used in a humorous light, but sometimes people go all out and *may* even do things slightly illegal. That's not what we're asking here, though.

Last year me and BarabiSama constructed a team, but this year BarabiSama won't be participating. The deal here is, depending on how many people are actually joining, I will construct a BBS team for us. If we don't get enough people then I'll be participating in a random team and so will every one else who wants to GISHWHES.

Important Information:
+ It costs $19 this year to join.
+ It takes place from August 2-9
+ You can be any age.
+ If you absolutely CANNOT afford the registration fee, there is a "Gisholarship" option during signup
+ Anyone who participated last year can login with last year's info

2 Name: Chreggome : 2014-07-03 02:50 ID:a0BGjcbf [Del]

Kind of want to...

3 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-03 20:53 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]


Guys this is a ton of fun.

You should totally join.

4 Name: Zetsumei : 2014-07-04 05:08 ID:2Ax0hoBe [Del]

Seems like fun would totally sign up

5 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2014-07-04 17:41 ID:RWqRXhsV (Image: 960x960 jpg, 85 kb) [Del]

src/1404513683393.jpg: 960x960, 85 kb
Here's an example picture of me from last GISHWHES.

>>2 >>4 It really is fun, especially if you guys go above and beyond the requirements they ask of you. We'd still need more than 3 people for the start of a Dollars team, though :/

6 Name: emiri : 2014-07-04 20:05 ID:uVJwnzfT [Del]

Checked out their website this seems really cool might do it

7 Name: Helunai : 2014-07-04 20:41 ID:i827EA/l [Del]

I'll definitely do it!

8 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-05 07:50 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]


9 Name: Nara~ : 2014-07-06 20:30 ID:Jkrbe6gz [Del]

Trying to make up the cost before registration ends. If I can, I'll join you guys. Wish me luck!

10 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-07 07:26 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]


11 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2014-07-07 20:57 ID:RWqRXhsV [Del]

Alright, as a favor to distinguish between those actually might do it and those people that post and never come back, PLEASE POST AGAIN saying you will participate so I can have an idea of how many people could be in our team so far. The more the better, since if we don't have enough we'll be placed with another team and won't be a "DOLLARs team", just merely participating in GISHWHES which takes out the whole point of this mission x)

12 Name: MikaBaaka : 2014-07-10 06:53 ID:KEKWcf2q [Del]

Is it too late? I'm new and I'm liking this spirit. I may be in.

13 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2014-07-10 13:17 ID:RWqRXhsV [Del]

>>12 There is 1 more week and 5 days until registration closes.

14 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-11 16:17 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

How about this, Ham-

If you honestly want to join, please leave an email address here that you promise check daily up until the competition starts. Be sure to respond as soon as possible to the first email you get so we know you're serious.

15 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2014-07-13 09:24 ID:RWqRXhsV [Del]

^ that

16 Name: HAM !S4SCLJDgwI : 2014-07-15 18:13 ID:RWqRXhsV [Del]

Because 6 days are left for registration and no one is legitimately interested in this, there won't be a Dollars GISHWHES team.

However, if anyone does join in the hunt anyway feel free to post about it on this thread! I wish anyone who joins luck.

17 Name: Doihavetobenormal : 2014-07-16 14:52 ID:x2xCXJg+ [Del]

I'm interested! Who wouldn't be?

18 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-22 01:23 ID:OK4e8R2p [Del]

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