Dollars BBS | Missions




















Dollars Fund Raisers (78)

1 Name: Orion Narukami!c1TjLrVNNA : 2014-06-30 00:57 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

So ive been doing some thinking and so far this idea was the only thing i have ever posted on this site worth posting. This is the idea to do a fund raiser in the name of the dollars.

Ive been seeing people coming up with neat ideas on ways to promote us via merchandising. WELL what if we start merchandising and use all the money we make to send to a charity of our choosing im not show how we can do this but we could group up to come up with ways to do this.

I could make posters and T-shirts with our logo on it but with the money we make off it we would be able to put it in a trust fund for the dollars but we would need some trust worthy to manage it.

Idk but please post your ideas on this thread too. Im certain this could do some good here in this board

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-30 06:51 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

So basically, the idea is to combine merchandise made by Dollars' members onto one online store and use the money we make for charities (or possibly to help out other members)? I think we could manage that alright.

3 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-30 12:17 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

To get people to participate who are working, I think we'll have to steer away from 100% non-profit. Maybe have a 20% commission off the artists? Say, if they sold something for $10, they would get 8, and the store would get 2. That way, the artist gets paid, but we can still keep a pretty solid percentage to save up for a charity.

We'll have to figure out what can be put into it first, though. I'd be willing to do make some jewelry for it and oversee the production of clothing merchandise to sell. (Speaking of which, rather than selling shirts with the logo on it, we should sell something people who aren't in the group would legitimately want.)

4 Name: Orion Narukami!!GANdbvsK : 2014-06-30 13:07 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

>>3 that makes sense but now all we need is a few more people i cqn draw im a ddecently ranked artist so i could do some art work on something i guess and we all reaDy have guys making posters and stuff all we need ia those guys

5 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-30 13:54 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

>>4 The hell do we need posters for?

6 Name: Orion Narukami!!GANdbvsK : 2014-06-30 17:50 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

If the idea to spread the word of our existence

7 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-30 17:52 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

>>6 That's not what this is about :I This is about charity, right? Leave that shit out of it.

8 Name: Orion Narukami!!GANdbvsK : 2014-06-30 18:06 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

I sseee what you mean man i dont like the idea of spreading either but hey >>2

9 Name: Orion Narukami!!GANdbvsK : 2014-06-30 18:13 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

10 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-06-30 18:40 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

>>8 I don't care either way about spreading (so long as the site doesn't get spammed by newfags). I just don't think it should have a place in a charity concept.

Even if this was intended to be a fail!troll thread, I like the idea and would like to see how well it'd work without that nonsense in it :O

11 Name: Orion Narukami!!GANdbvsK : 2014-06-30 19:45 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

Sorry man jeez you guys here get serious but no im dead serious about this idea
But idk i feel like this should work >>10

12 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-01 08:55 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

>>11 Just because I don't regularly use emoticons and like to include punctuation in my posts doesn't mean I'm always serious ♥

13 Name: Orion Narukami!!GANdbvsK : 2014-07-01 17:55 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

>>12 i see

14 Name: Orion Narukami!!GANdbvsK : 2014-07-01 17:56 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

Any way are we gonna make this idea work or just let the topic die? >>12

15 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-01 18:19 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

>>14 Why let it die? xD

It's not going to magically happen over the course of a few days. We have to keep the thread up and figure out what other members are willing to put towards it. Whether it be artwork, clothes, jewelry, charms, etc. Once we have enough people willing to work towards it, we can try to turn it into something functional.

Plus, I unfortunately won't be able to manage this operation until around November as I have my own things to save up for and won't have a proper account to manage everything through 'til then. Unless someone else who's over 18 that everyone trusts wants to take over the responsibility, we might have to put it off for a while.

16 Name: Deki : 2014-07-01 22:08 ID:8PGGz+Ym [Del]

I would love to help with this! It sounds very interesting and a really great idea!

17 Name: Orion Narukami!!GANdbvsK : 2014-07-02 01:28 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

>>15 thanks for explaining ill see if my friend izaya would help us he is a dollarr i met in my neighboorhood maybe he can help us with the crafts

18 Name: Deceptor : 2014-07-02 06:18 ID:0XniTCaf [Del]

May I ask is this for all regions?

19 Name: Orion Narukami!!GANdbvsK : 2014-07-02 06:27 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

>>18 of course dude if you are dollars you can help out.

20 Name: Orion Narukami!c1TjLrVNNA : 2014-07-04 17:39 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

i legit have a 20$ amount to put in if any one actually wants to put it ill probably put 50$ for who ever is down for this

21 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-04 18:07 ID:UmRqP5Y1 [Del]

Hmm, do you all trust me? :)

Alright, I have to give some input here. What merchandise are you thinking about? Keep in mind that the Dollars's logo is property of the artist, who I believe is Suzuhito Yasuda, and perhaps other parties. Are you interested in pursuing this or do you think we should develop our own logo? (An idea I've had for a while)

22 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-04 19:13 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

>>21 Nope. You haven't put out enough information on your RL person or life for any length of time that would allow me to trust you with my RL money q-q

Orion is thinking of doing Dollars' related merchandise, but I would rather it have a chance to actually bring in some money, so I'm more interested in making it a collaborative studio. I can do wire wrap jewelry and artwork, as well as manage an antique section if it hit at all. I can also make charms and similar things.

I think graphic clothes are also a great idea, like t-shirts and sweatshirts with unique designs from the group. It wouldn't be hard to manage online.

I'm still curious to know what everyone else is willing to offer :O

23 Name: Note !j.dNMdxAQo : 2014-07-04 22:58 ID:3tTO4MOH [Del]

I would love to help, I could probably make shirts or something. Just let me know if there is anyway I could help.

24 Name: Orion Narukami!c1TjLrVNNA : 2014-07-05 05:47 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

>>22 i think the clothes idea is perfect there is this place literally around the corner from me where i can get some shirts. Made now i do know its costs some money but im willing to putt in how much you guys a are.

25 Name: Orion Narukami!c1TjLrVNNA : 2014-07-05 05:47 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

>>22 i think the clothes idea is perfect there is this place literally around the corner from me where i can get some shirts. Made now i do know its costs some money but im willing to putt in how much you guys a are.

26 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-05 07:49 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

>>23 >>24 >>25 Unless you're a screen printing expert, it's better you just use websites online that put the graphics on for you and have them sent to whoever is distributing them. That's a lot less time consuming. There are tons of resources for it.

What we need, more importantly, would be the artwork to go on the shirts.

27 Name: Izzy : 2014-07-05 14:13 ID:etzl8qgU [Del]

Why can`t we set up a donation? Like a website that you can donate to a charity? I don`t know about the idea of selling T-shirts and posters. Many people don`t know who the dollars are.
But putting our logo is sort of copyright,because sense the logo is really owned by the people who own Durarara. Unless we change it a little.

28 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-05 15:24 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

>>27 Who cares if people know who the Dollars are? We don't have to make it related to us at all. We can run it but give it a completely different name.

The problem with just setting up a site with a donation button is that those charities already have those. We could just as well link them there. Plus, people have more incentive to donate if they're getting something in return. It'd be like a regular store in this case with a percentage of the profit going to charity.

29 Name: Flagg : 2014-07-05 17:56 ID:cJqkck1n [Del]

The idea is good i think.Yet it's true that people don't care or don't even know what the Dollars are.But on the other hand making us a bit more known while helping those who need it is truly a good thing to do.

30 Name: Sayomi : 2014-07-05 19:17 ID:uv/0NhOW [Del]

I agree. It sounds like an idea that could work, and the thought of getting the Dollars more recognition sounds like a nice bonus :)

31 Name: Orion Narukami!c1TjLrVNNA : 2014-07-06 04:25 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

the point isnt to get the dollars name out there its to have and help a growing and improving community you guys arent lookin at this the right way what we should be trying to do is what barabisama sugestioned we should get or stuff in one place and sell the send 80% of the funds to the crafters and the remaining 20% too a charity of our choosing

32 Name: D : 2014-07-06 05:16 ID:i/gA2Gq+ [Del]

We don't need recognition, our goal isn't to be famous. We have to help the world :3

33 Name: Sayomi : 2014-07-06 07:38 ID:uv/0NhOW [Del]

Youre right. We should. We should use our numbers to help the world :)

34 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-07 17:05 ID:uWBHzXOt [Del]

Again, I'd like more opinion on the logo.
Should we attempt to get permission to use it, or should we make our own?

My idea for the future is having a Dollars Brand Name/Company that we can sell merchandise under. Thoughts please!

35 Name: Lizzy Mars : 2014-07-07 20:09 ID:96Y103EP [Del]

If I were you, I would try to get permission to use the Dollars logo. And if at first you don't succeed, try try again.

36 Name: Orion Narukami!c1TjLrVNNA : 2014-07-09 02:00 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

i have the time and energy to do this im pretty sure you guys do to right? all we need is a few more memebers nd we will be set bro.

37 Name: Orion Narukami!c1TjLrVNNA : 2014-07-09 02:05 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

>>34 for some reason i feel like we should keep this logo idk we should try to get the permission to do this but im not sure how

38 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-09 06:21 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

1) The language barrier and differences in copyright laws between the US and Japan will make getting use of the logo a huge pain in the ass.

2) There's no reason we need to use the logo for this.

39 Name: Orion Narukami !!suifq73b : 2014-07-13 23:46 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

I see >>38 I have been saving up so I can put in some

40 Name: vontar !c6.PJFVzw. : 2014-07-14 16:09 ID:xhTRssos [Del]

>>39 There is no point using money that could have been donated in the fundraiser to place a logo on the fundraiser. That is simply wanting to be recognized more than actually wanting to help. It's your money though, feel free to try and do whatever you want with it.

41 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-14 19:06 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

How about we put the logo issue to the side for now? We can deal with that once we have a store front prepared.

Orion, you want to contribute art to it once we get going, right? Maybe we should figure out what is being sold as far as artwork goes. What kind of art do you make? If it's just anime style character drawing, then it'll have to be limited to some posters or a commission corner. If you can draw full scenes in different styles, though, we might be able to set up a proper art section with the potential to have a larger turn around between a few members. It'd also be nice to have some clean graphics for the eventual website.

42 Name: SourDezzel : 2014-07-14 20:22 ID:PF68GZYk [Del]

just saw this thread and was actually looking around for dollar clothes earlier and found some on this site, dont know if this is work from a dollar or who but just thought i would throw this out there

43 Name: Orion Narukami !!suifq73b : 2014-07-16 07:33 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

>>41 I draw everything. Down to portraits.I was saving for the fund raiser btw

44 Name: Diefonk !6ECMAm480. : 2014-07-16 10:54 ID:Lf0+5CZK [Del]

This sounds like a cool idea and I would love to help, but I'm not sure what I could do. All I have for now is a suggestion for an easy way to print and sell the stuff:

45 Name: Orion Narukami !!29AmsN5J : 2014-07-17 22:35 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

>>44 thats good too. aslong as you can do it efficiency

46 Name: Orion Narukami !!29AmsN5J : 2014-07-17 22:36 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

With efficiency*

47 Name: Artz : 2014-07-19 12:00 ID:Vlbg/Q8Y [Del]

first thought it's a good idea... but thinking about people walking around with dollars Tshirts doesn't feel good...
idk really but i like the whole idea ^-^

48 Name: YDP : 2014-07-19 14:03 ID:zozYbTJn [Del]

The point of the Dollars is to invisible to the public eye.......
Enough Said...

49 Name: Ceskasi : 2014-07-20 08:57 ID:7iDiv9wi [Del]

^ Yeah.... I don't really feel comfortable with a lot of us wearing the shirts and people who doesn't even know the meaning of it will copy just because they think it's cool.

50 Name: Mirror : 2014-07-21 14:12 ID:UhIVRJbA [Del]

Somehow I don't like the idea of putting the logo or even the name of dollars in any of the products because it seems like we're just trying to get attention rather than fundraising

51 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-07-22 01:23 ID:OK4e8R2p [Del]


52 Name: Orion Narukami !!29AmsN5J : 2014-07-22 04:25 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

The idea wasnt to let the dollars logo be used drop the subject the fund raiser seriously must happen. when Barbi is ready to hold the trust account we will spread the money we make from doing our random good deeds we spread it out 80% to the product sealers that way you have god reason to keep making the product or doing the art work and the remaining twenty goes to the fund raiser we choose weekly come on whats the confusion?

53 Name: Mirror : 2014-07-22 06:06 ID:UhIVRJbA [Del]

>>52 Well, that's what I want to happen too. Dunno why the others want to put the dollars logo/name.

54 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-22 12:55 ID:SvUjRPHK [Del]

I apologize, I haven't been here to address things clearly. The 'logo' was for the store front. I've already been working on a logo for any needed purposes, but it needs some finishing. I'm also still interested in finding out if we could use the actual dollars logo (for non-profit, and possibly even for profit). Nothing to concern over though, I'll just go about that myself.
The reasoning for having a logo is, if we are going to be selling as a brand/company having a logo is professional. That aside. I'm very busy at the moment..this should change in a matter of 2 months. I'm still interested in this mission though, so don't lose hope if it seems like none are willing to go ahead with it (aside from Barabi).

My idea then, clearly:
-We should have an online store where we can sell the merchandise generated by the dollars. We will also have a warehouse holding the merch. A fraction of the profit will go to the dollars's charity fund, which will be allocated to given charities based on majority agreement. The other fraction will go to the original merch creator. With about 5% of the profit going to dollars store maintenance. Any excess will be added to the charity fund.

This is a brief description of how I envision things, is this right?

55 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-22 15:32 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

>>54 A warehouse isn't happening. That'd be a ton of money to manage, and I doubt we'll have that much merchandise to start off. Whoever ends up running the distribution should just dedicate a room or a part of their garage to keeping everything organized. If it gets too big, we can always get a small storage locker or a POD. But if you want anything like a warehouse, we'll have to take another percentage of the profit away to save up for the overhead.

56 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-22 18:15 ID:SvUjRPHK [Del]

>>55 I was using warehouse generally -yes, I meant a place to store things that will fit the size of our merch.

57 Name: Broker : 2014-07-23 09:08 ID:JYGLBAMZ [Del]

But who would you trust with managing the funds?

58 Name: Tuesday : 2014-07-23 11:18 ID:EoCx4ZNw [Del]

So is the fundraiser/store going to be online or at a physical location? And if it's at a physical location where will it be?

59 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-23 13:16 ID:aiwyH7Yi [Del]

>>57 It really should be a group managing this rather than a single individual.

>>58 Online store. Having the goods at a single location would be easiest to manage. Perhaps a few locations though to minimize transport costs.

60 Name: Lilah : 2014-07-24 00:02 ID:PIAWbc16 [Del]

We could always do this in each city. I think we could have the dollars in each city get together and just fundraise for the same charity. Just a thought...

61 Name: Orion Narukami !!29AmsN5J : 2014-07-24 10:39 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

shit you guys. how the hell i a group scattered around the world gonna meet up of course its online. >>59 and that sounds like a good idea but i based it of one person because of the amount of people who are and arent participating why would a whole group control the money for like 7 people you know?

62 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-24 18:19 ID:GtDHMSLL [Del]

>>61 Sure, it'd be fine to have one person 'managining' the money, but there should be a group that can view all the transactions. Really, anyone that wanted to should have that ability. -This will give others a slightly greater reason to trust what we are doing, and hopefully more people will become interested.

63 Name: Orion Narukami !!29AmsN5J : 2014-07-24 21:43 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

>>62 im feelling you on that one man.

64 Post deleted by user.

65 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-24 22:39 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

>>62 We can have a public accounting log, but because these transactions are going to have to go through someone's bank account, I don't think it's reasonable to have multiple people having access to it. Even if it's done with a new account made through a DBA, there have to be real names behind it. If one person on the group gets into an argument and decides to fuckall with the money or account, the rest of the group will be equally held responsible on the legal end of it. Anyone with half a conscious wouldn't dip their feet in that kind of water.

So, access to logging into the account to view the official transactions? That should be left to one person. Even spouses second guess sharing that level of control through one account. However, I can understand keeping a public log of everything that comes through with a spreadsheet, maybe even doing regular screenshots of the transaction records on the accounts, etc.

66 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-24 22:49 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]

Of course, we'll need public inventory logs that are updated alongside the transactions as well, maybe a shipping ticker so whoever has management over that item can state what's been sent when. All the information except the accounts themselves would be accessible by those in the group. (It's not like we'd have much to hide, anyway.)

67 Name: Orion Narukami !!29AmsN5J : 2014-07-25 09:23 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

>>66 thats what i was saying made more sense to do.

68 Name: MaskSalesman : 2014-07-25 11:00 ID:HIv4exi3 [Del]

>>65 Yes, one person in charge of managing the account makes sense. What I have been thinking of though is creating a company to manage this. It may be sole proprietor though, meaning only one would have access to all account features of the business account. However, there can be many members added that have the priviledge of viewing account activity.

This is what I had in mind originally, though after further thought we likely wouldn't want to go that route as any profit made (excepting what goes to charity) would be taxed.

69 Name: Diefonk !6ECMAm480. : 2014-07-26 03:24 ID:CmA+bY+W [Del]

>>68 There's probably different rules in different countries, but where I live you have to go up to a certain amount of money per year to pay tax, wether it's a company or not.

70 Name: Yuno : 2014-07-27 00:52 ID:rWc9lu2b [Del]

We can make a voting for the ones who agree for a higher fundsto raise it more higher than every other sites expected

71 Name: Orion Narukami !!29AmsN5J : 2014-07-27 03:14 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

What we need is a well thought out idea, something the majority of the dollars agree on.(seeing as some of arent able or willing to help) we need to start thinkin and get good account set up one were we can all access but not pull out at once, kinda like a pay pal if we could only check the balance, im flexable so what every needs to be done i can help out in that aspect.

72 Name: Kyoumi : 2014-07-27 21:38 ID:i6F0bOff [Del]

Have you guys thought about doing a t-shirt campaign? That'd be really cool. IF we use, someone could design a dollars t-shirt, and we could all buy t-shirts and use the money for those in need!

73 Name: Orion Narukami !!29AmsN5J : 2014-07-28 02:21 ID:wV2XD4b6 [Del]

>>72 lol dude sounds good but we have already talked about that.

74 Name: to lazy : 2014-08-02 19:01 ID:cNpZ28TL [Del]


75 Name: Orion Narukami !!29AmsN5J : 2014-08-02 20:40 ID:8LdNe4a2 [Del]

that was me by the way not to start any problems

76 Name: AikahisakatuHogo-sha!tlzjQjHf9o : 2015-02-24 19:14 ID:G4YzQ/Ck [Del]


77 Name: AikahisakatuHogo-sha!tlzjQjHf9o : 2015-02-24 23:13 ID:KGyeZIVq [Del]


78 Name: Usagi : 2015-10-10 13:08 ID:AujRHOCQ [Del]

I really really love this idea a good amount. I know this has been awhile but this needs to be done by exchanging e-mails a lot more it's faster and people can keep track of how many are helping and how many can do what, and so on.
If you are open to is send me an e-mail. i really want to help somehow.
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