Dollars BBS | Missions




















Collaboration Video (133)

1 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-08-30 16:19 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

A few of us are thinking about creating a collaboration video, and we were wondering if anyone else was interested or had ideas for it.

The ideas we have so far are for sort of a promotional video, which shows some of the things that Dollars have done, what new members could do, and how there are a ton of Dollars all over the world. To illustrate this, we were thinking of compiling pictures and videos from anyone who is willing to participate. Of course, faces are not required.
As for showing Dollars from all over, maybe people could send in pictures of them with their phones out? Again, this is all still in the planning stages, so if you have any other ideas, please share them.
I am willing to do at least some of the editing for the video, but if anyone else is interested, please let us know!
On this thread someone mentioned that they made a Youtube account for Dollars, so I figure that would be the best place to post the video.

So, is anyone interested?

2 Name: Xya : 2013-08-30 17:34 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

I know my idea sounds like the note of compassion but we could hold signs saying something like hi I am a dollar or something like that and by the way I really like your idea

3 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-08-30 18:36 ID:ihKPXamj [Del]

>>1 awesome idea; I'm in :3
The mission still needs some more organizing but we can definitely get out name out there (while staying anonymous and colourless,) and help more people ^^
>>2 that's an amazing idea! <3 !

4 Name: CoyoteTrue : 2013-08-30 18:41 ID:bc7WR2Xf [Del]

As you know Mio, I'm always ready to go! :3

5 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-08-30 19:22 ID:a+XHbtLT [Del]

>>2 I really like that idea!

6 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-08-31 11:06 ID:xyM2yTwW [Del]

We really need more people who are interested!

7 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-08-31 11:12 ID:F1j2LM/4 [Del]

I like the idea actually, i know we are still in the works towards making another video as is about inspirational messages. But this seems very similar to the note of compassion thread ( which already has tons of people posting pics and messages). I'll leave it to everyone Else's judgement, but i'm pretty sure we just need to post more pics in the operation notes of compassion thread. Anyways, i'll leave it to you guys.

8 Name: Xya : 2013-08-31 14:45 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

>>3>>5 thanks so much :D

>>7 well that is true but the noc is more for other people this o e would be more for us dollars to see our numbers and kinda get a bit of pride also it might raise awareness of us as a group witch at least in my opinion would be a good thing but anyways like you said it would be cool if anyone reading this message would post a pic to the note of compassion video cause we need more pics! Either way is fine though

9 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-08-31 20:14 ID:qG4puMYj [Del]

>>7 Hm that is a good point. We could make this sort of an extension of noc. For example, if we compiled nice notes from dollars into a video, not only could we see our numbers, but others around the internet can see us and share the video with people they know who need a pick-me-up.

10 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-08-31 21:23 ID:X2ngBP1B [Del]

>>9 Since they're already making a video it should probably be something else...
I have no more ideas at the moment :'D

11 Name: Crestfalen. : 2013-09-01 20:37 ID:F4bycyvO [Del]

I am acually really intrested in something like this. I hope its not to late for me to jump in.
If I am able to jump in give me more info on what excacly we are doing.
You can contact me at :
Thanks ^.^

12 Name: Xya : 2013-09-03 00:43 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

Maybe we could o something like: hi, my name is Xya, and I'm a dollar nothing exactly inspiring but just something cool to see how many of us are actively posting

13 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-03 23:14 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>11 Never too late to jump in! We just don't know what exactly we're doing yet haha

>>12 Aw you're so full of good ideas I like you ;3;
Again, one of the things that I am interested in showing is how we are spread throughout the world, so that idea would tie nicely into that!
Only problem would be getting other members interested, since many may prefer to remain anonymous.
I suppose some could have videos, some could just use drawings and etc.
Haha it's late sorry if I'm not making any sense :'D

14 Name: Senko : 2013-09-04 08:25 ID:qZA05n87 [Del]

I think its a great Idead too :3
but where should we send the pictures again, and when?
Should we post the to this thread or to this one you mentioned?

15 Name: Theorem : 2013-09-04 13:58 ID:K+5BRK5l [Del]

I really like this idea and would love to be apart of it.

16 Name: Xya : 2013-09-04 17:25 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

>>13 Thanks I think that I might like you too :)
And as for the anonymous issue people could just use their usernames and that's probably what I would do too

>>14 I think this one cause the other tread is for the noc which is another thing and also I think that if people see pictures and a lot of posts they'll probably will notice and post

>>15 great, welcome!

17 Name: passing girl : 2013-09-05 00:03 ID:YFzVYk9X [Del]

We could all follow a general guideline such as:
where you live (whether it be the city or state but not your address for safety and to remain anonymous)
short message if you wish

The picture could be of anything. You holding up a piece of paper with the general stuff written on it, or a picture of your phone with a text message that has it written down, or maybe even a photo editing (if taken from somewhere then with permission from owner and the source) with the general stuff edited on.
I think this will help to show the variety of Dollars as a colorless group (as no one is required to show a single color in their picture), the ability to be anonymous, and the variety of people in the group.

18 Name: Xya : 2013-09-05 07:54 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

>>17 great idea it would alow some people to remain moderately anonymous but would alow us to make the video interesting!

19 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-06 17:30 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>16 Waahhh Xya thanks for being so helpful ;3;

I really love the thought of showing how spread we are because it could help other dollars to see if there is anyone in their area, as well as show non-dollar members that there are people who are trying to help their community in their area.
It might even get us more members! X3

So, everyone post your pictures on this thread, please! I'll be posting mine soon.

20 Name: dogrl101 : 2013-09-06 18:38 ID:pJLFJ2Hi [Del]

Note Of Compassion on youtube. Look it up

21 Name: Xya : 2013-09-06 22:44 ID:8bFR4nOI [Del]

>>19 your welcome I just really like the idea :3

>>20 thank you for telling us that this idea resembles the note of compassion video but we already kinda knew and we are trying to make it not so similar and would you please read the entire thread before you post :)

22 Name: passing girl : 2013-09-06 23:12 ID:YFzVYk9X [Del]

I would like to do this but first if I may ask.
1) How long do we have to submit a picture?
2) Wouldn't you rather we submit it to an email rather than as a post so that you don't have to constantly come here to the thread and get the pictures?

23 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-06 23:55 ID:X2ngBP1B [Del]

>>22 We don't really have a deadline yet since it looks like it's going to take a while to find enough people...
I do think it would be easier to send them via email, but I am conflicted because if everyone is emailing and no one is posting here, we might not be able to get new people to notice and join in...

I do have an email that people can submit to, if we decide that it is easier.

24 Name: dogrl101 : 2013-09-07 03:07 ID:uNMoEwTY [Del]

I'd like to be in on this, please if i can :) Since i missed the other video... I'd love to help u with this one, and become involved. :) Thank you!!

25 Name: dogrl101 : 2013-09-07 03:07 ID:uNMoEwTY [Del]

I'd like to be in on this, please if i can :) Since i missed the other video... I'd love to help u with this one, and become involved. :) Thank you!!

26 Name: Xya : 2013-09-07 08:12 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

>>23 I think that we should post here it will probably make it so that more people notice us and maybe collect all the pictures at the end

>>22 I think we should wait until we have more people interested to make a final date

>>25 the more the merrier

27 Name: passing girl : 2013-09-08 01:43 ID:YFzVYk9X [Del]

Got it, then I'll just keep on checking for the date, while thinking of how to do my picture. :)

28 Name: Scotch_1129 : 2013-09-08 03:04 ID:jW7CahVL [Del]

Can't wait for this!!

29 Name: Everlast : 2013-09-10 11:06 ID:6WL72/eu [Del]

is this still gonna happen cuz its sounds like a really amzaing idea :)

30 Name: Yui : 2013-09-10 13:24 ID:d1j6CscU [Del]

count me in! tho i think that a picture with oue phones and maybe a white shirt is a good idea (since we are a "colorless" group) i'll keep checking on updates then!

31 Name: IzaIzaChan : 2013-09-10 15:29 ID:HDCWPGGA [Del]

Can somebody update on this? I'm willing to participate as much as I can~ Also, the white shirts idea is cool!

32 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-10 22:01 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>30 I like this idea! Some people may prefer to remain anonymous, though, but I'm sure we can figure something out!

As for everyone who is interested in joining... Send in pics!! :D You can always change your pic if you think of something better. Right now, we just need to get a bunch of people interested!

33 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-10 22:05 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

Hmm I wonder if I actually own a white shirt haha... Do you think black shirts would also be acceptable? We could have both o3o

34 Name: Xya : 2013-09-10 22:53 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

>>32 you could use a white shirt, just not show your face and I don't think I have a white shirt either *sheepish*

>>30 great idea!

35 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-11 22:28 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>34 Hm good point. :D
Should we stick to white shirts or have white and black? Opinions?? I can buy a while shirt if that's what we decide.

36 Name: Xya : 2013-09-11 23:53 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

>>35 I think options just because ;) and black also fits the dollars colorless as well

37 Name: Emma : 2013-09-12 16:00 ID:AKq6GJ1p [Del]

ITALIAN DOLLAR$ are ready!! We will be glad to send pictures of our missions,sites and events =)

38 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-13 21:32 ID:eBffvH1m [Del]

>>37 Weee thank you!!

>>36 Alrighty, let's go with WHITE and BLACK shirts, with PHONES out, and your COUNTRY/STATE somewhere in the photo!

I do believe that is it, so now, please send in photos whenever you're ready!

39 Name: G.G : 2013-09-13 22:06 ID:cI5TVna0 [Del]

e.e even if the shirt has patterns, Mio?

40 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-15 00:07 ID:a+XHbtLT [Del]

>>39 Uhm... I think it should be okay, as long as it isn't too noticeable... I dunno, what does everyone else think?

41 Name: Zigzag609 : 2013-09-15 01:40 ID:UNNCahqc [Del]

sounds like a plan man(or lady)

42 Post deleted by user.

43 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-09-15 07:21 ID:F1j2LM/4 [Del]

>>42 your pic should actually go here:

The note of compassion thread still needs these pics so that video can get underway guys.

44 Name: Xya : 2013-09-15 16:34 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

Yay this is getting somewhere :)
>>39>>40 I think that it should be okay it still alows us to have an amount of unity

45 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-17 20:57 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>44 Alright!
Again, do send in pictures, everyone!
Here are the picture requirements >>38

46 Name: KuroNeko : 2013-09-18 23:35 ID:p+eUN1GL [Del]

I'm a little confused. Do we need to also give your email or phone number on the picture or just us with our phones and state?

47 Name: Xya : 2013-09-19 07:23 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

>>46 just a pic of you in a black or white shirt with your user name or real name and the city or state where you live

48 Name: Indigo !QwvqqjMAGc : 2013-09-19 08:21 ID:X2jlPvGN [Del]

I want to do this too >u< this sounds cool. lets actually make this happen. omg. but whose making the youtube channel

49 Name: Sakunya S. : 2013-09-19 11:11 ID:mnE9B2yP [Del]

can we also do something where take a pictures of the dollars doing missions? :D

50 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-19 21:55 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>48 Someone actually made a Youtube account for the Dollars!
So I figured we should just use this :3

>>49 I like the idea! What does everyone else think?

51 Name: Blu3rosephantom : 2013-09-20 08:15 ID:7eDgHIQZ [Del]

Can you set up a private facebook group for this mission as a source where people can receive constant updates and status of this project. It will also be easier to people to maintain and get involved with than a bbs.

52 Name: Xya : 2013-09-20 12:23 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

>>50 wow they did! I am totally subscribing and I think that that would be really awesome

>>49 great idea !

>>51 well I think this might be a good idea (?) but I don't have Facebook and don't know how it works so maybe but I like the bbs (in my opinion)

53 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-20 21:30 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>51>>52 I've never used Facebook either, and I don't feel that I would have time to check and update this thread and a group, haha. However, if someone wants to create a Facebook group for this and is willing to do all of the updating, I would have nothing against that!

54 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-24 16:51 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

Bump (/o^o)/

55 Name: Kanra : 2013-09-24 21:49 ID:M6ttUOzg [Del]

This thread is boss. I'll be willing to chip in a bit of my video if you guys don't mind. Where do I send the file to and howcan I get access to the final product?

56 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-25 20:06 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>55 All files can be sent to :3
The final product will be on the Dollars Youtube, and I shall post the link here!

57 Name: ItzToasty : 2013-09-25 20:30 ID:QiAoUTkk [Del]

I know how to edit videos well as I took 3 years of digital media in high school so if you need some help with that count me in!

58 Name: Hana Maru : 2013-09-26 07:41 ID:z0Cy8j7P [Del]

Where do I sign up?! And maybe we could make the pitures black and whiteto simbalise the no colour thing?

59 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-26 20:13 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>57 Your help would be much appreciated ;w; Thankies

>>58 Sign up by sending in a photo :D
Hummm I dunno, like, black and white photos might set a different tone than what is intended, though the symbolism could be good. Any other opinions?

60 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-29 23:07 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

Please send in photos! Either post them on this thread or send them to! Thank you!

61 Name: UnraisedTrain59 : 2013-09-30 01:53 ID:HkTHXlZX [Del]

>>1 I like your Idea, but except for the picture with a phone how about write dollars in a circle on one hand, and colorless on the other and show that in the picture, and I'll talk to some people about the editing I know some good ones.

62 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-09-30 16:53 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>61 It seems like many people have many different ideas about what they would like in their pictures. How about everyone does whichever idea they like the best? That could keep the video interesting. :3

63 Name: shadow : 2013-09-30 18:10 ID:E94BnHP1 [Del]

Is there like one phone number that every body has that connects us please help

64 Name: shadow : 2013-09-30 19:14 ID:E94BnHP1 (Image: 1280x960 jpg, 185 kb) [Del]

src/1380586465637.jpg: 1280x960, 185 kb
For the video if u whant

65 Name: unraisedtrain59 : 2013-10-01 00:40 ID:KWuUzCNz [Del]

>>62 yrah, in my years of editing idk why I didn't come up with that lol that's perfect.

66 Name: BeefStu : 2013-10-01 03:24 ID:l+XOf2Kp [Del]

So can someone please clarify exactly whats supposed to be in the photo..? theres a lot of conflicting ideas going on lol. im more than willing to contribute, i just need to know what im supposed to be sending in xD thanks!

67 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-01 18:42 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>63 I don't know about a phone number, but thank you for being the first to submit a photo!!

>>66 Haha well... I suppose you could just do a mixture of the following: black or white shirt, phone, where you're from, pictures of what you've done to help people, writing dollars on your hand, or whatever you come up with that feels appropriate!!
But I would really like people to have their country/state in their photos ^^

68 Name: Cocoa : 2013-10-03 05:56 ID:wFZbU1jj [Del]

If I can help.. I can do some subtitling.

69 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-03 21:20 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>68 Oooh subtitling might be interesting.. I wonder how it could be used.. Any ideas?

70 Name: kylor : 2013-10-03 21:38 ID:r3NkoLqE [Del]

Cool,.but 2 problems. 1 the dollars Don't advertise. 2 we haven't done anything. All we do is talk about it. I have heard of small groups doing small things, but that is it.

71 Name: Xya : 2013-10-04 12:30 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

>>70 we I don't really know about that there are a lot of varying opinions about that I think that while this video promotes dollars as a whole I don't think you have to tell the world as a whole that you yourself are a dollar

>>69 maybe we could have what it says on the about us page on the bottom of the screen

>>67 yeah I think for that that you should just read the thread and any ideas that pop up to you you can use

72 Name: HW_Oblivion : 2013-10-05 09:07 ID:0DLhzd+y [Del]

i thought there already were serveral dollar videos out there?

73 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-05 13:08 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>70 Plus, maybe seeing that there are so many dollars from all over will inspire people to take action because they will feel like they are part of a community. I wanted to make this video to make us feel closer and more like a team.

>>72 I haven't heard one like this yet, but if you know of one, can you post a link? Depending on how old it is, maybe we could use another one, since new members join all the time ^^

74 Name: HW_Oblivion : 2013-10-05 14:07 ID:0DLhzd+y [Del]

@Mio-naa right there

75 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-05 15:16 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>74 Oh, thank you! My plan for this video is a little different ^^ I want to actually show our numbers, and how spread out we are, so it seems more like there are real people behind the name.

76 Name: Rabbit : 2013-10-06 17:37 ID:1MIGzhEK [Del]

I will help eventually!

77 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-06 18:28 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>76 lol thanks

78 Name: Hirasawa : 2013-10-07 01:30 ID:rZTDnqBO [Del]

Fantastic idea mio-chan~!

79 Name: Kuro-kun : 2013-10-07 14:03 ID:uXgi7GYE [Del]

That sounds like a great idea! *-*

80 Name: Rabbit : 2013-10-07 18:32 ID:Ylx2NUag [Del]


Hey guys I wanted to tell y'all that I wont be able to log on to line for a bit, my phone bricked on me and I have to get it fixed, so can you guys take care of adding new members in the meantime?

81 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-08 19:27 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>78>>79 Thank you! >w>80 Of course~ ^^

Please submit photos either to this thread or to, thank you! (/owo)/

82 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-10 18:02 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

bump, please submit photos to either this thread or! Thanks!

83 Name: saya!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-10-10 22:48 ID:5+S+UqlQ [Del]

Saya bumps !

84 Name: taka-sama : 2013-10-10 23:26 ID:HRACFrD+ [Del]
in this thread are the images for a video, took these

85 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-12 00:23 ID:aetrQBDU [Del]

>>84 Some people have mentioned that thread, and we decided that we want to go in a different direction with this video, I think. ^^ We're trying to show how spread out across the world we are in order to make the dollars feel more like a global community. :3

86 Name: Rabbit : 2013-10-12 22:08 ID:WfCtfw4k [Del]


87 Name: saya!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-10-13 17:32 ID:MjBdLKMZ [Del]

Will submit pictures soon!! Saya but saya wants to make them needs time

88 Name: ArmandoR : 2013-10-14 00:23 ID:UFb8rDt1 [Del]

This is great but is also a big, BIG project if you want to make it right. To make a good video, we should record ourselves doing Dollars things. I don't like the idea of using still images, unless you use text on those parts. If this project is done right, then we could spread the word of the Dollars enormously. Social networks have power, the Dollars have the potential, we just need all those great minds out there, all those little activists with big heart who want to change the world. So please... make this video great.

89 Name: Tekato : 2013-10-14 12:36 ID:2I9t1abC [Del]


90 Name: Xya : 2013-10-14 22:54 ID:K2MkHMdQ [Del]

>>88 I think we all are gonna try our hardest to make it great so don't worry ;) and that's its an awesome idea to make videos of us doing dollar things you could even make a video of a group of dollars doing something or delivering a message

91 Name: saya!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-10-15 05:02 ID:RY5jti+Y [Del]


92 Name: saya!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-10-15 05:48 ID:RY5jti+Y [Del]


93 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-15 12:22 ID:BZTTlMzu [Del]

>>88 as xya said, we're gunna do the best we can to make this awesome!
I also like the clips of people doing dollars things, so if anyone has video submissions, please send them to! Thanks!

94 Name: Rabbit : 2013-10-16 01:24 ID:UHxpBNsu [Del]


95 Name: ♥Gin-Hime♥ : 2013-10-16 03:59 ID:qv8EbV4O [Del]

Hell yes

96 Post deleted by user.

97 Name: Rabbit !SpPYLd9jdU : 2013-10-17 05:37 ID:/n5gRUV9 [Del]


98 Name: saya!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-10-17 19:39 ID:m5wz9/ZN [Del]


99 Post deleted by user.

100 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-20 14:05 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

Are people still interested? owoU
If so, please send submissions to

101 Name: Rabbit !SpPYLd9jdU : 2013-10-20 20:27 ID:q7qMwWy4 [Del]


102 Name: Kasu : 2013-10-20 21:17 ID:/ML64y0M [Del]

That sounds like fun but i don't think i can be of much help but sounds cool
Give us a link when this happens

103 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-21 11:25 ID:DpbZ0f6/ [Del]

>>102 Of course I'll post a link ^^ thanks!

104 Name: Harumi Usagawa : 2013-10-21 14:57 ID:zZGDv5OW [Del]

IM IN!!! ^^

105 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-21 14:58 ID:DpbZ0f6/ [Del]

>>104 Thanks, Haru! >w<

106 Name: juni : 2013-10-22 11:01 ID:Qmvd4kod [Del]

Me too! This is a great idea :)

107 Name: Kruez : 2013-10-22 14:19 ID:7SseqSf9 [Del]

I'm game.

108 Name: Rabbit !SpPYLd9jdU : 2013-10-22 21:11 ID:ZJWo/f5d [Del]


109 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-24 22:30 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

Okay~ For those that want to contribute, please post pics on this thread or send them to! Thanks!

110 Name: Hannah : 2013-10-25 09:35 ID:U1QT8JB2 [Del]

I wanna do it! XD

111 Name: K,O.s : 2013-10-25 17:53 ID:jNOOnPBt [Del]

This is awesome and I wanna join in

also could I suggest that we require everyone something to do like dancing certain moves to a particular song that would suit the Dollars?

112 Name: Tatsuo !hylilKS3pw : 2013-10-26 14:29 ID:SBxJ7eGj [Del]

I'm in I'll try to make a picture that looks cool soon

113 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-26 18:48 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>111 ooooh that's a cool idea! It would be a lot of work, though, so I would need people to help with choreography and song choice and stuff owo
On a related note, I think a dollars version of "Smiling Together" would be cool, but that should probably be a separate video o3o

114 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-10-29 23:19 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

If you're interested, please submit photos either to this thread or to! Thanks!

115 Name: McSloth : 2013-10-30 02:25 ID:RgyMs4tX [Del]

This is very interesting, to say the least. I want to help make it work! If you would like effect, i could maybe ask a friend, he makes youtube video's? I don't know if he has time for it though...

What kind of picture does it have to be?

116 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-11-01 16:29 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>115 If he could help that would be great!
I think the general consensus for the photo is having your phone out, wearing either black or white, and having the name of your country in the photo

>>113 we could maybe do something like "Where the Hell is Matt?"

117 Post deleted by user.

118 Post deleted by user.

119 Name: Rabbit !SpPYLd9jdU : 2013-11-01 20:23 ID:ZLHErjVa [Del]


120 Name: Shiro : 2013-11-02 12:24 ID:XjBuq+EB (Image: 640x480 jpg, 60 kb) [Del]

src/1383413098019.jpg: 640x480, 60 kb
I really'd like to take part on it. Here's my pic.

121 Name: Anonymous : 2013-11-02 12:51 ID:Hr6unKvf [Del]

dollars suck

122 Name: shiro : 2013-11-02 18:22 ID:auZu4pdk [Del]

Anonymous you suck were trying to help the world and you hate us well done!

123 Name: Gill Morgan : 2013-11-02 18:28 ID:qFDg6AUE [Del]

easy solution, just delete their post, people like that don't deserve to be read.

124 Name: Crimson XD : 2013-11-02 18:31 ID:9Rqb6pYM [Del]


125 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-11-02 19:44 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>120 Thank you so much!

Everyone, please remember submit photos~

126 Name: Mikoto : 2013-11-03 13:37 ID:ocsJDgM+ (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 159 kb) [Del]

src/1383507472273.jpg: 1280x720, 159 kb
Hey I want in on this, great idea.

127 Name: Mikoto : 2013-11-03 13:43 ID:ocsJDgM+ (Image: 1280x720 jpg, 153 kb) [Del]

src/1383507789848.jpg: 1280x720, 153 kb
Idk why that picture didn't work but here is this one I think haha.

128 Name: Gill Morgan : 2013-11-03 14:14 ID:qFDg6AUE (Image: 1080x720 jpg, 218 kb) [Del]

src/1383509699437.jpg: 1080x720, 218 kb
I hope this is ok even though I'm not doing anything.

129 Name: Anonymous : 2013-11-04 12:40 ID:DpbZ0f6/ [Del]

>>128>>127 Thank you!!

>>128>>127>>120>>64 To everyone who has submitted pictures, can you tell me what country you're from? If you want it to remain a secret that's fine too ^^

130 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-11-04 12:41 ID:DpbZ0f6/ [Del]

>>129 oopsies, forgot to put my name, haha!

131 Name: Mikoto : 2013-11-04 13:47 ID:ocsJDgM+ [Del]

Canada, Southern Ontario to be exact aha.

132 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-11-05 20:04 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

>>131 thanks a bunch~!

133 Name: Mio-naa !BgJWCNy4tE : 2013-11-07 20:01 ID:vJlJ89fR [Del]

please submit photos either here or to, and try to include your country with your photo~ thanks! ^^
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