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Operation: Afterlife Appreciation (49)

1 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-13 19:15 ID:kuQF0EKu (Image: 500x333 png, 372 kb) [Del]

src/1350173722144.png: 500x333, 372 kb
This mission only applies to those of you near underappreciated cemetaries. In my area, there are many large, old cemetaries, and they're really not appreciated. Nobody leaves flowers on the older graves. The kids go around and bust up the tombstones; they rarely get fixed or have any mind paid to them. Busy streets have been built around them, and there's nobody that really cares. This mission focuses on giving attention to these types of cemetaries.

There are many things you can do to help appreciate the dead when it comes to a graveyard:

Cleaning Tombstones
Often, tombstones that aren't visited are very dirty. Sometimes, there is so much dirt, pollen, dust, and moss caked on them that you can't even read what they say. Bring a few towels and some cleaning fluid and clean them up.

Revealing Tombstones
In older cemetaries, a lot of tombstones have been half-buried in dirt, covered with leaves, or just are so hidden in the brush that most people don't notice them. Take a small shovel or rounded trowel and remove the dirt that's covering it. Bring sizzors or using your hands to cut/rip any tall grasses around it.

Fixing Tombstones
When it comes to tombstones, only the person who made it or a professional can really fix it up properly. However, even civilians can line up broken pieces so they can be read. If it is broke in half, lie the broken part down on the ground in front of the part that isn't. If it is a tombstone that originally laid parallel the ground or is one that has been completely broken, put the pieces together. You don't want it to look like this. Rather, try to keep them as close together as possible so it's more like one cohesive piece. If you're up to it, you may want to use a small shovel/trowel to dig up the area so you can lay it properly in the dirt.

Note: Tombstones are very heavy. They're often made of concrete, stone, or marble - all of which are obnoxiously heavy materials. If you want to be serious about fixing them, you either need to be strong or should bring a friend with you.

Laying Flowers
I'm not saying that you should go out and buy twelve dozen roses. However, you can bring a basket or bag and collect wildflowers. Place one on every grave (or rather, as many as you can; some cemetaries are very large). You might want to do this in sections. Mark off areas in your head where you want to place them. Once a week, come back and put flowers on a different area.

Unseen Sections.
In cemetaries near areas of woods, there are often older sections partially hidden a bit into the wooded areas. Bring a piece of wood, a long nail, a hammer, and a marker. Leave a sign on a nearby tree that says there are more graves. You might even want to get any large rocks nearby and line a path to the area if it's farther in.

Cleaning Up
When it comes to underappreciated cemetaries, the owners generally aren't concerned with cleaning up the older parts. If it has snowed, clear out any paths the owner doesn't clear. If fall has taken it's toll, rake the leaves away from the tombs. Pick up any trash you see lying around. If there aren't any trash cans in the actual cemetary, consider talking to the owner and suggesting he/she should get some to avoid littering.

If you decide to do any of these, please share your story! I'll be doing it soon, as well, and I'll be posting pictures with my progress.

2 Name: Zeckarias !LoWvdc0uhQ : 2012-10-14 12:22 ID:dqwgI4J4 [Del]


3 Name: Dex W !Fye50yuec6 : 2012-10-14 12:25 ID:8M87Hgo2 [Del]

BUMP... No but seriously, I love this thread, and this idea.

4 Name: Hatsuyo : 2012-10-14 14:51 ID:nAMOiqs0 [Del]

I'm near a large cemetery, but I wouldn't say it's unappreciated. People are there at least once a week and there are usually flowers by a lot of tombstones, but I guess the tomb stones are a little dirty. Though, I don't think I'm allowed to go there without supervision. ._.

5 Name: dxb!!1iXgfdW/ : 2012-10-14 21:44 ID:REIAL2un [Del]


6 Name: Shizuka : 2012-10-14 22:53 ID:3Mu6HBGb [Del]

I'll try to see if I can do this. (I'm a minor so I'd have to bring my mum)

7 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-14 23:01 ID:wsrlumAh [Del]

>>6 ...wat? /alsominor

You don't need your parents with you to go to a cemetary :I

8 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-17 17:27 ID:NyEm/iGx [Del]


9 Name: SlackMaster : 2012-10-17 18:37 ID:5i4i4/OI [Del]

I like this. I'm unsure of any cemeteries around my place, but I'm definitely going to keep this in mind when I visit one.

10 Name: Zenmaru !gm30xS/oUU : 2012-10-17 21:28 ID:p0aN+/Y5 [Del]

This is a pretty sweet idea. x3 Kind of like what SlackMaster said, I do happen to know of a cemetary, but it's very far from where I live. x.x; If I'm ever around there, and I happen to have the materials, perhaps. ^^

11 Name: SlackMaster : 2012-10-17 22:11 ID:5i4i4/OI [Del]

I feel like a good idea, also, would be to pay respects to the deceased. Drop some flowers by their stones, as well. Even if they look nice and visited, it would be a surprise for the people related to the person who passed.

12 Name: KeiKei~Chan : 2012-10-19 23:05 ID:KGki31pl [Del]


13 Name: D. MacBane : 2012-10-22 01:34 ID:jJxyYXM0 [Del]

My girlfriend and I live close to a cemetery which does get quite a bit of attention on its own but there are a few graves way in the back that have been a bit neglected. We're going sometime this week to clean them up. Thanks for the idea.

14 Name: Lyn : 2012-11-26 14:26 ID:7o3xfLZQ [Del]


a cemetery (especially one that is mostly abandoned) will not have many people/witnesses around. there will be secluded areas and hidden corners. this, combined with a bad area, will make the perfect site for abduction. i'd say, if you're a minor, don't go alone. bring at least a friend if not your parent. and tell someone where you're going.
sorry if i sound paranoid. i've just had so many close calls in my area even in populated places beside busy streets, being chased etc. i wouldn't dream of going somewhere like that alone

15 Name: KowaiNeko : 2012-11-27 09:54 ID:yHO2sj0T [Del]

That picture makes me really angry!! Probably cause that's going to be my line of work one day.
The cemeterys around my area are pretty well kept, but I'll keep this in mind. It's a great idea!

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Post deleted by user.

18 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-11-29 08:18 ID:4jrJccyO [Del]

Thanks to Sandy, a lot of our cemeteries are being taken care of a bit better (lots of damage from it that has to be cleared away, which will hopefully bring attention to the other issues). If not, I'll continue this ^o^

>>15 Thank you :o

>>14 You must live in a really bad area, then, because most 'abductors' don't frequent cemeteries. I'm confronted by weirdos on the streets and in stores constantly, and I've been tailed by screw-heads before, but I've yet to see such weirdos in these cemeteries. Cemeteries are one of the safe zones around here.

If you're that worried, then sure, bring someone along, but it's not anymore dangerous than taking a long stroll through the woods :I

And if you think it's dangerous to take a long stroll through the woods alone... Then I have no words and hope you only feel that way because you haven't experienced it yourself before. I'd say that walking more than a mile on a somewhat busy road is more dangerous than either of those things :|

I don't want to be responsible for anyone getting hurt, though, so if your area is bad, go ahead and bring a friend along. I suggested bringing a friend in the first place, anyway :o

19 Name: AliceW : 2012-11-29 08:41 ID:8Zi7CMkI [Del]

Me and a friend of mine (Dollar too) live right next to a cemetery. Alhough it's pretty well kept there are many graves abandoned - without anyone cleaning them up. I had this in mind for a while but this reminded me of it. We're definitely gonna do something. At least clean up leaves and garbage, lay a few flowers or visit the graves on the list of Not paid for (these are going to be destroye if noone pays for the work on them which is a terrifying thing)

20 Name: road 8!SE9y3GiU.k : 2012-11-29 14:51 ID:h9cFm6ME [Del]

hey, I just wanted to say that what you guys are doing is really great! :)

21 Name: Anima : 2012-11-29 19:42 ID:p2Ec14Wx [Del]

Where I live, there aren't any cemeteries close by, but when I get a chance I'm going to do as much cleaning as I possibly can.
Though, I really do wish some people could respect those who have passed on.

22 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-17 15:49 ID:kcQmetIE [Del]

I'm trying to get friends to do it with me this weekend. Will post pictures ;o

23 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-04-16 20:11 ID:dq/AnhJ0 [Del]

>>22 You never posted pictures, Bunny.

24 Name: Reggie : 2013-04-17 00:44 ID:YMyiZCLm [Del]


25 Name: Kruez : 2013-04-17 06:31 ID:jVHgUoLM [Del]

Will do

26 Name: Magnolia : 2013-04-17 06:38 ID:rxK2lRBy [Del]

...What would be the point in this? They're dead. They're not even a "they". They're gone, and cemeteries are used as an earthly reminder for loved ones that this person existed. Almost like putting up "John Doe Was Here" on a tombstone. Though these tombs being busted up is a horrible thing, but if "nobody really cares", what's the point? Unless you're a believer of restless souls due to disturbed resting grounds, I don't see the point in this.

27 Name: Reggie : 2013-04-17 09:03 ID:vxy4aIoj [Del]

>>24 You do it out of fucking respect. Or so your town doesn't look shitty.

Are you really this fucking stupid or are you going for a gimmick?
Either way, you make me sick to the back of my teeth.
Check your fucking privilege, newfag.

28 Name: Magnolia : 2013-04-17 09:21 ID:rxK2lRBy [Del]

1) I'm not new.
2) you used the wrong number.
3) I've never heard of a place deemed as "shitty" because their cemetery doesn't look neat.

My beliefs are different from you all. I was asking all of you the point in this so I could get your point of view.
Throughout Reggie's spew of curses and nonsense, I still deciphered his point. Anyone else like to share? I'd like to do this, but I just don't see how it woud make a difference. Also, people are really sensitive over these things. What if you're cleaning a grave as someone arrives and they get mad at you for touching their parents'children/siblings tombstone?

29 Name: Magnolia : 2013-04-17 09:22 ID:rxK2lRBy [Del]

parents/children/siblings *

30 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-04-17 15:15 ID:6oi9RF/L [Del]

>>28 If you want to rule out the spiritual or cultural respect aspect that makes up the backbone of this project, there's still a few good reasons.

But first off, I find it disingenuous that you, knowing full well that cultural aspect of it, worded your response in a blatantly baiting manner. It does you a disservice to word something in a vitriolic manner and then discredit someone's tone when they are justly offended, regardless of your stance.

At any rate, this is a public service. I would argue that many people do, in fact, care about it. As earthly reminders of one's existence, people who gave a damn about that person pre-death would likely appreciate that their remembrance be presented respectably by not being buried in dirt or skewed.

But you make a point - unless there is someone specifically employed to tend to the grave site (I'm not sure if this is a real profession), the legitimacy of this is somewhat in question. Though, honestly, unless they are irrational or still grieving, I don't think any rational-minded person would mind their loved-one's gravestone being polished.

This project is a matter of discretion. As far as I know, this isn't technically illegal, so endorsing it here isn't really a problem.

31 Name: Magnolia : 2013-04-17 15:53 ID:rxK2lRBy [Del]

>>30 True, I read it over and it did seem "baiting". Wasn't my intention, I was just curious as what would be the point. My bluntness was rude and I should've been more respectful, so I apologize to those I've offended.

Now on to the rest, maybe you're right about people not minding, but a cemetery is the greatest reminder of death and loss, so irrationality is usually abound. I got yelled at cuz I was just STANDING in front of someone else's grave. I didn't mean to. I was just there because I wandered off. And that person had died years ago. (shrugs)

Just be careful guys. This isn't normal, and the majority of people here are young, some aren't even at adult age yet, and visitors or security guards of the grave sites will question you, because young folk hanging at grave sites look suspicious. Especially if you live in the ghettos. Just be wary of that.

32 Name: sean king : 2013-04-17 21:16 ID:SM6xkfqD [Del]

people may form false opinoins if you go into a cemitary with a shovel. other than that, i think that you have the right idea. good job.

33 Name: Yuuma : 2013-04-18 05:41 ID:+2sf7xW3 [Del]

mhmmm! really nice indeed~!

34 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-17 11:09 ID:2O3c5RwD [Del]


35 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-30 16:16 ID:2O3c5RwD [Del]


36 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-27 18:43 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]


37 Name: Setten : 2014-05-27 19:19 ID:zSIa5431 [Del]

Good idea! I'll do that i i find any cemeteries in bad conditions near me

38 Name: Chrome!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-05-27 20:47 ID:xsUX6pPf [Del]

I will try and do that kind of thing but I never really see cemeterys like that around my area. Thanks for the suggestion.

39 Name: Freenix : 2014-05-27 23:25 ID:rt2kYMhF [Del]

This is such a creative and spiritual endevour... I am so in!!!! :D

I think I will do this daily for a month or two, and then try to hold a seance in the cemetary. The spirits of the dead will surely be happy with me, cleaning and caring for their home when the rest of the world forgot... It is also a great way to gain karma!!!! xD

40 Name: Eliaharu Shinyama : 2014-05-28 03:39 ID:uNeJarQ+ [Del]

Woah, good idea. I might try doing it when I found one. ^^ Also to give respect to the dead. OwO)b

41 Name: Minitiny : 2014-05-28 08:55 ID:apt/FMyZ [Del]

Respect for the dead! D::D Amazing! and heart warming!

42 Post deleted by user.

43 Name: V-Kun : 2014-05-28 19:39 ID:JtCPqfE3 [Del]

I am surprised that kids are doing things like this in your neighborhood and I am very glad that you have decided to do something to help. If I ever happen to run into a cemetery that has lost its respect from people, I would be more than happy to help. Thanks for the idea!

44 Name: dollars51914 !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2014-06-06 01:32 ID:BWFf2ACX [Del]

This is a cool idea.!

45 Name: REBEL t(-_-t) : 2014-06-09 07:26 ID:4s7B8pRt [Del]

Great... And this also adds 10+ creepiness to your Character

46 Name: Max Kamil : 2014-06-10 18:11 ID:pJd8oFuR [Del]


47 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-11 16:08 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]


48 Name: Mimi Orihara : 2014-07-13 07:21 ID:NWDQ5kuT [Del]

I would help if I lived near any cemetaries but sadly I dont and i'd like to visit those who no longer have any family in the area....

49 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-11 09:09 ID:ALUBVVna [Del]
