Dollars BBS | Missions




















Operation: Lost Voices (84)

1 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-01 18:50 ID:y1c/DGpI (Image: 800x560 jpg, 243 kb) [Del]

src/1338594637242.jpg: 800x560, 243 kb
Well, guys, the 2011-2012 school year is ending. Summer is a time of fun and often responsibilities. However, it is also a time of planning for what will be done with the 2012-2013 school year. For a long lasting school club to be formed, it's best to register it at the beginning of the year.

The goal of this Mission is to raise the confidence level of your fellow students and performers. How? By making a Concert Club. Most modern concerts are fun and lively, and that is what you will be making. The Concert Club would first need experienced students in various fields, and then it would very openly welcome amateurs. You want to help teach the amateurs and make everyone feel welcome. You want to boost everyone's confidence with a lively, accepting atmosphere.

What kind of people do you need?

  • A Teacher

  • In most schools, in order to have a club, you have to have a representative who works in the school who will supervise. The best thing to do is to go find the e-mail directory on your school site and ask the teachers who you think may/may not be interested. If school hasn't let out yet and you really are interested in doing this, then type up a "Letter of Intent" that describes the club and it's goals. Give it to the teachers you think may or may not be interested, and ask them to think about it for next year. Make sure it is written properly; you may want to ask a friend to proof-read it and definitely spell check.
  • Singers

  • You can't really have a modern concert without singers. Your first members should be one or two members of Chorus who know what they're doing. Their job will be to kindly teach the amateurs who join how singing works. They can't be condenscending about this job. If they are, kick them out.
  • Performers

  • These are the people that you pick up at the talent show and go, "Wow." I suggest dancers, cheer leaders, actors, twirlers, et cetera. Even if they're not great, if you can find someone to be their senior, they can learn.
  • Designers

  • If you're going to do it, do it right. Making a concert isn't just about the talent on stage - you need people behind the scenes, too. Designers will be a big part of that. They're the people who are in charge of the costumes/outfits onstage and decorations. It's best to have one or two people with this as their designated job rather than have it as just a side job, because it really is an important factor.
  • Writers

  • If you want to be really impressive, you'll want writers. Writers create lyrics and come up with the general ideas of the songs. They also write out the important letters, advertisements, et cetera. The writer will probably double as the announcer.
  • Musicians

  • Musicians can be on-stage or off-stage for this. In fact, don't be afraid to be creative with the music and set up of the musicians. Pre-recording the music and playing it for the event isn't that bad if it's high quality, but never lipsynch for this type of thing. The goal isn't to make people look good - it's to make people feel good. If you can't really find great musicians who can't work together at first, the world won't end if you have your singers cover songs. However, it's still more interesting for you to make your own music, and you should try to get musicians eventually.
  • Lights/Music Operators

  • In order to get the atmosphere, you're going to want a good light coordinator. In most schools, there are two or three students who are trusted to do the stage lights. Go to the school's other band/chorus concerts and talk to the guys/girls on lights after the show. Ask them to join. They don't have to be an active member; you can just tell them the dates and explain how you want the lighting to work.

There are many more steps as you go. Start with finding a teacher. Once you find a teacher willing to host it, ask your guidance counselor for information about how to apply for a club. Usually, your principal, guidance counselor, and supervising teacher have to sign off for a new club to start. Try to choose a date when there are late buses but no chorus/band practice (if possible) for you to meet up on. I suggest two meetings a week and special meeting for rehearsals and such, but most clubs are only allowed one. Check with your counselor for this information, as well as how far in advanced you have to reserve the stage. (If your school doesn't have a stage, then the gym IS a possible choice, but honestly, this mission probably isn't for you if you lack a stage with proper lighting.) Often, you have to reserve 1-2 months in advanced, so you want to reserve early, but make sure you've got enough people and will be ready by that date for whatever you're doing. Be sure to advertise the club around school, especially as concerts/shows get near.

There are a lot of technicalities, but if done right, this could be an enjoyable mission for all parties involved and really help some of the more self conscious students. Make sure it is known that /anyone/ is welcome to join and that tutoring sessions with experienced members are always offered for those who aren't really confident.

Well, enjoy! Good luck. I know it's a more difficult mission, but I hope that at least a few of you are up to it :) Share your progress with us if you do it~

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-02 16:41 ID:y1c/DGpI [Del]

>mfw I have to bump a Mission before it gets one comment.

Com'on, guys... it's not THAT hard.

3 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-03 12:26 ID:y1c/DGpI [Del]

^ Somebody comment... ;~;

4 Name: Siochain : 2012-06-04 02:20 ID:UR/rHf8a [Del]

I'd like to do this, only problem is this: Schools require you to have a sort of heirarchy. You know, president, vp, secretary, treasurer. How do you think this could be accomplished if that's true?

5 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-06-04 02:57 ID:YMyiZCLm [Del]

I wish I was still in school. e.e

6 Name: atsuko : 2012-06-04 02:58 ID:1oHVJ0D1 [Del]

this is kinna hard :/ since we already have one (club) like this at university. . and it's hard to organize a concert here..

but i like to have this mission to be done by others..this is good

7 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-06-04 03:05 ID:YMyiZCLm [Del]


8 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-04 04:04 ID:y1c/DGpI [Del]

>>4 ...what kind of fucked up school do you go to? For a club? :| We're not making a sport, and this isn't student counsel.

Just designate people that way on your application papers for the club. The only one that matters would be the President (you) and the Treasurer (whover you can trust to deal with the funding). The others are useless and just for bragging rights, which have no business with this club. Just name a friend as VP and another as Secretary.

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-04 04:05 ID:y1c/DGpI [Del]

>>6 Is it a good club?
>>5 D:

10 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-06-05 08:48 ID:eWPEBJfh [Del]

Bump! I'm going to try to do this next year, as well <3 Depends, though. I have a couple clubs I want to make, and only two days where I can have them.

11 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-05 17:42 ID:SHH1cJSr [Del]


12 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-06-05 17:52 ID:AjY+PDOY [Del]


13 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-05 21:03 ID:JNE4I1Fw [Del]


14 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 20:49 ID:uAxJO5Qa [Del]

;O Anyone?

15 Name: Nunyah : 2012-06-07 20:54 ID:5OW5sQCw [Del]

This is a stupid mission and really does not benefit anyone.

16 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:00 ID:uAxJO5Qa [Del]

>>15 Good for you. More importantly, it's weird that your ID suddenly decided to change now after all those threads where it stayed the same... :/ Are you on a different computer/phone?

17 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:01 ID:uAxJO5Qa [Del]

Also, stop samefagging, again, Bryan/Nunyah/EmoGirl.

18 Post deleted by user.

19 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:22 ID:uAxJO5Qa [Del]

>>18 It's when you change your name and pretend to be different people x|

20 Name: Bryan : 2012-06-07 21:26 ID:5OW5sQCw [Del]

I'm not emogirl o.o. My grammar is not that horrendous.

21 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:28 ID:uAxJO5Qa [Del]

>>20 Then why did you post as Nunyan?

22 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:29 ID:uAxJO5Qa [Del]

>>21 Nunyah*
It's further proof that you deleted >>18 after I confronted you about it.

23 Name: Bryan : 2012-06-07 21:32 ID:5OW5sQCw [Del]

I did it for teh lulz to be honest. I just copied the name from a random thread hating on you because I think this is a stupid idea.

24 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:44 ID:uAxJO5Qa [Del]

>>23 So, you're just a dumbfuck?

If you think it's stupid, explain why. Don't just go, "It's stupid!" without any support. Otherwise, your comment is pointless and nobody will care. Not to mention that you're opinions are pretty much null & void the second you samefag, for lulz or not.

25 Name: Bryan : 2012-06-07 21:48 ID:5OW5sQCw [Del]

Yes, yes I am a dumbfuck.

And the reason why I think this mission is stupid because IMO it doesn't really fit with the dollars message. This "mission's" aim to inspire amateur performers aswell as professional ones. While it is a nice idea, it doesn't really seem to fit with the dollars' goal to make the world a better place. I was hasty in calling it stupid. Rather, I think it is unfitting to be on here.

26 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:52 ID:uAxJO5Qa [Del]

>>25 The missions goal is to raise self-esteem, as is the goal of many other missions here. You don't have to "change the world" in one foul swoop - you help people little by little to help make their lives better.

27 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 21:52 ID:uAxJO5Qa [Del]

>>26 This mission's*

28 Name: Bryan : 2012-06-07 21:55 ID:5OW5sQCw [Del]

I guess I can understand your goal. And perhaps by implementing such a club, one can use it as an avenue for fundraising for charities or other such venues. This is actually an interesting idea which I misconstrued, and for that, I beg your forgiveness.

29 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 22:04 ID:uAxJO5Qa [Del]

No need to beg :V I don't care if you agree or not. I would just appreciate it if you formed your opinions better and didn't pretend to be a troll.

As you like. The club could end up having quite a few uses, although it's main use right now is to make students feel accepted, have fun, and raise their confidence levels ;O

30 Name: Bryan : 2012-06-07 22:10 ID:5OW5sQCw [Del]

Duly noted.

There is actually a club in my school similar to the one you are proposing, though it focuses more on having people express themselves via art, dancing, beatboxing, free-styling etc. It's actually quite active and has held quite a few fundraisers for various purposes. Your idea is actually quite meaningful and can be adapted for various purposes.

31 Name: Link : 2012-06-08 13:58 ID:69aiP0Gw [Del]

Post 29 reply: barabi, he is not a troll, you are, almost every thread that you comment on is negative unless its your own.

32 Name: Bryan : 2012-06-08 17:42 ID:5OW5sQCw [Del]

While I thank you for the support, I am a troll. Barabisama actually does a lot for the dollars and really is trying to make this place better.

33 Name: aerietigre!!qz+w89r1 : 2012-06-08 18:02 ID:Z+Rv3PDc [Del]

>>31: >>32 is right. Barabi-chan is extremely dedicated to keeping the boards clean and running smoothly, eliminating redundancies and correcting people who break the rules - even if she is a bit brash about it.

Also, you might want to read the FAQ. You seem to be new, as you typed "Post 29 reply:" rather than >>29.

34 Name: aerietigre!!qz+w89r1 : 2012-06-08 18:07 ID:Z+Rv3PDc [Del]

>>26 I think the term is "one fell swoop." ^^; Unimportant, but it was nagging at me.

35 Name: Unimon : 2012-06-08 21:27 ID:57tvZKWD [Del]

But what if some people want to boost their self esteem via this club but their don't have the courage to first of all join the club
and >>34 it was kind of nagging me too

36 Name: Link : 2012-06-09 12:06 ID:69aiP0Gw [Del]

He may do allot for the dollars but he also does allot to be a douche bag. reply to post 32

37 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-09 16:13 ID:SHH1cJSr [Del]

1. Barabi is a girl (not important but just for future reference)
2. A lot, not allot (sorry it was bugging me)
3. Bunny does not try to be a douche bag. She simply has lost patience for people who try to troll or don't know where things go. Perhaps she could have said things a bit more nicely, but that is unimportant. Bunny just tries to keep things organized.

38 Name: atsuko : 2012-06-09 18:15 ID:hDIPWMVX [Del]

>>9 lol sorry very late reply. uhm yes, they're active..i can suggest this mission though.. or maybe should i join them? *chills

>>36 she's not a he.. oh.. c'mon. don't be childish link,if she said mean things to you, you must keep it in yourself..try to understand, she's stating her opinion,and she just want to keep this site organized.

39 Name: TheTwitchingShadow : 2012-06-10 09:35 ID:LVHaqHF/ [Del]

I like this idea. I know a few people who don't think they have talent, and I think my school could use this.

40 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-10 16:21 ID:BwEaIDip [Del]

>>34 I was always told it was foul, not fell. I looked it up, though, and you're right :O I've been typing it wrong for a while lol I originally thought it was "fowl" (since it's a bird-related term), but then I Googled it and it said it was spelt one foul swoop. I looked at further searches, though, and it's definitely fell.

>>35 That's why the way you invite people is important. You say it is open to amateurs and that they will not be judged for their skill level. Again, anyone that even tries to be obnoxious (beyond normal criticism) about someone's abilities is to be immediately kicked out of the club. It's not that kind of place. This isn't chorus class lol

>>38 You should try ;O It sounds like fun, and it's preorganized for you.

>>37 Dude? I don't lose my patience because they're trolls. In case you haven't noticed, this is how I normally talk to everybody :| Everything I say just comes out ten times harsher when it's typed, and twelve year old idiots who have never been properly scolded or received criticism automatically take it as a full-on attackk. I'm naturally blunt, but my voice and the way I act makes it better offline. Online, though, it's easy for people to see me as a douchebag unless I add lots of obnoxiously happy looking emoticons to my posts, which I try to avoid here. I don't care unless they start spamming other threads about it, which Link is. Link is rude, immature, and hasn't even read the FAQ. His opinions don't matter, and I don't see why you guys are wasting your time responding to him. He's the equivalent to a small scale spammer at this point.

41 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-10 16:22 ID:BwEaIDip [Del]

>>40 attack*

42 Name: atsuko : 2012-06-10 18:18 ID:NVfYeDH7 [Del]

>>41 i'm not good at singin @_@ but i could atleast play some .. i'll give it a try :D

43 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-10 18:33 ID:ecUrNX+M [Del]

>>42 Well, why not? ;D Good luck~

44 Name: Midoriwolff : 2012-06-11 17:35 ID:xQmdkZhJ (Image: 566x600 jpg, 54 kb) [Del]

src/1339454137724.jpg: 566x600, 54 kb
Whoever can make the funniest comedy manga between 4-8 manga wins. This can be original characters and story concepts, or fan fiction of another manga. Here's an example of one from Durarara!!

45 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-11 17:52 ID:qD2bc7/W [Del]

>>44 Obligatory: Fuck you. Get your shit out of my thread.

46 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-11 17:52 ID:qD2bc7/W [Del]


47 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-11 17:52 ID:qD2bc7/W [Del]


Everyone, please ignore >>44.

48 Name: Ambergon : 2012-06-12 08:17 ID:nokHoLkU [Del]

This is an Ok mission idea, but quick question...

What was wrong with 44?

49 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-12 09:37 ID:Cklt6/7T [Del]

>>48 It's completely unrelated. >>44 was trying to hijack my thread (as he/she has tried to hijack other threads with it) to advertise that unorganized contest. This thread is only for discussing >>1, not for people to post random unrelated shit. It is rude and uncalled for.

50 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-02 19:39 ID:5VIHoUB3 [Del]


51 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-04 10:21 ID:5VIHoUB3 [Del]


52 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-05 09:18 ID:LuK1ea7w [Del]


53 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-10 14:16 ID:7QSpvHS3 [Del]


54 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-10 14:20 ID:7QSpvHS3 [Del]


55 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-07-10 18:07 ID:TELP+TJm [Del]

BarabiSama is a bitch

56 Name: unknown : 2012-07-10 23:00 ID:nkxp/3b0 [Del]

Bitch stop criticizing people you little bitch and screw the motther fucking school. Go eat a dick.

57 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-11 01:50 ID:7QSpvHS3 [Del]

>>56 Please don't feed the trolls.

58 Name: DN : 2012-07-11 12:29 ID:kL6z3aKt [Del]

I have something like this at my school. I can still help though, by getting more people involved with it! :)

59 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-11 13:55 ID:7QSpvHS3 [Del]

Alright ^^ Good luck~

60 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-07-30 00:21 ID:fbBTbvNR [Del]


61 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-01 09:48 ID:W1mbvZgK [Del]


62 Post deleted by user.

63 Name: Think !!xr+Jrf4I : 2012-08-05 20:37 ID:Nr7ocpwU [Del]

>>61 I just want to say that it was rather hilarious reading though this delightful thread of yours. Anyways I think your idea is good.

64 Post deleted by user.

65 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-05 20:39 ID:EkYGvNx7 [Del]

>>63 Yerp. The majority of the conversations in this thread are unrelated to the first post xI I admit, they are funny to read over.

Also, thank you~ I like this idea, but I don't know how many people are willing to put in the effort it calls for. Running a club can be pretty annoying, so I don't blame people for not doing it; still, I hope at least a few people try it out :O

66 Name: Caramelkiller : 2012-08-05 20:45 ID:GYjM3ibj [Del]

I would like to try this mission too it's really interesting and I think people will like the idea but we sort of low oof budget and lots of problems = =;

67 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-08-05 21:02 ID:/PqVNX/z [Del]

This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. Let it die! Let it die! Let it die!

68 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-08-05 21:04 ID:/PqVNX/z [Del]

This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. Let it die! Let it die! Let it die!

69 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-08-05 21:04 ID:/PqVNX/z [Del]

This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. Let it die! Let it die! Let it die!

70 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-05 21:04 ID:EkYGvNx7 [Del]

>>66 Well, what kind of stage features does your school have? The only thing you should really have to pay for is costumes and stage decor.

71 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-08-05 21:07 ID:/PqVNX/z [Del]

This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. Let it die! Let it die! Let it die!

72 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-08-05 21:07 ID:/PqVNX/z [Del]

This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. Let it die! Let it die! Let it die!

73 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-08-05 21:07 ID:/PqVNX/z [Del]

This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. Let it die! Let it die! Let it die!

74 Name: Think !!xr+Jrf4I : 2012-08-05 21:36 ID:Nr7ocpwU [Del]


Ha, no problem.

And yes, running a group or an organization is extremely hard. I mean I personally run three different clubs, not including my organization called Phoenix which I know I've mentioned in one way or another before. But yea I have well over 30 members at the moment. And that might not sound like a large number, but when you actually see all of them and you have to instruct the people you tend to want to give up. But I hope that you don't as I do have some respect for you and what you're trying to do is great to say the least. Raising people's confidence through art and speech is a thing that we sadly don't see often anymore. Keep up the good work ^

>>73 Please shut the fuck up. Your name alone is rude and pathetic, then you post the same ridiculous thing every-time you open your pitiful mouth and we have to look at your sad "input" to get to the actual conversation(s). Mods, please remove this fool.

75 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-05 22:12 ID:EkYGvNx7 [Del]

>>74 I have some experience with running an organization a friend of mine runs. Just trying to get everyone on the same page at times makes you want to pull your hair out =o=

I think that art is the best medium to go through to increase confidence. It's the type of thing that you can always learn and show off. Even if you're not great right now, you can always learn, and it's the type of thing that you can easily showcase. Not just traditional art, but all types - audio, performance, literal, and visual arts are all a huge part of life. Everyone has potential somewhere in there.

Regarding that last part, I repeat: please don't feed the trolls. Ignore GHF.

76 Name: Think !!xr+Jrf4I : 2012-08-05 22:23 ID:Nr7ocpwU [Del]

>>75 Lol, I know what you mean. Sometimes you just want to choke someone. But you just have to move forward.

And yea art will always be (or at least can be) a part of every persons life. No matter who you are or where you come from, we all have this one thing in common. Art has to with everything are daily lives it seems. And yea I'm with you on that art is a major part of my life. I am mostly a writer, photographer, speaker however.

77 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-08-06 13:45 ID:32snHDgj [Del]

This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. Let it die! Let it die! Let it die!

78 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-08-06 13:46 ID:32snHDgj [Del]

This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. Let it die! Let it die! Let it die!

79 Name: GodHatesFags!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2012-08-06 13:46 ID:32snHDgj [Del]

This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. This little thread of yours, im ganna let it die. Let it die! Let it die! Let it die!

80 Name: cody : 2012-08-06 17:53 ID:wygShdDt [Del]

>79 does it really make u feel better about ur self when u hate on other people? also if god does hate fags then i dont want to meet him.

81 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-06 19:15 ID:EkYGvNx7 [Del]

>>80 Please don't feed the trolls. Ignore it.

82 Name: anubis !AnUBiS6/LQ : 2012-08-06 20:33 ID:HtUNmK9h [Del]

awesomesauce bump

83 Name: anubis !AnUBiS6/LQ : 2012-08-06 20:40 ID:HtUNmK9h [Del]


84 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-09-26 20:20 ID:cXZBuUQu [Del]
