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Dead Drop the World (52)

1 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-28 19:38 ID:V/uufWC7 (Image: 600x400 jpg, 50 kb) [Del]

src/1327801105911.jpg: 600x400, 50 kb
The government are desperately trying to pass bills to stop piracy and global file sharing. I think it's time to show exactly who run the show. Let's drop the world.

The plan is as follows:

1.) See if you already have a Dead Drop in your neighborhood/school.

2.) If you DO NOT have a Dead Drop near you, it's top priority to install one. If you DO have one however, feel free to install another on the other side of your city.

3.) To install a Dead Drop, follow the "How to Install a Dead Drop" link at the bottom. I suggest at least a 2GB flash drive that is wireless (if possible, otherwise a standard one will do).

4.) Post it on the Dead Drop map (link at bottom).

5.) Repeat if you wish until the world is dropped completely.


How to Install a Dead Drop

Dead Drop Map

Dead Drop Mobile Apps

Goodluck and godspeed.

2 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-28 20:03 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]


3 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-01-28 20:07 ID:TtSnX7rn [Del]

Have to say, as someone in engineering, this is horrendously flawed. It offers very little in maneuverability, storage or durability. Here's a better idea:

1. Get a Lock Box, a portable hard drive (one that doesn't require AC power; MyPassport by Western Digital works well) and a USB extension cord.

2. Drill a hole in the lockbox lid. Place the hard drive, its USB connector and part of the USB extension cord inside. Close and seal the lockbox, making it watertight.

3. Dig a hole large enough to hold the lockbox. Place the lockbox underground, and run the rest of the extension cable along the wall, leaving room for the cable to move about.

There you go: same concept but better storage, more flexibility, and less likely to be destroyed.

4 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-28 20:12 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]

>>3 Nobody wants to spend that kind of money. 2GB USBs are cheap and get the job done, however if you want to create a super Dead Drop feel free to do so. Also, vandalism is expected, but don't cry over it just place another in a slightly different location.

5 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-28 20:13 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]


6 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-01-28 20:23 ID:TtSnX7rn [Del]

>>4 I feel like you're missing a lot of valid points here. For starters, no flash drive is going to be able to house more than one or two movies in HD quality, let alone TV series volumes. If you want this "dead drop" idea to be successful, you have to take some measures to accommodate your data requirements.

Second, the FAQ doesn't mention any solutions at all. It's just a slew of "We are in no way responsible" bullshit to try and appease you. Yes, move the drops away from the rain; thanks a lot, captain obvious. If you want this thing to work you need to have precautions to protect the storage medium.

In short, try harder.

7 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-28 20:32 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]

>>6 If you want to share movies or games, buy a 4-8GB USB. Otherwise, music is one of the main things people share. And if you're worried about rain or dirt, get a sports flash drive or something that has a cover for the tip.

8 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-01-28 20:37 ID:TtSnX7rn [Del]

>>7 HD movies can get upwards of 6GB per movie. Games can max out at 15-20GB. These are torrented just as often as music. Again, missing my point. As for the "having a cover on the tip" thing, what about if the port gets bent? What then? You have it facing outward at a perfect 90 degree angle, held in place by cement. It wouldn't take much to shear that port clean off.

9 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-28 20:44 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]

>>8 Things like that happen. That's why you be gentle with the Dead Drop and put it in a location where it is not going to be obvious but is still available to the public. As for the 15-20GB games, any gamer would know that's a lot of crap unless it's a ridiculously big HD game. Games almost never exceed about 10GB, and if it is I suggest you invest in something like WinRar.

10 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-01-28 21:04 ID:TtSnX7rn [Del]

>>9 GTA IV was 15GB.

So basically, you're going to go through with this having absolutely zero contingency planning? Good luck with that. I'm not going to waste my time on such a thing.

11 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-28 21:09 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]

>>10 About damn time.

12 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-28 22:01 ID:iBwBccB9 [Del]

Instead of being stupid, and bitching at each other over the sizes...

Put torrent files on the dead drops.
Torrent files are smaller, and then when they get the file, they can download a client to use it.
Leave a set of instructions on the Jump Drive.

BTW this is legit.

13 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-01-28 22:09 ID:5r0sPYms [Del]

There is actually a better method of data transfer under wraps right now. It's less risky than putting hardware out in open weather, and allows you to store pretty much any imaginable amount of information. With the correct people, you could store the entire internet.

What is this magical concoction you ask? Why, MESHNET!!!

What makes it so much better?

1) You don't have to put hardware out, save for an antenna on your roof.

2) Any number of users could use it at the same time, if a large enough mesh was built.

3) EXTREMELY large amounts of data storage capability.

4) It's wireless.

Where did I learn of this amazing idea?



14 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-28 22:51 ID:iBwBccB9 [Del]

>>13 Have you read Little Brother?

15 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-28 23:00 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]

>>12 I was actually thinking of putting compressed .Rar files on it. But what are the advantages of .Torrent vs. .Rar? I can't seem to find it on google.

16 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-01-28 23:02 ID:5r0sPYms [Del]

>>15 .torrent compresses smiles a lot smaller.

The only problem I see with them is the fact that they spread out the data over multiple computers, and are downloaded in bits and pieces from hundreds of different locations. Not sure how that would play in to this whole scenario...

>>14 Never even heard of it. Explain?

17 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-01-28 23:03 ID:5r0sPYms [Del]

lol, smiles.

It compresses *files smaller. xD

18 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-28 23:06 ID:iBwBccB9 [Del]

>>16 Just read it. Best fucking book I have read since George Orwell's 1984

If you REALLLY want to be informed about what life is going to be like...there are some books you need to read.

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
1984 by George Orwell
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Little Brother by Cory Doctorow
Giver (a little bit of a stretch, but still relevant)

If you havent read any of these books, you need to find the fucking time to do so.


It is scary as fuck

19 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-28 23:07 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]

>>15 Actually I found that .Torrent files are not the files itself, rather the location of the file, which is most likely .Rar files.

20 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-01-28 23:12 ID:5r0sPYms [Del]

>>18 Will do. I remember reading the Giver a few years ago... And yeah, it does seem like a little bit of a stretch :P

21 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-28 23:18 ID:iBwBccB9 [Del]

>>20 It still has to do with the passing down of knowledge throughout generations, and if the internet is fucked, I feel as though the Giver tells a nice story about how we would cope.

22 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-28 23:20 ID:iBwBccB9 [Del]

BTW, I would read the books in this order (based mainly on relevance)
Little Brother (after reading 1984, you will know why it is called "little brother")
Brave New World
Fahrenheit 451
Animal Farm

23 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-01-29 00:08 ID:TtSnX7rn [Del]

>>22 If I may, doesn't it seem strange that western culture is deteriorating while the threat of nuclear war is imminent? It's very Fahrenheit 451-esque, don't you think?

24 Name: Forte_Sigma!ljEVVXEJNE : 2012-01-29 00:13 ID:iBwBccB9 [Del]

>>23 Very much so. Someone needs to take all those books, and put them into one story. Basically what we are headed for.

25 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-29 16:09 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]

Hey guys, I appreciate the bumps but try to stay on topic.

26 Name: Rin : 2012-01-30 00:25 ID:j2n6sHms [Del]

I think this is a cool idea, but... why not just buy the stuff like normal people? If I wanted a movie, I would go to the store and buy it. I wouldn't go looking for a dead drop. Jus' sayin'.

27 Name: Night owl !fpd05vtK3s : 2012-01-30 00:48 ID:vF0isqch [Del]

The idea seems very good but its extremely impractical. Random people would find them and what now. Plus its kinda hard to install.

28 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-01-30 21:55 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]

>>27 Not really. All you need is a flash drive, plumbers tape, quick setting concrete, and a hole in the wall.

29 Name: aerietigre : 2012-01-30 22:44 ID:D1eiK51M [Del]

I would love this idea~ if the pessimist in my brain didn't remind me that some people love to be trolls and could very well install malware on the Dead Drops...

30 Name: Far : 2012-01-31 06:47 ID:/wtsZ4iS [Del]

LOL! Love the idea! But then again, if im gonna do it, I'll be the first to do it here in my country.... o.o Plus the strict laws and craps, I'll be doomed if imma do it freely~ xD

31 Name: Gauche : 2012-01-31 12:09 ID:XqfzxQYY [Del]

This sounds great!

32 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-02-01 19:35 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]


33 Name: Darasuum : 2012-02-02 11:32 ID:J+Nd4iLJ [Del]

Sounds cool, ill look into it

34 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-02-02 18:10 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]


35 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-02-04 22:16 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]


36 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-02-11 12:06 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]


37 Name: TheBlackRaven : 2012-02-12 01:01 ID:ls5ZLopz [Del]

Wow >>36
You feel real strong about this

38 Name: Tatsuo !hylilKS3pw : 2012-02-12 01:44 ID:7s7HXKGt [Del]

Idk about this it seems kinda impractical just saying but if you guys are gunna do it by all means go ahead I'll be watching the thread to see if anyone has any success.

39 Name: Lunarran : 2012-09-12 16:07 ID:151ct6th [Del]


40 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2012-09-12 21:02 ID:aiHDqDer [Del]

Is this leagel?

41 Name: BH2 !0jVt1ao7Gw : 2012-09-12 21:03 ID:aiHDqDer [Del]

wrote legal wrong.

42 Name: Chrome !CgbeICNblQ : 2012-09-13 05:24 ID:YMyiZCLm [Del]


>Thinking dead drops are safe

I have put my fair share of malware on dead drops.
For the lulz.

But...I think a Dollars dead drop project would be incredible.

43 Name: Frump-San : 2012-09-13 08:04 ID:xG7Woaci [Del]

good idea, but how do we know someone wont put on a hacking device or something detrimental to our laptops? either way, this could be the start of actually being the Dollars, and with this we can actually do something good for society. i like this. anyway, please put some up on Long Island (NY)!

44 Name: Kura Kurai : 2012-09-13 12:13 ID:SS8/6hmt [Del]


45 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-09-14 19:14 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]


46 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-09-14 19:50 ID:xrhFHo3G [Del]

>>9 "Thats why you be gentle with the Dead drops"
Nice grammer Dude.

47 Post deleted by user.

48 Name: Alice !l14UvTg4qQ : 2012-09-14 21:25 ID:/UbrIu4i [Del]

Indeed, while this does sound cool I would never plug any device of mine into a flash drive sticking out of a wall. My laptop is my baby, if something happens to it I'm doomed. I really like the idea, though.

49 Name: King Dude !zXqFpoplY6 : 2012-09-15 15:10 ID:V/uufWC7 [Del]

>>46 ...You corrected me on a grammar mistake I made many months ago, way back when I first made this thread.

Wow, you must be a serious faggot.

50 Name: DN !MDoZmU9.I. : 2012-09-16 13:26 ID:7pPjDJjS [Del]

I love this idea! After reading about it on here, I was a little sceptical, but after doing the research, this seems like an awesome idea! I'm definitely going to do this in my town!

51 Name: firelily \\(^0^)// : 2015-08-16 10:29 ID:pgQlp7g7 [Del]

because why not bump this back

52 Name: firelily : 2015-08-16 20:14 ID:pgQlp7g7 [Del]
