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GET FIT post before after pics, Tips and tricks to how you got there, and routines <MISSION (28)

1 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2012-01-02 00:32 ID:hB1tBXgQ [Del]

i would think sports, but i mean i am not thinking competitive workouts just general even crossfit or general health i will soon post a pic of what workout i am doing and my before workout pics and update through the 4 weeks of it, anyone who decides to resolute to get generally fitter, or huge give each other tips.

Im 19, 5'10'', 170 lbs been only doing workouts at home but not really anything regimented or longterm just here and there crank 50 pushups before starting the day once in a while or curling dumbels or doing some chest presses or going through the ab ripperx (from P90x (only thing i had time for)), did that for like a month every other day again with random pushups and at home stuff. So i do have some muscle.

again will post the pic soon and my workout.

**Note: this is how missions should be start with someone actually motivating people with actual pics of doing the mission itsself.

***I hope people actually post here so we can motivate each other.

2 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-01-02 02:28 ID:w1Dn0Hhd [Del]

A self-improvement mission? What blasphemy is this? (TBH, I wouldn't have considered this given that I am one of those kinds of people who puts others before themselves, but I do support this mission).

Anyway, jokes aside, we need some way to motivate people to get off their asses, as well as to get them to stop eating total shit.

Might I suggest this?

3 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2012-01-02 13:26 ID:hB1tBXgQ (Image: 914x873 jpg, 157 kb) [Del]

src/1325532368318.jpg: 914x873, 157 kb
Ok here is the pic after one day of workouts. I Have a basic workout, its not a two muscle group thing per day, its more like just upper body day and lower body, with cardio in between. Its a 4 day split, meaning the workouts go back to day 1 after 4 days, also i am keeping this for four weeks then changing my workout so i can keep my body from getting too adapted to the workout.

I believe in the Philosphy that workouts are just tears in the muscle that you force growth to occur. The table is where you gain muscle (meaning your meals) so I will also post what I eat starting next week after I get all my weights i will use in-line. I added an extra week to find out what weights i will use.

BUT HERE ARE MY PICs -__- top is right after dinner unlfexxed actually pushing my stomach out, botom are flexed pics so there is no cheating that look i improved and its just flexxing:

4 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2012-01-02 13:27 ID:hB1tBXgQ [Del]

dont mind the face Microsoft paint doesnt do pixels right so it makes me look fucking ugly -__- from the already not so attractive face ialready have

5 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2012-01-02 17:08 ID:hB1tBXgQ [Del]

come on noone else wants to get fit -__-

6 Name: 二十一面相 : 2012-01-02 17:33 ID:cDpGng+m [Del]

Nope, no body. Everyone already threw their resolutions out the window.

7 Name: Ezry : 2012-01-02 18:18 ID:okEofGD2 [Del]

I'm a skinny little fucker and I'm pretty strong. How did I get that way? Genetics. Very good genetics. Also, not sitting on my ass all day helps.

8 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-02 18:26 ID:WjML1g2N [Del]

I'm trying to get a little more muscle, but I don't need to get skinnier or something, so I don't see the point for me to join in this :/

I like my hour glass the way it is. I don't feel like turning into a stick. But I need upper body strength for the more advanced parkour vaults, so I'm working on that.

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-02 18:28 ID:WjML1g2N [Del]

>>6 And... what does this have to do anything..? Your unnecessary remarks aren't even humorous. They just don't make any sense ^^'

10 Name: 二十一面相 : 2012-01-02 19:10 ID:cDpGng+m [Del]

>>9 A lot of people find that the new year is a perfect time to start building muscle, loosing weight, feeling better about themselves and whatnot. The amount of people that DON'T though, is fairly high. Not a lot of people are actually motivated to do what they want. Also, my remark wasn't supposed to be humorous.

11 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-02 19:57 ID:WjML1g2N [Del]

>>10 Not everyone needs to get fit :/ It's sort of a rude assumption that, because people aren't commenting, the community is unmotivated, you know? But, that's just how I took it, whether it's what you meant or not.

12 Name: 二十一面相 : 2012-01-02 20:45 ID:cDpGng+m [Del]

>>11 Oh, sorry for being offensive then. It wasn't my intention. I wasn't saying everyone NEEDS to get fit, but a lot of people strive to that goal, and if people were motivated by this man and his accomplishments, maybe they would agree and thank him, or something.

13 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2012-01-02 23:57 ID:hB1tBXgQ [Del]

Gahhd stop fighting, those who want to see themselves get better or have questions on stuff post here.

So far its been just feeling the weights i will use with the routines i have they are not uber crazy except my legs days will have ab ripperx again (always good for your core)

14 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-03 01:15 ID:MN2dlphR [Del]

>>12 But I already work out. You're also saying people who don't respond don't think this is a good plan - I just didn't, because I already do this aside from taking pictures of myself.

Gotta remember that at the same time, a lot of people just don't talk about it because it's a sensitive topic. Nobody is obligated to post on this thread, whether they do it or not.

15 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2012-01-03 17:05 ID:G1OTMA/+ [Del]

can you put up what workouts you do and atleast the on paper results Misuto it would help grow the thread ^~^, just age height starting weight and what you did just to compare what others are doing.

Noone is forced to post, but posting would help, so those doing something and want help or doing something and got results please post would love to see what yall are doing ^~^

16 Name: arcchadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2012-01-05 10:00 ID:hB1tBXgQ [Del]

end of this week im going to finally get things on paper on what i need, my delts suck so im going to take away inclined fly's unable to do heavy enough cuz it kills my delts, will change to seated upright machine fly's

17 Name: FaceZombie!hSlKCNMJkM : 2012-01-05 14:58 ID:tHYvtwEb [Del]

Don't eat out, and don't eat with other people.

18 Name: Bob : 2012-01-06 01:54 ID:D4rXgN6P [Del]

This is the gym I go to. They post their workouts on a daily basis here: You can look up tutorials for exercises you may not know how to do on youtube. There are scaled down versions of some of the exercises as well, as some of them are quite challenging. The tools are available at most gyms. I've been doing crossfit for 6 months now and I never thought I could be this fit.

19 Name: ryuji : 2012-01-06 15:28 ID:/R9DAyni (Image: 2304x1728 jpg, 479 kb) [Del]

src/1325885288043.jpg: 2304x1728, 479 kb
well if you're already fit should you just post your routine?
for me i have karate classes so we do the workouts from that. first start off with stretches ofcourse, then 25 jumping jacks, 25 normal crunches, then 25 leg lift crunches, then 25 bicycle kicks. the pattern is pretty much 25 of each here. then after that 25 normal pushups, then 25 fist push ups. after that do forward plank, and both side planks for 30 seconds. then do the superman for 30 seconds. then go into 30 minutes of karate practice.

20 Name: ryuji : 2012-01-06 15:29 ID:/R9DAyni (Image: 2304x1728 jpg, 624 kb) [Del]

src/1325885397964.jpg: 2304x1728, 624 kb
and yes that is me. if u need more proof i got it :P just sayin
i also hit/kick this little punching setup in my garage for atleast 15 minutes a day

21 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2012-01-08 01:27 ID:hB1tBXgQ [Del]

been drinking V8 glass full and milk glass full when i come home frorm workouts, morning 2 eggs to 3 eggs lunch tuna sandwich x2, drinking 1.9 liters between breakfast and dinner, eat dinner before workouts usually some chicken something yesterday had like a chicken and chicpea curry with some whole wheat pita bread. So far thats my diet. I am going to modify the workout to incorporate all the awesome machines to stay safe, instead of inclined dumbell flies i will use their inclined fly pullysystem machine thing, also i will superset with lower body movements instead of resting 1 minute between sets, still doing lots of tweaking

22 Name: baccano : 2012-01-08 04:42 ID:O2rIYbNA [Del]

trying to clear out a spot at home where i can work out. my usual workout is bench pressing 115 pounds (including bar) until i can't then do an hour of crunches, then an hour of cross over crunches, followed by running a mile (sometimes more depending on how i feel). rest the next day. the day after i do pushups with 20 pounds on my back and curl a 50 pound free weight after each push up. (again until i can't do another) followed by doing ginga for an hour, then run a mile or more.
rest the next day, and start over.

i eat a ton of red meat, only eating fruit/vegies 2 times a week, and (sadly am addicted to) drink pepsi (most of the time), milk (2%), water, or coffee.

23 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2012-01-08 15:06 ID:hB1tBXgQ [Del]

how much do you weigh baccano and your height? and what is your BMI or any pics?

24 Name: Feral : 2012-01-08 15:33 ID:yRN0MaXs [Del]

I've lost some pounds with my new job. I lift heavy equipment all day so it really helps. As far as a routine goes I help around the homestead lifting hay bales and moving horse riding equipment. I eat a balanced diet of meats and veggies alike. I get out on the weekends and go paintballing, or lazer tag if the weather is crappy. But I always make it a priority to get out of the house and do something every weekend regardless if I don't have anything to do. Its those little things like that that are helping me lose the fat.

At the current moment I am 6'3" and weigh 300lbs. Last time I was examined by a doctor was when I thought about joining the army, I was at 27 on BMI, though that was a year ago. Before that I actually was alot more portly.

25 Name: Yakarotzu : 2012-01-08 17:43 ID:wvLJKF4a [Del]

To be honest,I would do this but I have not real motivation.

26 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2012-01-15 10:23 ID:G1OTMA/+ [Del]

I been doing super sets for everything, focusing on 12 reps 3-5 sets putting chest with biceps, legs with core, and back with triceps, shoulders i work in randomly into my workouts. I love the MTS press machine i found in the gym, inclined dumbell press instead of barbell so i can get more of an isometric work. For bis and back i have pullups/chinups worked in because those are essential, for tris Dips are my fave, legs of course decline legpress, legpress, and calf raise are my faves.

List your fave workouts

27 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2012-01-15 10:25 ID:G1OTMA/+ [Del]

still working out with my dad at lifetime gym, i feel really good about my body again, still not where i want to be, i will post pic updates soon, actually taking a week break because its busy there is a jewelry trade show in Atlanta and i have to help my folks out its been soo hectic.

Finally finished my bottle of V8 (I HATE HOW IT TASTES, but i need it for my vegetable servings)

28 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-17 12:27 ID:tD5+wjUh [Del]
