Dollars BBS | Missions




















Excessive Calls for "Good Deeds." (33)

1 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-11 17:15 ID:VpAOejfD [Del]

Alright, don't misinterpret the title of the thread. I'm not saying good deeds are unnecessary, in fact I advocate them! What I am saying is the unnecessary amount of people posting very light things, bordering on mere suggestion (not the board; the suggestions board isn't for that).

It's all well and good to have a creative idea for spreading good will, like the smile mission or the post-it notes, but honestly, all of these seem pretty petty to have their own thread - it's lowering the standard for more pertinent missions.

I'm not suggesting we refrain from doing or suggesting them, but I am suggesting we consolidate them in a single thread. Everything from "smile at your neighbor" to "hug a hobo" should be in a general thread, separate from ones calling for donations to a particular charity and other things that require more collaboration as a group.

This way, it doesn't limit action to a specific thing. One can only talk so much about smiling at people. People can discuss generally nice things they've done to people in their community, as well as ideas they've had, but in a more broad sense.

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-12-11 17:20 ID:e+QtoaFb [Del]

This is officially my favorite thread. And it should probably go in Suggestions, but I like it better here since more people who post Missions will see it :O Thank you, Misu. I couldn't have said it better.

3 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-11 17:24 ID:VpAOejfD [Del]

Ah - would it have worked better on suggestions? It was in particular for the missions board, not the site itself. I figured here would be best, for the reason you stated.

Of course, if I'm wrong, I can repost it.

4 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-12-11 17:25 ID:e+QtoaFb [Del]

Nah, I think it's best here. It's more relevant to this section after all.

5 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-12 23:38 ID:3G2X4KRv [Del]


6 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-12-13 12:49 ID:DxuPsU8S [Del]

bump for bumping

7 Name: Tsuki-niichan !l5pc9DaN66 : 2011-12-13 18:46 ID:IzclfXMC [Del]

That does sound like a good idea.

8 Name: archadmiral!ISvQ2vSsZc : 2011-12-13 19:26 ID:B7bWb7qw [Del]

Well hmm it seems like a good idea but what about organization of things, people wont be able to see the topics and things that the thread titles would help standout, consolidating it will make it more bunched and shit. Awesome idea but it would be hard to isolate topics. I mean it gets posted up to have it being called to do them, people can let them go back up or let them die.

9 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-14 15:10 ID:IZShV+sp [Del]

Recent example of what I meant.

>>8 We could use an index like we do with the FAQ thread. Besides, like I said, they all basically mean the same thing and have no real goal that isn't long-term. It would be more about sharing ideas and such - there can only be so many ways to say "be a nice person."

10 Name: leave2die : 2011-12-14 16:52 ID:yohuMZxm [Del]

Bump for good idea. And sorry I didnt see this thread sooner

11 Name: divineraccoon !lOJ5tap5Nk : 2011-12-15 10:43 ID:DxuPsU8S [Del]


12 Name: Yukio!DboM3.beAE : 2011-12-18 01:35 ID:78bkvUVU [Del]

So true.

13 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-18 02:14 ID:MN2dlphR [Del]

Redmi$t, you were the same person who posted my last example to this thread as well. The thread's since been deleted since it was saged, but come on :|

14 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2011-12-20 18:36 ID:w1Dn0Hhd [Del]

This shit must be bumped.

15 Name: Xman : 2011-12-20 18:48 ID:9oe0bwWG [Del]

heh heh finannly somone who understands!

16 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2011-12-22 14:45 ID:2SSaT98Q [Del]


17 Name: Clumzyy : 2011-12-22 20:12 ID:yM8DEVsY [Del]

i totaly bump this

18 Name: Ezry : 2011-12-28 07:17 ID:okEofGD2 [Del]


19 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-28 15:42 ID:MN2dlphR [Del]


I extend this to refer to all the general donation threads. Yeah, donations are good "missions" to have, but it's only really a mission if it's something we do en masse. If it's just a general suggestion, it's like yeah, that's something any random-ass commercial could have told us.

Basically if the entirety of your mission can be represented in a single sentence, and it's something frivolous, then it's probably not worth making an entire thread for. It's unoriginal and overstated, and has most likely been repeated to hell and back.

20 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-12-29 16:23 ID:MN2dlphR [Del]

Hi there. Perhaps you are new here.

Please read this thread before you post another mission. Yours may or may not be as original as you think it is, and even less likely as pertinent.

We've had about 622 threads about bullying and 7283 threads about just general niceties (complimenting people or smiling and shit), and those numbers were just pulled out of my ass just now. But they are not far off.

21 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-08 09:46 ID:MN2dlphR [Del]


I also noticed that everyone seems to be painfully... unoriginal. While I can't actually say this without being a hypocrite, because I haven't come up with many missions, but people seem to be fixated on the belief that we're only capable of performing minuscule good deeds around the neighborhood.

Remember that missions don't necessarily have to be good deeds. Take for an early example Firo's mission - casually writing the site URL and/or password on dollar bills. Anything that organizes the group for a particular reason, activity, or cause, could be considered a mission. I'm also not saying we shouldn't be philanthropic; those missions are great. But it wouldn't hurt to have more variety.

Of course, again, since I've personally only come up with a couple of missions in the past at best, I don't imply that my opinion contains any amount of gravity or backing. It can be ignored :V

22 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2012-01-09 18:44 ID:zF8+eEcu [Del]


Also, people really seem to hate trees. I mean, wasting paper on something pretty trivial, like "The world isn't as bad as it seems", or "Smile, etc"

Geez, I think I'd do more help to the world by not adding to the pollution that's in the world already >___>''

That's just my opinion anyways. If you want to do things like this, I guess it's fine, I just like trees. A lot/

23 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-09 18:47 ID:0P8YZrdh [Del]

>>22 I like trees too >O I have disembowled several missions that were flat out telling people to litter by dropping craploads of paper with those stupid mottos already. The sticky notes? Eh, I don't mind, since it sticks and it says to put it indoors. Otherwise, I would take a butcher knife to it.

I know what you're talking about though. I think that kind of... destroys the purpose of trying to do good :V Those missions are still calling to use paper on unnecessary things.

24 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2012-01-09 19:37 ID:zF8+eEcu [Del]

Heh, "Disemboweled- Cut open and remove the internal organs of.

That just shows how serious you are about trees! xD

25 Name: Kurosaki22 : 2012-01-09 19:55 ID:U1X7ZNTK [Del]

>>22 >>23 ? what do yall suggest then besides the usual missions i see in general. like the stickies, encouraging letters and all that...

26 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-14 11:13 ID:MN2dlphR [Del]



27 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-14 11:21 ID:geTaIP20 [Del]

I fear it will never stop ;-;
Plus, this shit keeps ending up above my own mission and kicking it off the page in a matter of hours. CONTINUOUS BUMPING WILL ONLY SUFFICE FOR SO LONG.

>>24 Dur. Trees are like my life :V I don't think I could ever live in the city... I need my forests ;O; !

28 Name: Chopper : 2012-01-14 17:49 ID:YutO4pOE [Del]

I guess I agree... ive been looking for more.........specific missions. Unfortunately, I am in a country wherein i will not be able to partcipate. And as much as I would love to do the charity stuff, my mother isn't exactly THAT generous as to give money to people from the other side of the globe. That and no one really knows I am a part of the Dollars........ more so because Im 13

29 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2012-01-15 11:16 ID:zF8+eEcu [Del]


>>28 I might make a mission for the younger people o_0

One day..

30 Name: Zeckarias !kjn0nYOOPw : 2012-01-15 20:48 ID:uNjqWYxe [Del]


31 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-01-15 20:55 ID:MN2dlphR [Del]

>>29 This is why, in this thread, I suggested we make a consolidated thread for the "smaller" missions - them being, the ones absolutely anyone could do. Small things, like the smiles mission, or anything involving cleaning litter and graffiti and all those other things that get suggested 6 times a week.

The thread could just be used to discuss any little thing that could be done. I only haven't made it because I'm lazy, and I already made this one to suggest it :V

32 Name: Bread!RTgBiSnMz2 : 2012-01-15 21:28 ID:zF8+eEcu [Del]

>>31 Oh, so can I post it here? :D

33 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-07 20:44 ID:uAxJO5Qa [Del]

We now have a Smaller Missions Thread to place simple missions that don't really need a whole thread. CLICK HERE.
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