Dollars BBS | Missions




















Arts and Music repost (12)

1 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2011-11-25 22:29 ID:Dc9tgI8F [Del]

I feel this doesn't get as much exposition on Main, and since I thought to myself, "Hey, this is sort of a mission right?" So, I decided I'll get off my lazy ass and re-post this. Here's the original summary and such.

"Earlier today, I was sitting at a cafe, listening to a live acoustic session some of the local musicians decided to hold and had an idea I thought I'd share on here.
I know that at least state-side school funding has suffered from budget cuts, and in turn, many schools are cutting out art/music classes to save money. I find it to be a shame that children are missing out on things like this now.
My idea is this: have annual 'meetings' of local musicians and artists in your community, at parks or places like that. Offer a place where people can enjoy live music for free, art shows where people can display their work, or even offer to teach children something that they're missing in school now. Maybe include a place for donations. Make sure to advertise it at your school or work place to get as many people as possible the chance to come. It doesn't even have to be a big undertaking.
It'll give artists a change to show of their work, maybe even get commissions, and teach others in hands on manner. The same would go for musicians.
It would be something to help keep the arts alive."

So yeah.

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-16 17:13 ID:ehpXPF07 [Del]

They see me bumpin'~

I like this idea, actually. It's kind of surprising that this is my first time seeing this thread lol

3 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-01-16 18:12 ID:TtSnX7rn [Del]

It's on my bucket list to organize an art night at my university. When it's warmer, I intend to get some things in the works. Also, considering I'm busy with the water resources mission, it's best to hold off for now and not spread myself too thin.

4 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-01-16 18:14 ID:5r0sPYms [Del]

I like this. I myself have some instruments hanging around that some artists could use as "extras" to teach kids on.

I'll talk around with some local musicians I know and see what they think of doing something like this.

It pays to be a Stage Hand ^_^

5 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-17 11:07 ID:2O3c5RwD [Del]


6 Name: firelily : 2015-06-22 09:34 ID:CP2eIKXZ [Del]

why is this not bumped??

7 Name: Raku : 2015-06-22 14:24 ID:O6k0Gjd9 [Del]

BUMP! and that sounds great.we should even try to set up a dollars music festival thingy where any dollars, willing or close by, can group together and jam or work on a song all together (although a chatroom would be of great help for that)

8 Name: firelily : 2015-06-22 15:07 ID:CP2eIKXZ [Del]

>>7 or we can do one as a live stream on youtube so that people that arn't close by could do it

(just wish i could sing or play something XD)

9 Name: CAmiLLa : 2015-06-22 15:51 ID:Y/rBWoqV [Del]

BUMB!!! This is a great idea!! I love IT!! We should totally have a youtube Chanel where people could post their songs or artwork!

10 Name: firelily : 2015-06-22 16:14 ID:CP2eIKXZ [Del]

>>9 we have a youtube, but currently we only have 1 video on it

if you want you can post on it

11 Name: Soleil Anker-Baril : 2015-06-24 00:30 ID:VHWTY5ic [Del]

awesome idea :) i would love to jam and teach my art as trombone player and bassman we should have specifique days in the year or month or week i dont know XD that is decided that people from the dollors or not from the dollors ( actualy only the dollars would know the organisation of all this) with a common place to meet like lets say close to your towns church or something, maybe just another thread where people from diferent places can fixe up meating with others that live close( kinda sounds like the country section XD) yeah so yup XD im buzzing XD love the idea :)

12 Name: firelily : 2015-06-24 12:31 ID:CP2eIKXZ [Del]

>>11 sounds like countries to me, but im not really sure, you should ask someone that has been on the site longer where to post that if you wanna go through with this, i like the idea.