Dollars BBS | Literature
















My practice snippets (3)

1 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2020-06-08 07:34 ID:A8QheRI4 [Del]

Yep. As the title says, these are all mine.
Just some writing practice of whatever comes to mine to me right now.

I'll probably add an explanation to why I wrote something as the next post. Maybe, probably. Maybe not?

2 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2020-06-08 07:34 ID:A8QheRI4 [Del]

"Take one."

"Hey there, hopefully, this video will only be a single take. I've timed my script so that I only have one chance for this, so it better work out." The words flowed out of my mouth in a single, practiced breath. I had rehearsed the script dozens of times by now and smash it into my head until it was the only thing I could think of, but the first line was always something that held my heart in trepidation as I did my rehearsals.

“This is at the top of… Well I won’t be sharing where I am as I live pretty close, but if you recognise the landmarks in the distance, you’ll know where I am. Hi there, neighbours.” My mind blanked from the slight adlib I did, and for a second as I forgot my next lines. “… uh, the point of this video, that you’re hopefully watching on YouTube right now, is to watch the sun rise with me. I know, it’s pretty corny, but the view is wonderful from up here, and I can’t help but share it.” I couldn’t help but blush a little at that terrible line, I didn’t know why it wasn’t removed while I edited the script.

“There’s still, um…” Fiddling with my hands and pockets, I checked my phone to ensure I was on schedule. I was. “two or so minutes until the sun rises. So in the meantime, you get a wonderful monologue from me!” My voice cracked a bit towards the end, and my soul did too. Cringing on the inside, I brushed past even more of my embarrassment to hammer down the rest of the script.

“I’m not used to public speaking. Never done it much, and I’ve never been good at it. And uh, I’ll usually fumble with my words and repeat the points I’ve already made. Like uh, you know, when ah, you say something again, but just with a slightly different wording? Yeah, that.” The words were coming out easier now, except so were my mistakes. It was hard, to get every word right, to time my words so none are too fast.

“So, uh… yeah,” a quick flick of my eyes confirmed that I was still on track. “I’ve been coming up here for the last few days, rehearsing this script and timing the sun rise. Eating my breakfast too,” I said, pointing towards my bag that was laying on the bench next to me. “It’s bloody cold up here.”

“It’s currently…” Another flick towards my phone. Waving it up, and hopefully in view of the camera, “May 19th. I’m not really sure if it’s fully winter down here yet, but it’s damn cold in the mornings. If you’re wondering why I’m recording this on this today, uh… well, don’t. It’s the first day with clear skies since I’ve started coming up here to rehearse my script, and I’ve just bringing all my recording gear with me.” I patted my bag and it let out a satisfying ‘wumph’. My voice had slowed to a conversational tone. Languid and relaxed, though I wasn’t sure if it was better than before. Cocking my head to the side, I tried to remember when I actually started climbing up here. “It’s been a week or so since I’ve been coming up here. I’ve been enjoying it, even if I’ve had to suffer breakfasts without coffee. Horrendous, I tell you, truly horrendous.”

As a smile crept onto my face, and hopefully not into my voice. “This video wasn’t written to be long, as I’m not the main focus of it here.” The purple sky above me slowly backed away as light spilled into it. “And now, well, I’ll be quiet and let the main star take the stage.”

I turned around, putting on my sunglasses to watch the sun rising ever so slowly. It felt like the longest minutes of my life. It peaked above the horizon, sending rays of light to cascade towards me from above. It lit up the bench, me, and by extension, my camera standing behind me. The glare would probably be horrible, but I didn’t care. It was this moment that the night died and gave way to an orange rebirth that I wanted to capture.

Enraptured, I was simply still as it rose, and rose. By the time it was fully clear of the horizon, I felt that enough time had passed. “So, guys, how was it? Lovely, right?”
Then I walked up to my camera and promptly reached around to stop recording.

3 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2020-06-08 07:43 ID:A8QheRI4 [Del]

>>2 Oh, well, forgot a second line break for the last line.

Anyways, I wrote this basically as it came to mind. I think I did this in an hour or so?
The central idea behind ot came to me as I was watching Tom Scott's series, How to be Popular on the Internet* (*Based on 15 years of making things that are only sometimes popular on the internet). I'll link the parts below.

An idea of a video, where someone took multiple takes of the same thing came to mind. The process of video making takes a lot of effort, and quite a few tries to get everything right. So my mind played around with the idea of a video that was a single-take, but comprised of someone trying the same take, over and over.

I threw away that idea though as I started writing. I dropped it to replace it with something else relevant to creating a video. The wonderous feeling of recording yourself for the first time, that wonderous fear. You can still see some influence from that first idea though, as I kept in the "Take one", and how the video is completely unedited.

I don't really like how this came out, in hindsight, but eh, whatever is whatever.

Part 1: That Time I Got In Trouble With The Government
Part 2: The Quiz That Was Shared A Million Times
Part 3: Why You Don't Want To Go Viral

I like how the video start and end in the same place.