Dollars BBS | Literature
















Suggestions? (4)

1 Name: Rōra : 2020-03-20 18:59 ID:fg6Hz12G [Del]

So. You know how nearly every vampire book is either about a love story or “killing the big bad vampire”? I know there are a few out there that aren’t, but there are just so many that are. Anyway, I was going to try and write a vampire short story and I was wondering if any of you guys had any ideas for a plot that doesn’t involve romance or “killing the big bad vampire”. Any input is welcome!

2 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-03-21 00:20 ID:1xdYqNST [Del]

Ugh, seriously. We need a thread to centralize these kind of question, for the time being you guys could just ask.

Aside from that, I've read a writing prompt where the world acknowledges the existence of vampires and they're integrated into societies. Like, a vampire could work nonstop for days, weeks, or even months. Then they'll take a break for a few month or a year before going back to work. I mean, they can't age right? So we have a hundred or even thousand years old vampire, living through the history and was there to witness historical incident by their own eyes. Make a story about a vampire who teaches history in school, he'll start pointing out the flaws in the school-books before telling the student what exactly happened when he was there.

Or switch the sides where vampire is a normal being, and human as the minority. But I don't know where would that idea take you too, just brainstorm some things. Look around your surroundings, small things can be game-changing if you knew how to twist it and put it in your story.

3 Name: Juri : 2020-04-18 10:55 ID:VqyYlM2D [Del]

So maybe a story about humans doing experiments to create a super solider and accidentally creating vampires. So like instead of vampires being the evil ones, it's people using them. Or something like that.

4 Name: omverse : 2020-04-23 05:32 ID:IrjUypj+ [Del]

not many stories that I remember deal with the emotions of a vampire - how that might be different, no I'm not talking about love either

Piggybacking from previous posts -- This person becomes a vampire and at some point has to watch his normal parents, lovers, friends, and children die. Normally its a family affair and all his relatives are immortal too, but that doesn't have to be the narrative.

What would it be like to come out to his parents? Imagine if they would never believe him, they would think he's crazy, send him to doctors/psych wards and put him on medication that hes basically immune to anyway. If he takes a drug test the medication won't show up, because his body doesn't metabolize it. So the doctors never believe him either when he says he swallows the pills every time. He barely eats the hospital food so doctors think he's starving himself, but he knows human food makes him sick as a dog. He'll be forced to stay in hospitals longer for non-compliance, he'll be veiwed a s a threat to himself and others - ultimately leaving him struggling to survive - perhaps hurts someone, breaks out, police are searching for him. Isolated because no one is on his side, no one trusts him, and he had no choice in becoming what he is. As opposed to isolating because hes a cranky hermit vamp who needs his nappies.

Does he fit into societies modern norms? Has to work a horrible night job at a gas station or something to pay for his parents funeral service, deals with drunk people, homeless, gets robbed all the time, sees modern suffering of people and when they treat him badly he has to fight with himself not to kill them and eat their faces off.

There's so many ways to bring levity to this often dramatic subject as well;
What if technology scares him so bad he loses control?
Imagine he has to get on a plane for whatever plot segue, and hes scared out of his mind. Sleeping pills don't work, alcohol doesn't work, there's nothing he can do but bare it, and maybe he wont take a boat because the ocean scares him even more. And suddenly hes in the air and theres massive turbulence and like, phases out of the plane unintentionally and now falling from 3000 ft.

Or he's trying to get laid and the girl breaks out a vibrator, next thing you know hes on the ceiling tearing the bedroom window from the structure of the house to get out.

Does he struggle to make friends or get dates because hes just like a really awkward and clumsy person, ignorant to modern social ques and social boundaries?
Like, he meets a few friends, has them over for a birthday party and its basically a bad Renaissance fair in his backyard, they're gutting/beheading a pig in one corner, wood chopping competition in another, there's clowns with their heads in stocks and people are throwing eggs and tomatoes at them, another guy playing a flute.

Imagine picking up someone on the first date and he says some crazy shit like, "Don't worry sir, I will lay with your daughter tonight, and once she is properly inseminated I shall deliver her safely back to you. Fear not as my bloodline is prosperous and, may I say, quite fertile."

uhhh i think I've said enough lol.