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Gothic Horror? (4)

1 Name: Aspiring Writer : 2019-04-25 10:52 ID:tLeVF6Rb [Del]

I was thinking of attempting to write a Gothic Horror story, though as I've dug into the genre I beileve my first understanding was slightly incorrect. I was inspired by the acclaimed game Bloodborne, of which is obviously highly inspired by Gothic works and the Lovecraftian mythos. My question, rather request is that if anyone has a book in mind that meets those fields, a little Gothic mixed with Lovecraft, if so, I'd love to hear them. And tips for writing such a book would be greatly welcomed too! As I'm always in debate if a horror book should take after those from the past, being in first person, or if such a book could fill the same needs while being written in third person (Which appears to be much easier for me to write in). Thanks in advance for any pointers, or books.

2 Name: error : 2019-06-11 13:00 ID:vjKfOm9f [Del]

Привет. Я тоже увлекаюсь готикой, оккультизмом и пр. Однако, мне не часто встречались книги в жанре готики, которые действительно заслуживают внимания. Но я правда хочу тебе помочь. Раз уж ты интересуешься этой темой, значит тебе знакомы произведения Эдгара Аллана По, Уилки Коллинза и им подобных.
Но что именно ты хочешь написать? О глубоком потрясении при столкновении с потусторонним и мистическим? Хочешь ли ты добавить напряжения и немного детектива в свою книгу? Или ты хочешь, чтобы читатели пришли в ужас от зверств каких-либо культов?
Мне кажется, тебе лучше сначала наметить сюжет, разобрать его по частям на все составляющие, а потом просмотреть книги по каждой из частей.
Надеюсь, это тебе хоть немного поможет. Я действительно заинтересована в твоей идее, удачи с книгой)

3 Name: Aspiring Writer : 2019-06-18 20:17 ID:VgWKHmTC [Del]

Thank you, Error, for the advice! I will most certainly take it at a slower pace. As I have noticed my writing is plagued by sudden spikes then presumably a loss of interest or a different idea. I think the term writer's block could fit many of my situations well, so, I normally take to reading to fix it, but then I lose all my time to reading! Funny isn't it! And as an answer to the question you poised: I feel as if adding a sort of Noire genre to it, or rather just have a plain morally upstanding detective to have his wits tested by the occult. Perhaps if I get a rough draft worked out; you could read it.

4 Name: Byron !LightPenis : 2019-06-22 16:58 ID:DZhC8OpS [Del]

Tomas Lugotti is a great modern horror author, and a lot like Lovecraft.
Octavia Butler explores similar themes. I'd also recommend Poe's Descent into the Maelstrom (I assume you might already know some of his work)

Regarding the writing itself, throw all your ideas on a rough draft, it won't be perfect, you'll have plenty of time to edit everything later.