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"No Longer Human" (12)

1 Name: Mathay : 2019-01-16 17:34 ID:lCi73jf3 [Del]

Hi! Today I finished "No Longer Human" by Osamu Dazai and... well it was such amazing, there're not words in any language that can describe, what I feel after this. Did anybody also read this incredbile work? If yes, what do you think about it, but If no, you should go, even now, to library and read this. This journey is worth.

2 Name: Blank : 2019-01-20 16:43 ID:6e/KLCEQ [Del]

I never heard of it. I'll give it a shot

3 Name: Altair : 2019-01-28 19:58 ID:SSwfndFk [Del]

I'm very familiar with Osamu Dazai's works, and I'm currently finishing up "No Longer Human." He's easily one of my favorite writers, and the feelings he can provoke really do transcend language and description. I've read "Run, Melos!" and "The Setting Sun" and I've been impacted deeply by every work I've read by him.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Haise : 2019-01-28 21:22 ID:qqYxZdr+ [Del]

Oh! I'm currently 50 pages away from finishing this. Dazai is a fantastic writer.

6 Name: Shift : 2019-01-31 07:17 ID:exEk37Xl [Del]

I was happy to a copy in a library since my town is quite small, and we have only about ten books from Japanese writers translated to Polish (My favourite of these ten is "Cloud of sparrows" by Takashi Matsuoka). Do you know where i could read more books like that online? I'm fine with English but it would be great if it was free.

7 Name: Toga Izumi : 2019-02-04 05:08 ID:XgVuRDWq [Del]

Would you recommend “No Longer Human” to a 15 yr old

8 Name: Haise : 2019-02-04 16:33 ID:hxJAQzE/ [Del]

I personally wouldn't. Especially if the 15 year old is very impressionable. A 15 year old would be able to comprehend it but that I'd wait a bit. Because of the heavy themes and methods of resolve used by the protagonist, it's best to wait until the person is over 18.

9 Name: Chousha : 2019-02-27 09:54 ID:cNYDHOg6 [Del]

I would disagree with @Haise, because I had read No Longer Human when I was 15, and it was an amazing reading experience for me. There should be no age limit to good literature, and no person is too young to appreciate the themes introduced in ANY book. It's underestimating a person's capacity to understand.

No Longer Human's themes about humanity's ugliness and darkness were very in line with a lot of my own thoughts and observations, and the language itself was beautiful to read. The main protagonist's struggle and apathy at his own life was very moving for me (ironically).

10 Name: Haise : 2019-03-11 14:23 ID:s84o3p0/ [Del]

I'm not disputing the fact that it's a fantastic book for all ages. I'm simply saying that not everyone is going to digest its message they way you did. Novels are left for us to pull apart and interpret. So it will not affect people the way it affects you. Which is why careful consideration must be taken when reading certain content. For the sake of the individual.

11 Name: Ryuuuu : 2019-04-02 05:21 ID:FO7VTBSr [Del]

i really want to read it but i cant find it anywhere

12 Name: takame : 2019-04-11 11:34 ID:u630Vxqq [Del]

>>11 I downloaded it recently (bc of this thread). Just google it and you'll find it. Sorry, but I forgot the website.