Dollars BBS | Literature
















Continue the Story (4)

1 Name: (/\\\/) : 2018-01-25 15:32 ID:SRdhZlgo [Del]

I'm not quite sure if this has been done before. This is one of the first times I've created my own thread. But here goes~!

I will start out the story. It will be 3rd person point of view limited from the main character named Jacob Morrison. The limit to how much you can type is only based on what you want to write. Whether it's a sentence or a paragraph or an entire chapter. The goal is to create an interesting plot, full of twists. At the end of it, if the end truly comes along, the story will be "Roadless" by the Dollars Community.

The only thing I want to avoid is random comments and inserts that turn the story into a parody on crack. A base foundatio that can be followed (if it's too hard to create a story) then follow this idea:

Jacob Morrison is a kid at school, trying to live out high school life and learn what normal is, and what life is supposed to mean with all these people in it.

2 Name: (/\\\/) : 2018-01-25 15:33 ID:SRdhZlgo [Del]

. I'll begin:

Jacob was pretty sure everyone's version of normal is different. The kids at school feel normal is those that aren't different from everyone else. The teachers think normal is a child that can't be quiet during class. Jacob's mom thinks normal is peace. His father thinks normal is the conspiracy theories he's always thinking up.

Jacob doesn't believe in a normal. He doesn't know what it is. He's not sure if he's normal, even though other kids at school think he's normal. It is normal to love sports? Is it normal to get headaches from math?

He looked up at the teacher as he droned on about WWI. Was almost falling asleep from teachers normal?

3 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-01-26 06:39 ID:b+/UUFHc [Del]

sorry to ruin your first thread but we already have something similar,.. sarreehhh

4 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2018-01-26 06:41 ID:b+/UUFHc [Del]

but that ones full of random lol

you cant expect people to be serious with this stuff in public.. like really.