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Writing Prompts (4)

1 Name: Aiyatsbus !mnPG6wlflM : 2017-04-18 17:23 ID:QGVV6PqX [Del]

Hello all! So I’m aware that there are previous prompt threads, however after giving them a glance they seemed largely abandoned or devolved into normal conversation. In any case, I decided to create this thread to provide a little more structure for sharing prompts.

As writers, prompts are probably the most powerful tool in our arsenal. From quick little exercises to those lightbulb story ideas, prompts help us cultivate our craft and grow as writers. I’ve personally gotten lots of ideas from prompts, and hopefully when I’m comfortable, I’ll share some of my work with you all.

So, before we begin, just a couple of notes:

This thread is not for posting prompt responses.
I know it's kind of annoying, but there isn't really a good way to easily mark which threads contain prompts and which threads contain responses, especially since formatting is a little inconvenient on this website. You can simply make a thread for your work as a whole and cite that you used a prompt here if you would like, or if these prompts become popular a submissions thread could be made for it.

Anyone is welcome to post prompts, whether they be original or something found elsewhere.
I didn’t make this thread to be the only contributor, so please post some useful prompts if you can! Also, if you find it somewhere online, be sure to cite your source so that others can click to find more prompts or additional information.

Good luck, my fellow writers! Enjoy these prompts!

2 Name: Aiyatsbus !mnPG6wlflM : 2017-04-18 17:29 ID:QGVV6PqX [Del]

Here's one to start:

"'100% of people who drink water will die' but you are 900 years old and very thirsty."

I found this prompt on /r/WritingPrompts. There are some amazing submissions there!

3 Name: Aiyatsbus !mnPG6wlflM : 2017-04-19 17:54 ID:QGVV6PqX [Del]

Here's another prompt:

"I have never done anything unpredictable, but that changed today when I woke up, packed a bag, went to the airport and randomly bought a ticket to __________. (Write a story that follows this line.)"

You can find it on thinkwritten.

4 Name: Fuji !imQYOtW7Ik : 2017-04-30 03:48 ID:kR0pGh88 [Del]

In allll my years.. I don't know how I've lived this long, but it certainly wasn't because I haven't been drinking water, youngin'. What's my name? I'm Methuselah. Pass me that glass, ey? I'm so very thirsty. Y'know, everyone who drinks water will die eventually. Those who don't drink water just die a little quicker! Ehehehehehe *cough*. Thanks for passing that glass, youngin'.