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Looking for...something...? (4)

1 Name: ... : 2016-09-21 07:47 ID:KtGl3F48 [Del]

So I guess what I'm after, simply put, is someone I can email regularly about my stories, to help with opinions and talk about a variety of things related to writing. I tend to be pretty hesitant to post things on my wattpad, and I like to work on longer stories anyway.
I prefer to find one person to individually talk with about all of this. And I don't really ever talk to others about my stories, or get feedback, so I this might help motivate me to write more too.

But I guess you could say that I'm hoping for more than simply someone to read my stories. It's kind of awkward to say, but I do have a lot that I have planned, and am hoping to eventually work on it all with someone else. What I do write, and show people, is only a small fraction of what I have already planned and hope to create into stories.
So I'm not really just someone trying to write short stories, or the occasional book, I am hoping to create my own world in a way. Or something big at least.
Something too big for just me to do.
Does that sounds weird to say? What I will write will be truly significant, and a big deal, to me. The rest of the world is still a mystery.

I don't want to get ahead of myself though, or give the wrong idea. Even though you won't be able to see any of it for a very long time, these worlds that I'm writing mean a lot to me, and I really want to make sure that they're done right. I don't get close to people easily, and only someone who becomes truly special to me will I be able to finally share everything with.

Maybe ignore that for now though, and don't worry about it. But I can be kind of strange, and the kind of genre that I write, isn't really easy to explain. But I guess I should let you guys read some of what I have posted online, if anyone's interested. It's all I could bring myself to put up online for now, and things small enough that sort of feel self contained. I am not really interested in writing things like that though, which is why there isn't much there.
I guess read this one first since it seems to be my best one?
This is my profile though. Feel free to read whatever stories or blogs on there, but try to keep an open mind and not come to any conclusions about me just yet.

I'm after something...Or someone rather, I just don't know what/who it is...

2 Name: Fujinuma !imQYOtW7Ik : 2016-09-21 08:30 ID:5iGlrwmh [Del]

I'll read, provided that you don't mind me correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Email me at I'll provide feedback too, but not all of it may be positive. Is that OK? If it is, then lets email away.

3 Name: ... : 2016-09-22 06:17 ID:KtGl3F48 [Del]

I feel like I didn't clarify enough in my original post so I want to say a few more things here.

This isn't about just having someone to read my stories. It's complicated, and not how you would expect. There's a compatibility side of this, in a way, because I don't write "normal" kinds of stories.

If anyone might be interested please read some of my stories first, and then decide. I tried to have a few stories and blogs on my wattpad, so that people can get a rough idea of what I'm like, so only after seeing that, then email me.
And I should have mentioned this before, but please email me, my email is on my profile, because I don't want a bunch of people to just start leaving email addresses.

I'm hoping to find someone who will stay for a while, so I would prefer this to only be for people who are really legitimately interested in the kinds of story I have to write, and things that I have to say. I apologise for any misunderstandings.

4 Name: Taku : 2016-09-23 10:18 ID:FpkbQZAJ [Del]

Lets talk. I'm interested.