Dollars BBS | Literature
















Would this be a poem? (4)

1 Name: Punyama : 2016-03-14 23:42 ID:UoVbF+t1 [Del]

I made this whilst having a fit. Was wondering if this would be a poem or not:

If there's not a day where the circumstances around make want to bury myself in the ground the people who cause them stand on I will be a lucky man

A man would rather trust his gut rather than the blatant truth that's in front of him but in my case that blatant truth is that I trust no one. Not even myself and definitely not the world.

There's days when I wake up and the backs of my eyes feel numb from only falling asleep two hours prior. Then being forced to wake back up by the brute force of societal norms.

And breaking the norm? that's out of the question yes siree I would never do something so foul like be happy for once. That would be absurd to rid myself of stressful situations. The thought of it is damn there insane.

I live in a world where the only thing that drives people is the thought of success and happiness and what keeps them from reaching that is the reality of it all. That it doesn't exist. We live on a planet made of something but we live for nothing.

I once had a girl I loved tell me there's nothing in the end. I knew this and welcomed that end but the way she said it, it was the way she said that made me weep that night. I once heard someone say "I still love you but you make me feel cold on the inside" what if I always feel cold.

I can summarize my entire life in two words: Momentary Happiness

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-15 04:31 ID:476N7C0E [Del]

Google prose poem

3 Name: Punyama : 2016-03-15 10:22 ID:WoDwATOE [Del]

Ah thanks

4 Name: mm : 2016-03-18 05:59 ID:qmOwmPwC [Del]
