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Maggie Stiefvater (5)

1 Name: 本文 : 2015-12-13 11:38 ID:cVdtwu50 (Image: 204x300 jpg, 18 kb) [Del]

src/1450028303914.jpg: 204x300, 18 kb
Really, anything written by her is genius. The Book of Fearie- Dangerous Faeries, otherworldly music, unrequented love. The lives of harpist Deirdre Monaghan and her bagpiping best friend James Morgan change forever as they encounter the beautiful and vicious world of faerie.(taken from site).
Wolves of Mercy Falls- A creative way of seeing the werewolf myth with badass characters, poetry and a very warm series
Scrorpio Races-The Best Thing EVER

2 Name: Solace : 2015-12-14 02:23 ID:iI7CHgH2 [Del]

I'm fairly sure I started reading the first book in the series and I dropped it. Could you give it a brief review? if it sounds good I might pick it up again

3 Name: Weise : 2015-12-15 18:26 ID:ZKWy2fLS [Del]

I've read this book! It is actually very good. 'Shiver' is about a wolf who's in love with a human girl. Sam and Grace, right?

4 Name: 本文 : 2016-01-18 12:12 ID:cVdtwu50 [Del]

Sam is a wolf in love with a human girl that he saved the life of. She was bitten so he waited for her to turn. But she never did. 7 years later he meets her as a human and fights to stay that way. Grace learns of the world of wolves and fights to find a cure so Sam could stay human. You'll also meet Isabelle and Cole. Isabelle works to help Grace find a cure and Cole is a rock star who wants to die. You learn more in the one shot Sinner.
(Is your name a PJO reference by any chance?)

5 Name: Charly : 2016-01-19 04:48 ID:dwIaH9Fr [Del]

That DOES Sound interesting! I´ve been looking for a good book like forever.
But... what is with her Name? I mean "Stiefvater"??? Her ancestors MUST be german.
Even though, I would have changed it... Kinda has a foreboding ring of ruined marriages to it ;)