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DRRR!! RP group (14)

1 Name: Shinjuku'sDevil : 2015-09-07 16:19 ID:a6MNClP5 [Del]

Would anyone be interested in forming a RP group?

2 Name: Kirio !3x5zQ5cUms : 2015-09-14 01:03 ID:ADJ6ACfU [Del]

I wouldn't mind, long as OCs are allowed, too. They've got the new season out yet it doesn't really seem to be that popular... Finding canon roleplays is really difficult.

3 Name: jill : 2015-09-14 12:28 ID:ZQDYJLeU [Del]

>>2 i think its allowed, otherwise people might be having a hard time doing canon roleplays. I, myself, enjoy OCs.

4 Name: ShinAttha : 2015-09-14 18:22 ID:M2bpVwsi [Del]

If OCs aren't allowed, we'll have hundreds of Izayas. Well if they are, we'll have hundreds of Izaya's lost twins or whatever.
I've never done RP, but I think OCs are essential.

5 Name: Kirio !3x5zQ5cUms : 2015-09-14 22:05 ID:ADJ6ACfU [Del]

Gaia used to be my go-to place for roleplays but nobody seems interested in drrr there anymore. Hmf.

I would really, really love to find a forum to have a roleplay on and then use the provided chats on here for IC stuff to, just like in the show.

6 Name: Kirio !3x5zQ5cUms : 2015-09-16 13:43 ID:i7ZF4l// [Del]

Come on people!!

7 Name: jill : 2015-09-16 14:02 ID:ZQDYJLeU [Del]

Ok, so are we doing original concept?

8 Name: Kirio !3x5zQ5cUms : 2015-09-16 19:22 ID:ADJ6ACfU [Del]

>>7 I would assume so. The great thing about drrr!! is that it doesn't really need a "plot" per say.

9 Name: Mhemsbal : 2015-09-17 12:17 ID:kXGWfFMQ [Del]

Yes, I would love to try this!

10 Name: Kirio !3x5zQ5cUms : 2015-09-17 14:30 ID:i7ZF4l// [Del]

Would we do it in the chatrooms? It'd be easy enough for us to make a room for ourselves.

11 Name: Orpheus !roGTnOp9kA : 2015-11-23 11:42 ID:3wAhu243 [Del]

this is probably late as hell but I'd join if I could use a character not from drrr. I could still make it work, since it isn't that different save for night time monster fighting.

12 Name: Weise : 2015-11-23 22:52 ID:ZKWy2fLS [Del]

I'm probably too late, but I'd like to be part of that!

13 Name: Kazu : 2015-11-24 13:04 ID:9Si0UB+g [Del]

I'm in!

14 Name: Midori !ZjqScO8K/M : 2015-11-24 16:32 ID:QZBE0blH [Del]

Same here! Sounds good!