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google image as book cover? (5)

1 Name: BlackBunny : 2015-06-02 20:05 ID:geLi4x+z [Del]

Hi! I am currently working on a story, an action/manga and I'm planning to post it on watt pad. However, I notice that you really need a book cover for your story. I've noticed that some people do just used a picture found through Google image, edit a little with their story title on there as to use for their cover.

Many of those images are found throughout the websites with the original owner unknown, and many have been used for online roleplaying. I'm wondering if I should do the same or if that's really violating the original copyright of the owner of the picture. I do plan to throw a disclaimer claiming that the picture I used for the cover is not mine and give credits to whoever the picture belongs to. I am not the only one doing so for book covers. Is it still okay? Just asking :)

2 Name: Brighten : 2015-06-02 21:03 ID:YN3eVBl7 [Del]

It seems a bit iffy to me. It really depends on how popular it gets. If it were to get large, you may end up in a bit of trouble with it. I would personally play it safe, and have something original done.

3 Name: ARandomSoul : 2015-06-02 21:30 ID:dF/q1bZO [Del]

I think Brighten has it right. Copy right is pretty tricky and if you are planning on making any sort of profit on your book you definitely need written permission to use the work commercialy. If it isn't for money you still probably need permission. If possible get something done that is original. If not Google has a search filter that let's you see what you can and cannot use commercialy though if you plan on getting much publicity is always best to have some kind of lawyer look at it.

4 Name: BlackBunny : 2015-06-03 00:09 ID:geLi4x+z [Del]

What if the image has already spread throughout the Internet and people have already used it for various usages?

I understood, I would usually create my own but the issue right now is my computer is not working therefore I cannot draw my own cover. It would be nice if someone is willing to draw and design my book cover for me. ^^

5 Name: firelily : 2015-06-03 17:19 ID:/PLfK9aQ [Del]

>>4 if its already popular why would you want to use it?? a reader may see it and think your story is unoriginal. most stories on wattpad that share the same cover with different titles are usually the same story with different names anyhow.

and if you want someone to draw one for you ask in the art section or make it a contest on a social media website like facebook tumblr or G+ and tell the winner that their prize is something simple and either low priced or free (like a shoutout, or you will follow them)

btw you just reminded me that i havnt used wattpad in years almost