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any good book suggestions? (19)

1 Name: migi : 2015-01-18 08:43 ID:m7bQCLpH [Del]

i'm in dire need of something new to read. preferably contemporary classics and fantasy, but otherwise open to anything except sci-fi and romance.

2 Name: Nezumi : 2015-01-18 09:37 ID:cNUg/GI1 [Del]

The Witcher and Song of ice and fire are my favourite fantasy series ^^

3 Name: ksai !qrEKylLXvY : 2015-01-18 10:09 ID:9v6vPjsb [Del]

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern is really good. It does have some romance but it's more of a side story. Besides that there's The Night Angel Trilogy which is another really good series.

4 Name: migi : 2015-01-18 10:31 ID:m7bQCLpH [Del]

>>3 i've read the Night Circus :) what's the night angel all about?
>>2 is the witcher the one by the polish author or is google deceiving me again ^^

5 Name: Bq. : 2015-01-18 12:59 ID:mfuRKCAL [Del]

I suggest to ty to read Haruki Murakamima. All of his book are like reality and fantasy mash up. Try with Sheep Hunt ;)

6 Name: Xyou : 2015-01-18 14:44 ID:33qArgSV [Del]

>>4 If you're talking about Andrzej Sapkowski, yes that's him :)

7 Name: migi : 2015-01-19 01:40 ID:m7bQCLpH [Del]

>>5 i've heard of murakami's works in the past, but never really got the chance to read any of them. i'll check them out though, thank you :3
>>6 i'll check them out :D thanks!

8 Name: Nakura~ : 2015-01-20 10:32 ID:k65th2mm [Del]

UNWIND! It's a four book series and it's awesome!

9 Name: redman001!0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-01-20 11:01 ID:0i4xq7u4 [Del]


the nigth watch series

and Battle Royale

10 Name: Auron : 2015-01-23 12:42 ID:GmZk/KuK [Del]

The Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander are awesome. The story has a lot in common with Celtic legend if that kind of thing interests you.

11 Name: Shoyo : 2015-01-23 15:00 ID:yo/lRajg [Del]

Kill Alex Cross by James Patterson is an awesome novel.

12 Name: Ajacks : 2015-01-24 13:53 ID:hYm1m4X7 [Del]

I am currently reading the 120 chapter version of Water Margin translated by john and alex dent-young and it is pretty good for a old chinese classic

13 Name: Lovely !YLCyt3kDBA : 2015-01-24 14:40 ID:PL8CUiyJ [Del]

Right now I'm reading "I'll Always Remember You...Maybe" by Stella Pevsner. It's pretty good, I really like it. It's more geared towards young adult audience just in case you wanted to know.

14 Name: kstar : 2015-01-24 18:22 ID:8N9a1zsa [Del]

avalon web of magic is really good for fantasy! kinda cheesy at first but once you get past it its wonderful, young adult tho

15 Name: Lorde Hermes !0xQ4LqwOoU : 2015-01-26 19:16 ID:3jCF87kw [Del]

I suggest The Story of Owen: Dragon Slayer of Trondheim. It may be a bit simple but is a goo read.

16 Name: Night_ : 2015-01-26 20:44 ID:pvLIqNIk [Del]

Idk if u will like "Percy Jackson" series, i really love it... and the most part of it is like fantasy.

17 Name: Megarame : 2015-01-27 03:17 ID:KME1kyld [Del]

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss is a great fantasy book. Would 10/10 recommend. There's a sequel and a novella too, but you'll look them up I guess if you like the book...

18 Post deleted by user.

19 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-01-28 09:22 ID:O6uVdiT3 [Del]

Guys.. I know that the mods don't come here often and you all just wanna help

But there's already a book recommendation thread.

Also, OP hasn't commented back since the 19th... I think Migi-san got enough book names now.