Dollars BBS | Literature
















The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (7)

1 Name: KenmaKozume : 2015-01-17 23:59 ID:aS9jzp1q [Del]

A young girl, about six years of age, has a strange power with her mind. She has the ability of levitating objects, breaking objects, even healing them. Her mind seems to be unlimited in its illusions.

A young boy lives in an orphanage his whole life. He proceeds to read every book from the library give to him. His mind is smarter than most young people his age. He continued to live there.

The girl meets her father, who is a magician. The boy meets a stranger, who adopts him for a special purpose.

The two men agree on playing a game.

But it is not like chess. No not at all.

Instead there is a circus filled with wonder. The Circue de Reves.

What would occur in such a fantasy land?

2 Name: HeartbeaKnight : 2015-01-18 17:15 ID:lXLiPH+c [Del]

High School bullying. Surprise Period at the gym. Lots of suffering, religion, and craziness. Murder. Brutal murder. Daily wide spread massacres and eventually the death of every single living sentient being. We will all have our sugar. You got it baby.

3 Name: Deus Pyro : 2015-01-20 13:53 ID:6rMzIZAJ [Del]

I'm confused about the girl's power. Its ok to have some mystery, infact its preferred, but you can't have her inventing a new power that solves each problem, thats sloppy. My issure, however, is that levitating objects, breaking and repairing them are all not illusions. Unless you're telling us they are.

4 Name: Griffito : 2015-01-24 19:03 ID:ytlfnLIL [Del]

Sounds interesting, but also kinda cliché.
The thing is, with that start, there's a lot of versatiity on waht can happen in that circus.
Also I agree with Deus Pyro, girl OP pls nerf.

5 Name: Kimiko : 2021-03-08 02:58 ID:9oflkIor [Del]

I love this book so much! It's really full of wonders. The story is actually better than the synopsis describes. I definitely recommend everyone to read it!!

6 Name: matryoshkamiki : 2021-03-13 13:28 ID:vEqDQJLx [Del]

this is actually my favorite book of all time. i dont necessarily think it's the best book out there, but some of the imagery is just so beautiful and soothing, and honestly some of the non-magic details were the most interesting parts!

7 Name: Midori chan : 2021-03-22 09:39 ID:n8oEWNIR [Del]

This book is one of my absolute favorites! Full of mystery and magic....... A must-read for all!