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Star Wars Novels (4)

1 Name: Yukio : 2014-11-10 22:03 ID:yJxBn4N+ (Image: 256x420 jpg, 25 kb) [Del]

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I decided to create this thread, because I wanted to know if there are any fans of the Star Wars novels. I love Star Wars and noticed there wasn't a thread for this yet, so here it is. This can be about any form of Star Wars book; adaptations of the films, the book Star Wars was originally based on or any of the stories from the Expanded Universe.

So, what is your favourite Star Wars book? Do you like what they do for the Expanded Universe? Do you have a favourite series? E.G. The Old Republic, Bane Trilogy, Thrawn Trilogy etc...

I'll start us off with my favourite Star Wars book so far:
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan

(Sorry the picture is of Kenobi, I can't find a picture small enough for Revan) I was ecstatic when I picked up this book, because it meant I could find out what exactly happened to Revan after the events of the first KOTOR video game. I shan't say any more as it would be going to heavy spoiler territory. Just know that it is an excellent novel written by Drew Karpyshyn, the writer for Mass Effect 1 and 2 (and my personal favourite author/writer) and that it may have you tearing up near the end if you have formed a connection with these characters. I know I did.

Finally, I have recently picked up Death Troopers, Red Harvest and Kenobi and cannot wait to read them.

2 Name: Butts :D !4ZeKtProWU : 2014-11-14 22:01 ID:hFx3jQ34 [Del]


3 Name: arka !chvok4/SZI : 2014-11-21 07:02 ID:Rl6e3VZY [Del]

Revan is my favourite Star Wars Character! Anyway, apparently the whole extended universe is now 'Legends', meaning,among other things, that all of it is no longer canon. Now Star Wars is a blank slate after Return of the Jedi!!?? Just learned this now,and man am I pissed at Disney.

On topic now, my favourite series is the New Jedi Order. The level of storytelling was just on a whole different level.

4 Name: Griol !Kvsv.pc8OA : 2014-11-23 09:20 ID:NVD0+pFm [Del]

The Rogue Squadron serie is sooo cool :) and I loved the Fate of the Jedi series too. So bad Disney destroyed the EU :(