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Good books? (24)

1 Name: :D : 2014-07-23 12:27 ID:wlSn13f2 [Del]

Heyo~! I've been running out of books to read usually due to my picky habit on finding a book orz. I usually like it when it's of a female main character who is strong or have a strong, mature mind/personality (not like a wimpy b**tch that you can see in some books ^_^'')and like, mostly I prefer science-fiction or fantasy with romance. Yeah XD ^^'' I've read books like Divergent, Hunger Games, Graceling, Fire, etc.

If those are rare I also like it when it's of a main guy with similar personalities and fantasy settings. Or like, a lot of action will be going on related to the main guy, fighting, etc. For example, I love the Chronicles of Vladmir Todd series. :D

yeah, if you have any related good books it'll be awesome if you share! XD

2 Name: Shinku : 2014-07-23 12:40 ID:SalOU+KQ [Del] The is this story actually that I found was very nice. Yes the girl character is a little wimpy but the male makes up for it. I don't know if you will like it or not, but here it is. Try to give the creator a little credit for trying.

3 Name: Karam : 2014-07-24 13:44 ID:QAlPzuEJ [Del]

I think The Farseer Trilogy and the sequel The Tawny Man is done for you !
The story takes place in a medieval AU and the hero is a young boy, the illegitimate son of the country's prince. We see his evolution in the castle and all his adventures. And there isn't any wimpy girl ;)
I hope I have helped you !
(Sorry for my english I am french ^^")

4 Name: Katsono !adtcifLOss : 2014-07-25 12:25 ID:R6HlN0Gi [Del]

There's Cosm from Gregory Benford. It's quite scientifical though.

5 Name: Hime : 2014-07-25 13:59 ID:t8CxAeXG [Del]

Maybe the Mortal Instruments series from Cassandra Clare? It has a female main character and she is anything but a wimpy bitch :D

6 Name: charcoal : 2014-07-26 01:30 ID:ONhBbQJP [Del]

I recommend the Artemis Fowl series. Its great. Without spoiling much, its a about anelite fairy, an elf named holly short and she was kidnapped by a 13(?) Year old genius. Its an awsome series.

7 Name: Random person : 2014-07-28 16:47 ID:Y/U3bsDD [Del]

>>5 yes!!
Also I would like to recomend
1: the matched series
2: the Lunar chronicles

8 Name: S33KER : 2014-07-29 04:57 ID:A/XSTTOz [Del]

Well, METRO 2033 is an awesome book, had me hooked from beginning to end, but it's got a male protagonist. The world in which the book takes place captivates the reader. It shows the evil nature of humans and their need for war. It asks a lot of questions about humanity.

9 Name: LadyMONTA : 2014-07-29 05:21 ID:I3rVo+Rg [Del]

The Mortal Instruments series and Divergent is pretty cool! (Teen books..) And yup, I like movie adapted stories, sorry ^^'

10 Name: Fontela : 2014-07-29 09:25 ID:SnMSpeDo [Del]

Read THE MAZE RUNNER!Is fuc* good, if love fantasy and others things like this you will love this book.

11 Name: Tatatara : 2014-07-31 21:42 ID:t+MpSksD [Del]

The School for Good and Evil. Killing fairytale cliches since whenever the hall it was published. Me and a whole bunch of my friends think it's really good.

12 Name: Ene-chan : 2014-08-02 19:50 ID:jn0q2Qur [Del]

I believe you would like The Eye of Minds! Its by the same author of The Maze Runner series Fontela recommended.

13 Name: SkaffenAmtiskaw !CtFafZr6ME : 2014-08-02 20:39 ID:mHj0b+ni [Del]

You might want to have a look at one of my favorites, The Old Kingdom series, (also known as the Abhorsen series) by Garth Nix. The books feature independent, strong female main characters who have to deal with a lot of problems, physical and personal. There is fighting, lots of good, memorable characters, and the fantasy world is very well constructed with lots of lore and it feels a lot bigger than what the books cover. The first book Lirael is very well written, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
My other favorite fantasy series is The Belgariad (and the sister series The Malloreon), by David Eddings. They are also very good books, in a well constructed world with memorable, amusing and relateble characters. The main character is a teenage boy, but there are plenty of strong women characters as well, in fact the book makes a point of demonstrating to the reader the importance of women in the plot as strong and clever leaders. Definitely worth a look!

14 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2014-08-05 16:03 ID:uM3G91FO [Del]

Well, I think I may have a few good recommendations:

The Song of the Lionness Quartet by Tamora Pierce
~Highly recommended if you love the strong female lead, romance, fantasy and such.
~~Description: Alanna of Trebond wants to be a knight of the realm of Tortall, in a time when girls are forbidden to be warriors. Rather than give up her dream, she and her brother--who wants to be a mage, not a knight--switch places. She becomes Alan; Thom becomes a student wizard in the school where she would have learned to be a lady.

Tricksters Choice & Tricksters Queen by Tamora Pierce
~Another strong female lead. The lead is Alianne, Alanna's daughter.
~~Description: Alianne is the sixteen-year old daughter of Tortall's legendary lady knight, Alanna the Lioness. Her mother isn't the only legend in Aly's life--from her adopted aunt Daine, a demi-goddess and mage, to her godfather, the king of Tortall, Aly lives among legends and wonders. She takes them in stride. What she cannot accept is the fact that her parents refuse to allow her the career she's been raised to by her father, that of a spy (Mom says, "not another spy in the family;" Dad says, "not my little girl!"). Aly's had enough. If her parents won't let her be a spy, then at least she means to have some fun. She gets more than she expected when she sails straight into a pirate fleet. The pirates capture her and sell her as a slave to the noble Balitang family in the Copper Isles.

Beka Cooper Trilogy by Tamora Pierce
~I haven't read the third book yet, but absolutely love the first two. It's a predecessor to the Song of the Lioness and Tricksters series, because the main character is Alianne's ancestor through her father's family.
~~Description: Beka wants to be a Provost’s Guard, or as they’re known in her time, a Provost’s Dog, the most despised, rough-and-tumble law enforcers in the realm. She starts right back where she came from, in the Lower City, because Beka has this funny idea that poor people deserve equal protection under the law. Guiding her steps are Goodwin and Tunstall, two of the toughest Dogs in the capital, who will teach Beka the ropes—if she survives. Walking with her on her rocky are as motley a crew of friends and helpers as ever the Lower City has seen: the Lord Provost himself; Rosto the Piper, sheer lightning with knives, and his associates, the swordswoman Aniki and the hedgewitch Kora; the lady knight Sabine; the ghosts of the dead who ride on pigeon-back; the city’s dust whirlwinds, who collect conversations; a devoted young scent hound, and the strange, purple- eyed black cat Pounce, whose hobby is grooming heroes.

Eon & Eona by Alison Goodman
~Really good, it's got magic, dragons, a female lead (she's more kickass in book two, but book one is still good)
~~Description: Twelve-year-old Eon has been in training for years. His intensive study of Dragon Magic,, based on East Asian astrology, involves two kinds of skills: sword-work and magical aptitude. He and his master hope that he will be chosen as a Dragoneye--an apprentice to one of the twelve energy dragons of good fortune.

But Eon has a dangerous secret. He is actually Eona, a sixteen-year-old girl who has been masquerading as a boy for the chance to become a Dragoneye. Females are forbidden to use Dragon Magic; if anyone discovers she has been hiding in plain sight, her death is assured.

When Eon's secret threatens to come to light, she and her allies are plunged into grave danger and a deadly struggle for the Imperial throne. Eon must find the strength and inner power to battle those who want to take her magic...and her life

I have read all of these and they are amazing, and with Tamora Pierce and her books, all of them intertwine with each other for the most part, so you never leave the same world, you just see different characters and stories of the realm of Tortall. And Eon is great, but I wish it continued for another book or two. Good luck with your book search!

15 Name: Kiki : 2014-08-17 15:27 ID:eTA/ULVM (Image: 250x378 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

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I think you may like thomas brezina - katie cat (:

16 Name: O-Yama : 2014-08-19 13:45 ID:/yLCXr10 [Del]

My favourite book is Starcraft:The Devils of Sky, its author is William C Dietz Its a very very good book!

17 Name: Mitsari : 2014-08-19 22:08 ID:58lCfrcG [Del]

i hav read hundreds of books, and the ones you named happen to be some of my favorite. Try "The Host" by Stephanie Meyer, or "Virals" by Kathy Reichs.

18 Name: Jørmungand : 2014-08-20 06:40 ID:/l7lcYDJ (Image: 276x420 jpg, 56 kb) [Del]

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A good book series would definitely be Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy. I've read all of them except for the last, (which is coming out either this year or next) and I absolutely love it. It's a supernatural, crime kind of series, though most of the detective work involves throwing punches, lol.

19 Name: Ragnorok : 2014-08-20 09:22 ID:pAT74Jaj (Image: 317x475 jpg, 31 kb) [Del]

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My favorite graphic novel series is Pandora Hearts by far. Can't get over Elliot, Leo, Reim and Break.

As for actual novel? I'd have to say that Rage by Jackie Morse Kessler is my all time favorite. A girl becomes one of the Riders of the Apocalypse after she almost dies.

20 Name: BlindSamurai : 2014-08-20 09:35 ID:WbFz2AEG [Del]

I read a book called "Splintered" by A.G. Howard. It's like an emo/young adult/Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland. I liked the book, but the author made the main character "Alyssa" too wimpy.

21 Name: Sayomi : 2014-09-01 10:48 ID:+BI+E7Y6 [Del]

>>18 I also highly recommend it! And the series just finished a couple of days ago so the entire story is complete.

22 Name: Random bystander : 2014-09-01 11:55 ID:zMS69kSp [Del]

>>10 the maze runner is being made into a movie and it seems like it would be a good book but isn't the main character a boy

( yes bystander does fit because I'm not recommending anything)

23 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2014-09-01 23:03 ID:22s3Opup [Del]

Been reading a book by Patrick Ness (probably my favourite young adult author) called More Than This. Not as good as his Chaos Walking books, and hardly groundbreaking, but it's pretty good so far.

24 Name: CastorHaunchHeft !mZxMZ.sK.s!!XI8GEi6V : 2014-09-08 16:30 ID:2CJeFNuY [Del]

I'm a big fan of Lovecraft, so I recommend Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales by H.P. Lovecraft.