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Breakfast At Tiffany's - Truman Capote (3)

1 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-06-06 06:03 ID:qVmCDlW/ (Image: 1300x2135 jpg, 166 kb) [Del]

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Seriously no thread for this novella yet? Im honestly suprised. I read this book when I was travelling to the UK around the time I first joing the dollars. I even dated the inside cover (04/09/13).

Breakfast at Tiffany's is a novella by Truman Capote published in 1958. The main character, Holly Golightly, is one of Capote's best-known creations.

In autumn 1943, the unnamed narrator becomes friends with Holly Golightly, who calls him "Fred", after her older brother. The two are both tenants in a brownstone apartment in Manhattan's Upper East Side. Holly (age 18–19) is a country girl turned New York café society girl. As such, she has no job and lives by socializing with wealthy men, who take her to clubs and restaurants, and give her money and expensive presents; she hopes to marry one of them. According to Capote, Golightly is not a prostitute but an "American geisha."

Holly likes to shock people with carefully selected tidbits from her personal life or her outspoken viewpoints on various topics. Over the next year, she slowly reveals herself to the narrator, who finds himself fascinated by her curious lifestyle. In the end, Holly fears that she will never know what is really hers until after she has thrown it away. Their relationship ends in autumn 1944.

This plot is accomoanied by three other short stories which I find rather bland compared to the Holly Glightly adventures. Nevertheless, they're quite an interesting read and show Capote is capable of writing short stories that are dark as well as heart warming.

Have you read it? Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not?

2 Name: Liir Ko : 2014-06-18 01:12 ID:1F8gr1C8 [Del]

Is this the book the movie with Audrey Hepburn is based on?

3 Name: Bulma!gfkvD0.aME : 2014-06-19 11:41 ID:qVmCDlW/ [Del]

>>2 It is! the first story in it is about Holly Golightly who is played by Audrey Hepburn in the movie