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ending voting (18)

1 Name: eureka : 2014-05-06 22:51 ID:AT18c5CO [Del]

I am writing a book, and because of the kind of book it is, I thought that instead of choosing it myself I should get many peoples choices on this. In a battle of survival for mankind, between pure good and pure evil, which do you think would win? I already have an ending for both choices, but I want to know what the general populace would choose. When choosing, please remember that this is more of a which do you think would win, not which would you want to win question.
Thank you in advance for your answers.

2 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-05-07 05:14 ID:ELIKZuYc [Del]

Evil, obv.

3 Name: eureka : 2014-05-08 12:09 ID:aQvPOOqc [Del]

So far i have a tie of twenty/twenty including barabisama's vote.

4 Name: Shiza : 2014-05-08 14:01 ID:4TCJIBlD [Del]

Evil. The good guys would try to protect each others and because they have to follow their morals and such they could never win. Evil knows no hesitation. They'll just go ahead and destroy everything.

5 Name: KuroShinji : 2014-05-08 14:12 ID:rTFR4qyI [Del]

i think both should survive..without the evil,people just will be plain..sorry for my english

6 Name: eureka : 2014-05-08 15:31 ID:AT18c5CO [Del]

20/21 >>5 I'm not counting yours since it would just be a +1 to both. Also the book is not about killing one or the other, just seeing which is stronger, so far the slight majority is with evil.

7 Name: eureka : 2014-05-10 23:49 ID:AT18c5CO [Del]

Since they are so close together I'm just putting the vote back to one vote for evil none for good.

8 Name: foreversigh : 2014-05-11 02:37 ID:xX7SRmNj [Del]

They both hav their ups and downs but I do have to ask, does one of them have to win? Maybe it's just me. It just seems like the world isn't meant to exist without one of them. I guess it would work better with evil then but that's not what you asked. I suppose I'm not allowed to say that it would be a draw either then. I'm going with good then because even though they can be manipulated by hostages and morals, they will have more trust between each other so they can work better together. It obviously depends on the situation too and I'm not sure if having pure evil would work.

Simply put, good would win in my opinion at the time writing this.

9 Name: eureka : 2014-05-11 14:38 ID:AT18c5CO [Del]

>>8 to answer your question, there can be a draw. also since you voted for good they tie once again and are put back to zero. the way to win is to have ten votes more than the other, otherwise I will write a tie ending.

10 Name: mitsuki : 2014-05-24 11:33 ID:Y56uYFNG [Del]

uh, let's go with the evil i suggest

11 Name: Yuki no Mori : 2014-06-02 14:37 ID:MTjWrt3r [Del]

I vote evil since they almost never win

12 Name: eureka : 2014-06-03 20:57 ID:AT18c5CO [Del]

1 to 3 evil is winning.

13 Name: kirigiri : 2014-06-04 05:57 ID:y1Q35PrI [Del]

It would be Evil

14 Name: eureka : 2014-06-04 11:55 ID:AT18c5CO [Del]

1 to 4

15 Name: eureka : 2014-06-04 12:00 ID:AT18c5CO [Del]

From how this is going it looks like evil will win the first form of confrontation, so I will ask the second. Which of the two do you think would have a greater ability and chance to change the world in its direction.

16 Post deleted by user.

17 Name: firelily : 2015-04-26 20:09 ID:/PLfK9aQ [Del]


they would do whatever it takes and not care who gets hurt, the good side is the exact opposite, thats their weakness

18 Name: ZenithYore : 2015-04-26 21:42 ID:IYCLbqjB [Del]

>>15 Pure Evil.
About changing the world in its direction, it heavily depends on what direction you're talking about. Evil will most likely have the greater ability...