Dollars BBS | Literature
















You have a good heart. How are your eyes. (1)

1 Name: Makani : 2014-03-28 13:18 ID:IB49YWLI [Del]

(Note: I woke up and started this at 8:am. It may not be very good. I have noticed 3 groups hating one another in my community. Here is my response. I made it to apply to all 3 groups or anyone that hides behind hate to justify their view on an issue. It is not intended to offend you. Just make anyone feel for a victim. Any victim created by blind hatred.)

Dear: (to whom it may concern)

I myself, am on the fence. I'll take either side because I am on the side of the bullied. Your choice is no better than theirs. Your opinion no more important. You are no better than they are AND your voice is just as loud. Your voice is just as damaging when you speak from hate. Hate of the few who are loudest to you. You view them as a whole. The whole. You can not condemn the whole for the acts committed by the few.

(Not A FEW. THE FEW. The few of that same whole that you say you hate.) This makes you no more noble than them. It makes you one of them in another skin. You ware another mask. You hide behind the other side and attack blindly.

You think you have reason but you don't. You think you are speaking out for the bullied but you aren't. Because you are one. You make victims. Just as they do.

Do you even understand what you fight for?
Your vision is clouded. People are against people.
Are you?

Remember who your enemy is.
the harmful acts themselves and the people
who act to harm others. Please do not
become one of them.

You have a good heart.
How are your eyes?

of the Dollars.