Dollars BBS | Literature
















Continue with the last topic game - Write a Story (5)

1 Name: Yuki : 2014-03-19 21:51 ID:wlSn13f2 [Del]

Alright, I read Chinese so I got this from another web. It's really interesting, kind of there to practice your writing skills but at the same time let your imagination flow while your topic is limited.
The rule is:
A person will start off by saying a topic, and he/she will write a not too short but not long one-shot story based on the topic. After writing that story, he/she will say a topic, and the next person who replies will have to write another one-shot based on the topic the last person leaves behind....

Just for the sake of a super short example:
1 person:
She ate a fish and fainted.
Topic: A dog
2 person:
A lonely person found a dog and lived happily ever after.
Topic: A hat
3 person:
A poor man made himself reach by finding a magic hat which....
Topic: ____
and so on, get it?

Hopefully you do ;w; And hope people will like it and participate. It's actually pretty fun :3 Of course, the topics are not limited. You can come up with any types of weird/funny/serious/sad topics and see what the other person who replies can come up with about it.

2 Name: Yuki : 2014-03-19 21:59 ID:wlSn13f2 [Del]

I will start it off then :3 (My writing skill's not all that good either...Whatever)

Topic: Walking in the snow

It had been a while since he felt this lonely.
Tightening the scarf around his neck, his hands trembled as he put on his gloves. It was cold, and he was alone, under the moonless night, walking and walking.
Walking on the white, clean, snow.
Every step he took leave a footprint behind. It was no longer snowing, but his heart felt as cold as ice. He had long forgotten how long he walked, but he started to find no purpose to it. He had left home, in a rage of his parents who wouldn't listen to him, only to be abandoned in such place. The originally pretty snow now seemed like a curse.
He started to feel dizzy then, and the clothes never seemed warm enough on him. He walked for a few more miles, aimlessly, and finally his tired legs gave away.
Falling forward, he felt himself crumbled into the innocent whiteness that Earth brought forward a long time ago.
And finally, he understood. The long sinking feeling in his heart.
The mixture of sadness and guilt, as well as loneliness, for leaving his family.
A tear strolled down his eyes as he lost conscious in the snow.

3 Name: Yuki : 2014-03-19 22:00 ID:wlSn13f2 [Del]

Next topic: A little white dog

4 Name: AkiraYuu : 2014-03-19 22:34 ID:tkcj1uHK [Del]

I was trying to live leave everyone I loved. But I just see it impossible...I'm afraid of my own ideas.
The pain makes me hug my increases the time I can live here.
But this tiny white dog...this smarty guy, have made me feel better. He's my loyal company, he follows me everywhere.
All the people I love, though, didn't care about me....but I do about them. They don't even remember me....
Every time I think of this...I start to weep. And when Brown, my little buddy, see it, he starts to lick my cheeks to clean them from this salad juice. I caress his head and smile at him, he's the reason I continue trying to help help myself somehow.

5 Name: AkiraYuu : 2014-03-19 22:34 ID:tkcj1uHK [Del]

Topic: The true stars