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Prestige Academy - RP (8)

1 Name: ltreat !nYQys0FVeU : 2014-02-19 23:25 ID:QCvC27lw (Image: 992x999 jpg, 180 kb) [Del]

src/1392873948340.jpg: 992x999, 180 kb
The art does not belong to me

About Prestige Academy
When Joan Marie decided to create the best academy of all time, she did nothing less. Asking her dear friend, Clyde Thorn, to help her, the both of them created Prestige Academy; a place where only the Elite may enter. It was designed for those in Years 10-12 and its curriculum was focused on helping students get high grades for future success. Building the academy far from the rest of society, Joan hired the best teachers and professors from all over the country to come and teach the students. She made sure everything was of the highest class. From the extravagant dorms to the smallest spoon, only the items of highest quality were used. Complete with its own observatory, it had everything and it was everything. It was the Elite of the Elite. It truly was Prestige Academy.
When the academy was finally complete, Joan sent out applications to all the rich families with children of the ages 14 to 19. Even after this process was finished, they were pushed to the limit when it came to assessing who could enter the academy. High quality always comes with a high price. This selection of students meant only those of a rich family and those with enough skill were allowed to enter the academy. Satisfied with the academy’s success, Joan became the Principal and almost never left her office ever since the first day of the academy’s orientation. This left Clyde, the Vice-Principal in charge of all the major happenings within the academy.
Because of this sudden event, Clyde was left with most of the power and ended up changing the rules: Although those with high talents could enter, those with high talents but no money were also allowed to enrol. This meant, if you had the talent, you could also enter with no worries about high fees.
Although this news didn’t reach the Principal’s ears, rumours spread quickly among the students. Soon, there was a clear differentiation between the two classes: The Talented, who were the ones of high class and status, and the Delinquents, who were the ones who came from poor families and had no status. With this hierarchy of students, many of the students find themselves at war with the opposite class due to the different backgrounds and natures they came from. The Delinquents often found themselves being looked down upon and the Talented, could find themselves being bullied by jealous Delinquents. Despite their differences, both classes were worthy of entering due to their intelligence in either many areas or high skills in one particular area. None of these students are to be looked down for their grades. All these students do belong in this academy and all students do have enough talent to stay in this academy.
With the crazy mix of Talented and Delinquent, nothing ever goes right in this academy. But one thing is for sure: There’s sure to be some drama!

Welcome to Prestige Academy!
~Where the talented meet delinquents~

If you haven't noticed, this is a high-school based roleplay. All story ideas and characters mentioned above were created and belong to me. In other words, this is an original idea. Links to the story will not be posted in this thread.

if you want to join, please post an application like the one below:

Name: Richelle Lynn
Gender/Sex: Female
Age: 16
Grade: 10
Status: Talented

When all that's over, just post two descriptive paragraphs, one about your character and one RP sample, and I'll accept you! Easy!

I'll be letting in a maximum of four people, maximum of two characters per person, in order to avoid confusion.
Extra Information
>As soon as the first 'RP' post appears it will not be allowed to talk or ask questions OOC. Please ask everything you want to know before the actualy RP starts.
>'Disguised' are people who can be either 'Talented' (Poor) disguised as 'Delinquents' (Rich) and vice versa.
>I do not consider myself a master at these things. If you find a mistake or one in the future, don't be afraid to point it out ^^
>If you realy really really need to go OOC talk in [OOC here] brackets

Don't be afraid to ask questions!

2 Name: kiro : 2014-02-21 19:41 ID:20TlaP1z [Del]

Name: pyro jinx
Gender/sex: male
Status: disguised

Pyro is a small petite male. He has snow white skin blood red lips and long black hair that is a few feet to long for his body and covered in purple blue and red highlights. Pyro also has mischievous blood red eyes that glows like a cat. He always wears a pair of white round headphones with black roses on them that is constantly playing music. He also carries a pure black electric violin in a case on his back with a similer design.
Pyro loves to cause chaos and is often confused for a girl something he uses to his advantage. Pyro acts dumb and ditzy but is actually considered a genius.

Tick tock tick tock
Eagerly Rachel leaned forward in her seat tuning out her teachers droning voice as she counted down the seconds left of this hellish class. Next to her sat the reason for her desperation whistling as he balanced a pencil on his nose. As he did this pyro stood and began to twirl in circles on one leg his arms behind his head. The teacher ignored this used to his behavior.
Rachel groaned her head throbbing as she ignored her classmates snickers and pitying looks. Finally the bell rang just as Rachel was about to lose it and she jumped up cheering. Ignoring her classmates stares she ran over to the teacher and demanded a new chemestry partner. All he did was sigh and nod having known this was coming. Rachel smiled and ran out of the room never noticing a pair of michivious bleed red eyes watching her leave with a twinkle.

3 Name: ltreat : 2014-02-23 17:32 ID:nzg5ly3t [Del]

>>2 Alrighty! Accepted~!
Welcome to Prestige Academy~ :3

4 Name: ltreat : 2014-02-23 20:51 ID:nzg5ly3t [Del]

Though... Can you tell me are you a talented in disguise or a delinquent in diguise?

5 Name: CoffeeCream : 2014-02-24 06:22 ID:/lU1YyeK [Del]

Were the RP is going to be played? I'm interested in joining :3

6 Name: ltreat : 2014-02-24 16:04 ID:MZETL08b [Del]

>>5 I thought we could do it here after I got enough members~
But I could make another thread if it's really needed ^^

7 Name: CoffeeCream : 2014-02-25 00:07 ID:bA0i8koY [Del]

In short, here on the Dollars! c: I'll start to work on it tomorrow. :D

8 Name: ltreat : 2014-02-25 01:09 ID:a8e4drtz [Del]

>>7 X3 Hope to see it soon~!