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The catcher in the Rye (10)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-21 19:30 ID:zcqldrm5 [Del]

Did you read it? What did you think about it?

2 Name: Vigil : 2013-05-22 23:20 ID:pM/VbAEs [Del]

Overrated,no joke it just was. It was good but it was supposed to be so controversial and such but alas it did not seem to be so. Salangers book "nine storys" was much better, lol.

3 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) !Enough.h12 : 2013-05-23 00:04 ID:ju07xze6 [Del]

Back when it was first released, it was controversial. Big time.

You've got to take into account the times the stories were created in. The level of tolerance and controversies differ.

4 Name: DioBrando : 2013-05-24 18:57 ID:BYHMZp59 [Del]

I really liked it. I didn't have to read it as an assignment in school, because I'm spanish. I did, however, bought the book a couple of months ago and I found it fascinating.

5 Name: X : 2013-05-25 11:26 ID:rpaJGjou [Del]

Yup, I've read it. It was a nice read for me. I don't think it's overrated.

6 Name: Kazehachi!V/vi9gujn6 : 2013-07-25 08:36 ID:V66YdAcw [Del]

I read Rye back when I was in high school and I enjoyed the ending! A nice twist to it. I do see where some would overhype it, but it's a good book regardless.

What made it controversial in its time, though? That I'm unfamiliar with.

7 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-25 09:26 ID:4pjNhpck [Del]

I couldn't enjoy it as a satire nor a novel; it just wasn't exciting. It was simply a giant monologue by a depressed teenager spanning a couple days.

>>6 From wiki:

"The challenges generally begin with Holden's frequent use of vulgar language, with other reasons including sexual references, blasphemy, undermining of family values and moral codes, Holden's being a poor role model, encouragement of rebellion, and promotion of drinking, smoking, lying, and promiscuity."

Also, two major shootings were blamed on the book by the shooters claiming it inspired them to see the truth and do what they did. Multiple others were also related.

"Several shootings have been associated with the novel, including Robert John Bardo's shooting of Rebecca Schaeffer and John Hinckley, Jr.'s assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan. Following Mark David Chapman's shooting of John Lennon, Chapman was arrested with his worn personal copy of the book, inside which he had written, 'To Holden Caulfield, From Holden Caulfield, This is my statement'."

8 Name: Loliprincess : 2013-09-06 22:11 ID:hRkHjE3Y [Del]

I thought it was a good book. Not the best, but it wasn't really bad or anything. I just thought there would be more to it than swearing and Holden being some jerk. Though for it to be controversial today is a little ridiculous. I seriously hate it when people complain about a book that isn't even that bad. Maybe at the time of its release I could understand, but I just don't see how it could really be bad nowadays.

9 Name: Tyk1337 : 2013-09-07 13:17 ID:/sYAUF7J [Del]

I loved the book. Especially Holden's character. Brutally honest? Cynical? Yet, still poetic? He really reminded me a lot of myself in terms of personality. I admired him. So, needless to say, his scattered commentaries and calling-out of the society and actions taking place around him were my favorite parts of the book.

10 Name: kyugishi !40amVkct.6 : 2013-09-09 13:06 ID:3fc2kxcu [Del]

I though Holden was a little whiney to my taste, but the book is really good. The fact that it is banned only brings attention to the book.