Dollars BBS | Literature
















"Tell me a story" (8)

1 Name: Ckea : 2013-02-20 09:37 ID:A9ryCMKM [Del]

It's simple. This thread is there for u to share your stories with fellow Dollar members. You don't need to be a pro at writing. It can be a short story, a scene, a drama, a dialog, a tale, a poem... anything, as long it is your own story.

(Btw, sry if this doesn't belong on Literature / on the Dollars site at all. I just thought it would be nice to share a bit of literature with each other ^^" Also, sry if there is already a thread like this. If any of both is the case pls correct me on that, thx ^^")

2 Name: Karma : 2013-02-24 02:30 ID:iZEbNZB7 [Del]

Amber Dreams

I had just finished my weekend grocery shopping and was loading the trunk of the car when
suddenly hands grabbed me from behind. I felt a knife pressed to my throat and a gruff voice
murmured in my ear, “You wouldn't happen to be Harrison Miller?”
All I could do was stand there and quietly nod in
confirmation. I didn't fight as the hands lifted
me up and carried me to a blue van, not even when they shoved me into the back seat. It was only after
they had slammed the door that I began to struggle,
but by then it was too late.
The van had heavy curtains on all of the windows so I had no way of knowing how long we
drove. After what must have been at least five hours of nonstop driving, the van lurched to a halt.
A tall man grabbed me under the arms and hauled me
out into the bright sunshine. I caught a brief
glimpse of a big, brick building before I felt the
sharp jab of a needle in my side. The world went black.
I awoke to find myself strapped to a table in a small room, unable to move an inch. When I tried
to call out for help, I found to my dismay that I was unable to speak. Panicked, I pulled against my
restraints but soon realized that it was no use. A
sort while later, a man in a white lab coat came in
fed me. I tried to say something, anything, but again, the words would not come.
In the small room I had no way of keeping track of time, but I think it took about two days
before I started dreaming. Being strapped down, I was unable to do much of anything. The room didn't
even have cracks in the ceiling to count, so I escaped into my own mind.
The dreams were all different at first, but then I
began to notice a pattern. They always started with
person in trouble who then was bravely rescued by another stronger person. After they had escaped, the
person who had been rescued would return to their everyday life and live happily ever after.
One day I was having one of those dreams when I felt a soft hand touch my arm. An even softer
voice whispered in my ear, “My name is Amber, and I
am here to save you.”
My eyes flew open to see a girl leaning over me, a
concerned look on her face. She began to
remove the straps from my body one by one, letting
then fall silently to the floor. Still unable to speak,
I tried my best to ask with my eyes,“Why are you doing this?”
She gave no sign that she had understood. I began
to realize that this was just like one of my
dreams. She helped me to my feet and handed me a white lab coat.
“Put this on, you will fit right in.”
Pulling one on herself, she led me stumbling out of the room. We stepped out into a long hall
lined with doors identical to the one we had just exited. At the end of the hall was a staircase that
led up
to another hall packed full of people. Just like the people that had fed me, they all wore white lab coats.
Amber was right, we fit right in.
At first I was nervous. What if we were found? What if they put me back in that room? When
nobody noticed us, I grew more confident. We passed
one room that was particularly interesting.
Inside were five or six people all surrounding a small owl perched on the back of a chair. Amber pulled
me on down the hall.
“If you stand in one spot too long, we will be found,”she scolded.
It was too late, all the people in the hall turned
towards us. Amber grabbed my hand and pulled
me into a small room off to the side, slamming the
door behind us.
“You fool,” she whispered running over to a big air vent in the floor. Ripping off the cover, she
climbed in, pulling me after her.
We climbed through a series of tunnels, some of which were almost too small for me to fit. We
came to a shaft that slanted steeply upwards ending
in a grate that looked out onto a grassy field.
Amber pushed on the grate until it gave way and fell to the grass below. Clambering out, I got to my
feet and stretched. It felt to good to under the sun again. I found to my joy, that I was able to talk
more, and turning to Amber who had climed out beside me, I said, “Thank you.”
“No time for that now, we still need to get across
the fence,” she cried while grasping my hand
and pulling me across the field. We reached a tall
chain link fence that rose high above our heads.
“Follow me,” she said, climbing up the fence and landing effortlessly on the other side. I
followed with a little less grace, but I made it over in the end.
“What are we going to do now?” I asked.
“Not what are we going to do now? What are you going to do now?” she replied, moving away,
“I am just your dream after all.”
“What do you mean you’re just my dream?” I shouted
after her.
“If you dream about something long enough, sometimes your dream stops being just a dream.
In your dreams, your life went back to the way it was before you were taken, and I have no place in that
life, so it is time for me to say goodbye.” With that she slowly began to disintegrate into small
fragments of light. Crying out her name, I grabbed
at her hand but before I could grasp it, it too
vanished. I sat there for a long time, tears streaming from my eyes looking up at the clear blue sky.

For some reason I felt tears running down my face,
which was odd because I never cried no
matter how bad things were. Wiping the tears away,
I put the last grocery bag in the trunk. Slamming
the trunk closed, I shrugged to myself. Odd thing happened sometimes. Getting in the car, I drove off
with a lingering uneasy feeling about the blue van
that had been parked next to me.

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7 Name: Anonymous : 2013-02-24 05:38 ID:dtSB01/7 [Del]

Under Juniper's Tree
I was a young girl at the time when I had a dream. A weary dream that spoke of appending danger that came in the form of a tree. It spoke these words, "Do not approach the tree of life, for it shall bring death."
I awoke and found myself under a willow tree. A bird chirped thrice then called my name, "Juniper! Juniper! Climb this tree! Climb up to me!"
I remembered the words that warned me and I said to the bird, "I'm sorry, but I do not dare climb that tree."
The bird chirped thrice and flew away. I fell in a slumber soon after and another dream bubbled in my mind. It warned me of a danger that came in a form of a pool. It spoke these words, "Not a dip, not a toe, not even a peek. Bathe in this and you shall be forever doomed."
I awoke and found myself surrounded by droplets of rain. Kept dry by the umbrella that the now yellow willow held over my head. An audience of puddles surrounded the willow. A bird tweeted twice and called out to me, "Juniper! Juniper! Come cleanse yourself! Come over to me!"
I remembered the warnings as it echoed itself and I said to the bird, "I am sorry, but I dare not bathe in that puddle."
The bird splashed the puddle and tweeted twice. It flew away. I took one more nap and a dream occurred once more and it warned me of trouble that came in the form of a snake. It spoke these words, "Hiss. Hiss. Approaching IT will be like approaching death."
I awoke under a naked willow tree. Branches torn and it's color faded. A bird gave out one big shriek and called out to me, "JUNIPER! JUNIPER! Come help me! This snake is trying to eat me!"
I remembered the warnings foretold and I said, "I'm sorry, but I do not dare come near that snake," and the bird shrieked once more and the snake gobbled it up.
Again did I sleep but no dreams came to me. I awoke to a sad looking willow tree. With no words of danger, I gently crawled to a puddle and in it's reflection I saw a sad looking old lady. I was no longer able to climb the tree, for time has made the branches higher. I was no longer able to splash in puddles because age has given me weaknesses. My whole life I have feared death and so I never had the chance to live. I took the snake and tied it into a noose. The snake hanged at the base of the willow's branch. And so did I. I chirped thrice and flew away.

This short story (Or whatever you want to call it) was based of a German fairy tale called, "The Juniper Tree." Give it a read if you want, it's moral is outrageous and it doesn't make a lick of sense.

8 Name: Karma : 2013-02-25 02:30 ID:iZEbNZB7 [Del]

Free as a Bird

I have always wished for a new life, but I never though it would come true. It all started on a hot
day in late July while I was in my room reading. Suddenly there came a sharp tap on my window. I
looked up to see a small, wizened, old man suspended in midair. He raised one long, boney finger to
tap again. Looking up at me with a expressionless face, he seemed to be calling to me. I stood up and
took a step toward that relentless gaze, then another and another until I had both hands on the window.
Shaking my head, I pulled my hands away. What was I
thinking, letting a strange man into my house? I
sat back down, and turning my back to the window, I
resumed my reading. The tapping came again and
again more persistent, but this time I ignored it.
The man continued to tap remorselessly for the next half an hour until I was forced to look at
him again. This time I walked straight over to the
window without a second thought and flung it open.
The old man landed on the windowsill and hopped inside, giving me a wide, toothless grin.
He began to speak in a clear sing-song voice that
seemed to reverberate inside my head like the
chiming of a bell. “You now have a choice, for I can give you the new life you have always wished for.
One more wonderful than you could ever imagine, but
you must know that all things come with a price,
and that just as all bad things will end so will all good things. Pay no mind to me, though the life you
have always wished for is at the tips of your fingers. All you must do is grab hold, and you will have
things that you could not imagine even in your wildest dreams. The decision is all yours. I will return
here tomorrow at noon. If you are not standing in this spot at that time, I will presume that your answer
is no. This is your only chance and I will never come back.” With that he flow off over the roof tops
and out of sight leaving me to ponder my future.
The next day I found myself standing at my bedroom
window even though I had told myself
over and over the night before that that man was not to be trusted. He arrived this time in a puff of
green and pink smoke holding a pair of strange skate-like things. I opened my window and crawled out
onto the porch roof. “Put these on. They will allw you to walk on air,” he instructed.
I stood still looking straight at him. “Where are
you taking me and what will you do when we
get there? Yesterday you were talking about how all
things come with a price.”
“If you want your wishes to come true you will ask
no more questions. Now put on your air
Reluctantly I slipped them on and suddenly found myself floating 40ft off the ground. I tore my
gaze from the dizzying drop below and focused my eyes on the man once more.
“Now all you must do,” said the man, “is walk.”
I tried to take a step and nearly fell to my death
before I regained my balance once more. Before
I knew it, I was following the man through the sky.
All we flew over for a long time were fields and
occasional houses, but slowly we began to see the first signs of a city Soon we were
passing over tall office buildings and even taller
skyscrapers. “How long until we get there?,” I asked
him, but he just kept on flying.
Finally the man came to an abrupt halt over a big,
brick building. “There it is,” he told me. We
landed in the parking lot. Well he landed, I went sprawling, scraping my knee in the process. We
entered the building through a small side door to see a long hallway stretching before us. There were
unseen rooms on either side of me. People in white
lab coats hurried in and out of the rooms, only
stopping to give me wide grins that were somehow not welcoming at all. The man beckoned to me
urgently. “Come, come, you are almost at you goal now,” and like the fool I was I followed him on
deeper into the building.
After what seemed like ages, we came to a small room. Its only furnishings were a table and a
chair with straps to hold the arms and legs of a person. There was a small group of people surrounding
the table. They all wore the same white lab coats as the ones in the hall. When I entered, a young
women came to me and gently took my arm. Leading me
to the chair, she strapped me in tightly.
Thoughts began to fly though my head. What were they going to do to me? Up until now it had all just
been a fun game, but now it was different. “What are you going to do to me?” I asked, my voice
trembling, “What do you want from me?”
“We want you to sit still while we give you a little shot that will alter your DNA. If nothing goes
wrong, it will turn you into a small owl,” The man burst into maniacal laughter until his whole body
shook with it.
“And if it doesn't work?” I asked.
“You will die,” said the man, smiling all the while. He walked over to the table and picked up a
large syringe and began to move towards me. I tried
to pull myself free, but the straps held me fast to
the chair. The next moment, I felt the sharp jab of
the needle entering my flesh and the world when pitch black.
I awoke to find myself perched back of the chair looking up at a circle of amazed faces hovering
above me. One of the people whispered, “We did it.”
Then they were all shouting it. Throwing pens,
pencils, lab coats, anything they could get there hands on, up in the air. After calming down a little, one
of them picked up a mirror from the table and held
it in front of me. The reflection showed a small owl
with bright, beady, black eyes and a short, hooked
beak. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but I was
happy that I was still alive.
“I have always imagined a life with fewer feathers,” I commented, but to my surprise all that
came out was a straggled squawk.
“I suppose your getting hungry right about now,” the little man said, walking forward holding a
small mouse wriggling in his left hand. Against my
will, my body started moving forward, reaching for
the helpless creature. The next thing I knew it was
in my mouth, and I was swallowing it. I glared at the
man and was about to claw his eyes out when it happened.
It all began with a sharp pain that started in my
stomach and quickly spread through my entire
body. It grew so intense that all I could think about was the pain. I continued for a long time, but it did
stop in the end, taking my life and every wish I had ever made with it. I guess my life did change but
not the way I would have ever expected.