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Ouroboros Meta (85)

1 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-19 13:16 ID:oHx9SaDD [Del]

So, some random guy thought Ouroboros was a story, and proceeded to comment on it.


This is a meta thread for the new RP Ouroboros. Questions and comments about it can go here, as well as discussion regarding it.

2 Name: Kid : 2013-02-19 16:16 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

Opening a Door 101: Shoot the Doors.

Shoot the fucking doors.

We also have a class on how to get away from a crime scene in the most stylish manner possible and how to negotiate with trigger-happy policemen.

3 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-19 20:55 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

Alright, first post is just a brief intro of the gang's history, the events that happened to change things up, then what would necessarily be where everything starts up. The end of the post is what is currently happening to the Gamblers.

As for their hideout, the Gambler's Den. Think of it as a relatively large bar with a gambling hall in the back and rooms on the second floor. Well-guarded, but open to those who aren't going to shoot up the place. I'm trying to make it so it's kind of a safe haven for those who want to disappear, whether it be from the cops or other gangs, as the Gambler name still has at least some merit in their own area, and their members are still fairly ruthless when it comes to defending what's theirs.

So far, digging the atmosphere of the RP.

4 Name: Forgotten One : 2013-02-19 21:29 ID:a74MxwOv [Del]

City setting, modernistic, no magic. Right?

5 Name: Forgotten One : 2013-02-19 21:29 ID:a74MxwOv [Del]

City setting, modernistic, no magic. Right?

6 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-19 21:35 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

So far, yes. Not much in the way of explanation thus far, other than gang violence being somewhat normal.

7 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-19 21:47 ID:uahveD+n [Del]

noire settingish.

trenchcoats, cigars, jazz bars, gangs, etc. For now, anyway. There are things that aren't being revealed, which may or may not come into play later.

8 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-19 23:37 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

Okay, so the wording is bad. Don't hate me for it. I'm tired and I'm always bad on the first post. Just let your characters continue what they're doing and they may or may not see the onlooker.

9 Name: king!t/EiDKL3Do : 2013-02-20 02:26 ID:uq6tWfIc [Del]

you know what this rp needs? a hooker with a heart of gold, of course.

10 Name: arka !chvok4/SZI : 2013-02-20 06:04 ID:AMOlvSgt [Del]


Thanks, that explains a lot:)

I honestly thought it was just a random post.

11 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-20 14:37 ID:vhwPcRqs [Del]

>>10 Don't worry about it. It was never stated anywhere that it was actually an RP - your comment reminded me that we probably needed to put up a thread for meta anyway.

12 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-21 09:08 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

Alright, quick question Kid. Am I wrong in thinking that you just crashed several cars into my bar? Or am I just reading it wrong?

I see a car "stopped inside a wall", mention of the bar, then two more cars hitting the same wall?

13 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-21 10:44 ID:KuZrBpfh [Del]

>>12 I assume so by the "literally in the wall" part. My post is assuming that three cars did just crash into the bar and back out.

Also, sorry for the short post, but writer's block is a bitch.

14 Name: Kid : 2013-02-21 15:09 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

Yup. I saw where a wall shouldn't be and decided "No. This is not adequate."

15 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-21 15:21 ID:vhwPcRqs [Del]


Only one car backed out. The others are presumably still there.

16 Name: Kid : 2013-02-21 15:28 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

Wait, it depends. Would cops and robbers, being in the same general, start shooting each other?

If so, then things might be a little different.

17 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-21 15:32 ID:vhwPcRqs [Del]

True. They weren't specifically chasing us. The cops were chasing a gang run-away who stole a car, and the gangs were chasing the cops.

So to be more accurate, we backed out, and the cops and gang members are still crashed in.

And shooting at each other.

18 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-21 16:00 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

>>17 Well, I just fucked up that post then didn't I? I'll be sure to actually pay attention next time I post, and not post when I'm distracted.

19 Name: Kid : 2013-02-21 16:09 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

Bullets? Fuck that.

Nerves of fucking steel.

20 Name: king!t/EiDKL3Do : 2013-02-21 16:29 ID:8V9Nd1Fh [Del]

unless there is some reason other than forgetting to do something with the cops and robbers, this is easily remedied.

they all crash in, and your car leaves. other cars find this as a less than advantageous situation and one backs up. other cars pursues.

that is, like i said, you all meant for them to stick around.

21 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-21 16:41 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

>>20 that was kinda of what I was thinking would happen. That or the cars were chasing the car that backed out, so they backed out too.

22 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-21 17:04 ID:vhwPcRqs [Del]


They're sticking around. And shooting at each other.

Have fun.

23 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-21 17:10 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

>>22 Now you're just being a pain. Fine, I'll fix this.

24 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-21 17:10 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

>>22 Now you're just being a pain. Fine, I'll fix this.

25 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-21 18:39 ID:D7FvBi4l [Del]

You guys could have told me you didn't want me to have the bar. Would have had it burn down in the scuffle or something.

Kind of a dick move to just crash into it and start shooting, considering I had some motivation NOT to start a fight with cops, but I guess I can figure something out now that all this is going on.

In class now, though. Will get something going once I get home.

26 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-21 18:40 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

>>25 I suggest you worry more about the couple about to break into the office making out. That's just a suggestion though.

27 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-21 19:24 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

Actually, I think the people shooting around the only place this gang has left is more pressing than a guy picking up a hooker and taking her to the backroom. Honestly, the latter is remedied in one line, while the rest I have to reclassify just to keep things somewhat reasonable.

Speaking of, I thought about the scenario on the way home, and came up with a few things.

1. I can go with the crashed cars, and the fact that they are shooting at each other. I am, however, making it so that the cars are still mostly outside when the firefight goes on. Front end is in the bar, cab is outside, patrons inside are relatively safe as soon as my post gets them there.

2. Unlike what I may have mentioned on YIM, since these gang members are in cars and actively shooting at both civilians and police, they are not part of the Gamblers. They are now just some other street gang. My gang has plans to eventually be friendly with the cops and buy out some immunity, which wouldn't work if they just started shooting at them in broad daylight.

Other than that, I will post soon with Griffon's reactions and set things on some kind of right path. You guys have control of the cops and shooting gang members, and I will deal with your actions accordingly.

28 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-21 19:37 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

>>27 Well, if he leaves before the random couple busting in, then I guess it doesn't matter much. In that case, I wonder how One-Shot will react.

29 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-21 19:55 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

I actually got to you guys in the post. Grif wouldn't just leave the bar when it's under attack.

30 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-21 20:29 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

Well. I did not plan on introducing the second characters so soon. I guess it'll get confusing now because my character has yet to introduce himself, and the circumstance doesn't really explain how he got his nickname. Have fun sorting out this next bit of mess guys!

31 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-21 20:38 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

We'll figure it out later. Right now, cars are hitting walls and people are shooting at each other. No need for all this 'talking' and 'getting to know each other' bullshit.

32 Name: Kid : 2013-02-21 20:57 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

Introductions in the middle of gunfights? Jesus, what is this. Less talking, more bullets. Let's make things a little crazier.

33 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-21 21:03 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

Not really an "introduction" just me sending in my second character because he's needed. I haven't introduced him yet.

34 Name: king!t/EiDKL3Do : 2013-02-21 23:56 ID:zSyGf98l [Del]

>>33 question!

what do these clowns look like? cause i keep thinking of identical twins in pinstriped suits, who switch off to create the illusion of being in two places at once.

correct me before it is solidified in my head-canon.

35 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-22 07:56 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]


One-Shot definitely sticks out. If someone didn't know who he was, he'd look like a tourist on some sort. Dark long-ish hair. Black trench coat. Black Fedora. Dark Eyes. Black Fedora. You get the point. Pale skin. He's short.

Steve has a body guard type build. Short blonde hair. Tan skin. I'm not really sure what he's wearing, I didn't plan on him even being in the RP until much later, so I can't explain that. He stick out less than One-Shot though, except for the fact that he's fucking huge. Probably a bit over seven foot.

36 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-22 07:57 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

>>35 said Fedora twice. Only remember typing it once. I must have just been that excited about it.

37 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-22 15:28 ID:vhwPcRqs [Del]

He wears two fedoras. Simultaneously. On top of each other.

38 Name: Kid : 2013-02-22 15:40 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

Oh my God, it's like a... a...

Double hipster.

39 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-22 17:40 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

>>37 This. All of this.

And, I think I just learned a valuable lesson about not trying to post right after waking up. Sorry, I was tired. This post was shit.

40 Name: king!t/EiDKL3Do : 2013-02-22 18:17 ID:tgJfa6fH [Del]

i'm not the only one who thought one-shot was about to confess his undying love for griffon in that back office, was i?

>>39 and quit drawing attention to it every time you think you screw up. doesn't help. kinda makes it worse. the post was fine.

41 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-22 18:23 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

>>40 I'm self conscious. Not my fault I don't think I can write worth shit.

Also, I expected that too.

42 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-22 19:17 ID:vhwPcRqs [Del]


Alternatively - Stop QQing on meta about your supposed shittiness. Meta thread is for meta, it shouldn't keep pace count with the bloody RP!

43 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-22 19:37 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

I seriously need a name for my bartender now. He's easily becoming one of my more endearing characters in this RP.

And Moscove, don't stress too much about your posts. If they get too confusing, I'll ask about them. Otherwise, just roll with it.

44 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-22 20:43 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

Okay! I have a question before/if Steve's going to enter. Is there a window in the office that Steve can come through? I didn't want to assume there was one there, when Psy could have left through it when she was locked in the office, but it's kinda important for me to consider my next post.

45 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-22 20:46 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

No, no window. It's basically in the center of the bar. At least at the bottom floor, anyway.

46 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-22 20:52 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

Okay, I'm trying to figure this nonsense out. What would be the quickest way from the outside, to the office? Depending on what it is, it may or may not be considered in my next post.

47 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-22 21:10 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

Through the door, unfortunately. It's basically to keep other gangs from just breaking in and stealing anything from them, even though most of it is in the safe. Sorry, dude. Gotta make sure things are locked down.

Technically, all you have to do is wait for Griffon to give you both a job to them get you into the Gamblers. No need for the guy to burst in and explain himself. And, honestly, I could cook up something for you to do sooner rather than later.

48 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-22 21:14 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

It depends on what happens in your next post, so I guess you have a point. If Griffon wants to hear more of Steve's story, then I'll have to know how Steve's even getting in. Then again, I'm assuming that Griffon will ask for more. Oh well! Thanks for answering them anyways.

49 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-22 21:21 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

Technically, I'm waiting on King for his post before I get any further. Kind of want both posts before I get anything down.

At this point, if you said that you didn't have any more intel, he would just say 'alright I'll give you a job to prove yourself, then you're in'. I just wanted to give you the option to flesh out more of your characters. If you didn't need it, I can move on, no problem.

50 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-22 21:35 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

I actually really did need that. I had no idea who Steve even was until that post, so I thank you, and I understand the wait.

51 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-23 01:17 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

Kid, are your character just talking to themselves? I am so confused by every single one of your posts right now, but mostly your last 2.

52 Name: Kid : 2013-02-23 02:47 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

I like talking to myself.

Nah, yeah, they're talking to other characters that are controlled by me again. For the last one, person is talking to an assistant of Rooks, then a dude just sort of talking to the little girl, followed by Rob just using a phone.

They're pretty hard to read, yeah, and only a few people can really reliably read em. Takes some time.

53 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-26 21:03 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

Alright, after tonight, I'll basically be out of town until the weekend after next.

Moscove, if you want to take over your job storyline, that's fine. Just don't blow up businesses and kill civilians. Frank, the guy I had going with you, is basically a blank slate for now, so write him up as you will and I'll get his character back on track afterwards.

If you want to wait on me, that's fine too. Although it may be a while.

King, same goes with you. If you want to take control of Vince and do the job against Psy's guy, go for it. Vince is basically a blank slate as well, and, if anything is out of place, I'll fix it afterwards. I figure you can handle the scenario pretty well.

As for everything else, I'll just have to catch up on it when I get back. With this and Hekaton, I'll have a good amount of reading to do.

54 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-26 21:30 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

>>53 Unless someone has something evil and shocking planned, I don't think you have to worry about anything of that sort happening. If there was something you had planned, you can tell me so I can make sure it happens. or at least try to knowing my luck.

55 Name: Kid : 2013-02-26 23:16 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

Busy for week. Double midterms, programs, a lot of messes that needs to be fixed. Expect this weekend to have something in store.

56 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-02-27 02:40 ID:yQ9mbnyc [Del]


The whole point of an RP is going with the flow. You don't really have any say over who does what with their characters, mind you.

If they decide to blow shit up, unless Ayanavi states otherwise, they can in-fact do it.

57 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-02-27 02:44 ID:yQ9mbnyc [Del]

I meant Kidd, but I and tired. Either way, the maker of the RP states any possible rules. If not stated, they can choose how to base their RP.

58 Name: Thiamor (on another computer) : 2013-02-27 02:44 ID:yQ9mbnyc [Del]


59 Name: Arcangel : 2013-02-27 09:03 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

Thiamor, they can do what they want with their characters, but if they want to write the scenario, they'll have to do it with my characters involved. And, as my characters, Vince and Frank would not let things get blown up or have unnecessary people killed.

I'm giving them license to use my characters in order to move their stories along, like the RP was established for, but those players still has to respect the characters for which they are writing, which is also something Aya mentioned was part of what was going on.

I appreciate that you're trying to keep the RP open and free-flowing Thiamor, and I respect that. But respect for the characters each player makes is also important.

Anyway, if Aya or Kid have a problem with this, I'm happy to extend more courtesies towards both Moscove and King involving the setting. I was just putting in my two cents on how my characters would act.

60 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-02-27 10:44 ID:KuZrBpfh [Del]

This doesn't even matter, because nothing will be blown up. My characters, mainly Steve, aren't the flashy kind that'll do something that may draw attention to themselves.

61 Name: Kid : 2013-02-28 14:04 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

Not a lot of complaints on my end, and what Arc said was what I figured. I reckon that Leigha could have actually done whatever she wanted (including the blowing up) and what Arc said was closer to "my characters do not want this kind of trouble". Blowing up shouldn't be on their agenda, and killing civilians is usually frowned upon, so it should be avoided. Thing is, accidents or situations that might need a little collateral damage might lead into this unwanted trouble...

Mind you, I actually never explicitly mentioned it and this is 61 posts in or so, but...

Everything will have repercussions.

Be careful about your you do, because choice actions might make things a lot more difficult. Might not be immediate, but things will happen. I actually need to think about micromanaging NPCs or minor PCs here and there to create at least a sense of unpredictability to scenarios. Keep Murphy's Law in mind, because once I get to the hang of it, this will be in effect full blast.

And with the whole open RP deal, yeah, there's always a matter of trust between posters. Part of the whole "you can control other players' characters given permission" was to make things hinge less on people waiting around, along with making certain situations flow a little better. With this comes the issue of "is this character being portrayed accurately" deal.

... who wants to spend 20-something posts on an exchange where the second person only contributes with short responses? Or, you know, add a few days just to do replies.

It's a simple, yet strange test.

tl;dr, because I like summarizing thing:
1) Players can do whatever they please with their own characters, but gotta respect what the other guy wants. All there is to it
2) If you fuck up, shit will happen. Maybe not instantly, but prepare to get shit wrecked even if none of my controlled characters are in the general vicinity
2a) This applies to Aya as well. She can fuck your shit up just because.

Characters played by other players is an interesting concept. Let's see if this gives us any interesting lil' mechanic.

62 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-03 23:01 ID:1ppPrWRA [Del]

Do the Gamblers have any sort of front other than the bar? Like some cover to explain all the same people in the same place all the time.

Just want to know what an unsavvy bystander would view them as.

63 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-03-04 21:43 ID:uXQaPvUw [Del]

>>62 Not everyone in the bar is a Gambler, as you can tell by the prostitute in there. I'm not sure, so don't take my word for this. I just see it as a bar that the head of The Gamblers own and a majority of them happen to hang out at, but it's not a "Gamblers Only" kind of deal, so there's probably a large amount of other people there, (which kind of explains the innocent bystanders in the fire fight).

64 Name: Arcangel : 2013-03-13 19:26 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

Sorry about the absence for more than the amount previously stated. Decided to pick up a cold on my way back from Vegas, and have been looking to get rid of it since. Still trying, but at least now I don't feel like taking a nap after class...

Anyway, since neither King or Moscove posted, none of the banter really went anywhere. But I do appreciate Kid clearing up the details.

Also Suto, the bar is owned and operated by the Gamblers, but it is an establishment for the public. It's their hideout only because they have little left at this point, yet things are in the works to separate their main operations with the bar in order to keep it from being a target.

As of now, it's a bar operating a gambling parlor in the back rooms and rooms upstairs to eventually be used as a brothel. The Gamblers hang out there more often than not because the bar and the surrounding blocks are their only territory, so it's likely anyone from the outside would recognize familiar faces going in and out.

As of now, I'm not sure if there is any real 'front' to speak of. Family business? Maybe. I haven't thought that far into the reconstruction of the group.

65 Name: LeighaMoscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2013-03-13 23:20 ID:qvldaLOh [Del]

>>64 Don't worry about being gone. I've been too busy to keep up with this too.

Is it still that night btw?

66 Name: Arcangel : 2013-03-14 17:44 ID:D7FvBi4l [Del]

From how I posted, yes.

67 Name: king!t/EiDKL3Do : 2013-03-15 01:31 ID:a4bpZEu2 [Del]

sorry about that. i was busy, and really didn't want to worry about the pimp anyways. figured things would just go business as usual. not wanting to play more than one character in this. even if it is just for a little while, it is a slippery slope with me.

68 Name: Arcangel : 2013-03-15 09:05 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

It's cool, King. If you want, I can just take over the entire setup for you so you don't have to worry about it. It would actually make for a rather interesting story arch for Vince, livening up his character a bit while getting the pimp off your hands so you don't have to worry about it. Probably just take over the operation, leaving him in charge, then letting it fade into obscurity.

Also Kid, just wanted to check if the guys crashed into the bar through the window. If so, then at least I know where they are when Grif and the others react to what's going on.

69 Name: Kid : 2013-03-15 14:11 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

Yep, through the window.

70 Name: Arcangel : 2013-03-16 00:01 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

Really want me to kill a cop just for kicks, don't you Kid?

All I wanted to do was get this pimp scene out of the way, and you guys keep dragging Vince back to save the day.

Anyway, I'd like to see if this actually ends in John getting shot by about a dozen Gamblers, or if any dialogue actually crops up that I can take advantage of. Maybe flesh out Grif ideals a little bit.

71 Name: Kid : 2013-03-16 23:02 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

do it faget

72 Name: Arcangel : 2013-03-20 21:19 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

King, if it's alright by you, I'll take over the pimp side story for the time being. Hopefully you didn't have any ideas on how he should be played, cause I think I'll handle his character a bit stereotypical.

73 Name: king!t/EiDKL3Do : 2013-03-20 21:24 ID:a4bpZEu2 [Del]

should be fine. the only think i think i said was his name was Reginald, and he doesn't like being called Reggie.

knock yourself out.

74 Name: Arcangel : 2013-03-22 08:43 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

Just for clarification, I'm not taking over the pimp storyline permanently. I only wanted to use the situation as a means to play up Vince a bit (obviously more than a bit, considering the lengthy dialogue). I may use the brothel as a secondary spot to discuss Gambler business, but will not use it for anything more than that.

If King wants to take over Reginald and the business, that's fine. If he doesn't, I'm sure he'd be cool with letting someone else handle it if they want to.

I'm only doing this to keep from taking on too many characters and locations to manage, as I am prone to do. I'm already giving my side characters too much personality. Hopefully with this upcoming change, I can 'get rid of' some of them and focus on Griffon more.

75 Name: Kid : 2013-03-22 16:04 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

So, who's gonna control those thugs? Arc or King?

76 Name: king!t/EiDKL3Do : 2013-03-22 17:29 ID:a4bpZEu2 [Del]

well, the dudes outside are arc's. i suppose if he doesn't want to be bothered with that place, they can always send who ever this chick is over to the other place.

unless she plans a mass homicide, i don't see why that would be a problem.

77 Name: Arcangel : 2013-03-22 18:39 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

The thugs are mine, yes. However, the business itself won't be operated by me. Since the business is being 'restructured', a new addition would be ill advised, so the thugs would probably send her to the Den.

Sorry about the sudden change from having the story to dropping it, Kid. If you want her to be at this establishment, just let me know. I guess I could figure something out. I don't particularly want to have too much going on before the shift, but I can accommodate if need be.

78 Name: Kid : 2013-03-22 20:31 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

Yeah, she wants to be at this establishment. Gotta talk to Mr. Pimp Named Reginald.

79 Name: king!t/EiDKL3Do : 2013-03-25 03:37 ID:a4bpZEu2 [Del]

>>77 had a sudden bolt of inspiration and went ahead and posted for reginald. i only did it cause i thought you wouldn't mind. let me know if i did a 'nono', and i'll refrain from it in the future.

80 Name: Arcangel : 2013-03-25 08:31 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

Far from it, King. I'm glad you decided to take over. I had no ideas for him aside from my stuff, so post away.

81 Name: king!t/EiDKL3Do : 2013-03-26 05:58 ID:a4bpZEu2 [Del]

oh good. only did a little, but thought it would be best to help things along while i was in the mood to do something.

82 Name: Arcangel : 2013-03-28 09:03 ID:0CRNAP/f [Del]

Kid, is Freya from the same church where you're keeping Eve? And would Freya have insisted on the girls going to that church?

I only ask because I'm having Vince drive a few of the girls there, and would want to make sure to have him run into Jack before trying to make entry. Or, at least, make mention of him being there.

83 Name: Kid : 2013-03-28 18:57 ID:p75ulgZn [Del]

Yeah, it is.

84 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-03-29 17:16 ID:pxV4ilFj [Del]

He wore what most would call rages.



85 Name: Kid : 2013-04-12 21:34 ID:geHTMulJ [Del]

Time is no longer a constant. It is now a variable.

What this means if we're talking meta-wise is that mini-timeskips are fine. If something needs to happen tomorrow and we're stuck in our kinky love dungeon of crazy nuns, feel free to do so.

Gonna need the honor system on this one and knowing when the hell you are at.

We don't want you careening 2000 years into the future, though. Watch that.