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My Prolouge/ Give me your feedback (1)

1 Name: あさか : 2013-01-31 21:57 ID:QD2X5BZl [Del]

Hey you can call me Asaka. Im a guy that lives in the states and i want write a short drama/romantic/comedy/Adult novel and this is a prolouge to it. Give me your feedback and please tell me what you think of it and if it makes you want to keep reading. Im aware there are some grammatical errors but this is just the rough draft. Peace. BTW i know alot of us are anime fans but this is not a anime book sorry.

Break ups are never easy when you truly love someone. No matter which point of view it is looked at. I believe the number one cause for break ups are the difference between personalities of the two. They say opposites attract but whoever said that is full of shit. The argument usually starts with someone (usually the guy) doing something that seems stupid to the girl, but see this is where the opposite thing turns out to be bull. Because what you may see as not that bad may be the worst thing to the other person. So you two argue to make yourself seem right over the other. You let your emotions control your mouth rather than your brain and say stupid and hurtful things to each other. Then it happens, you break up. You see this is where the pain comes in. When your laying down at night all alone you relive the moment in your brain almost 100 times and ask yourself, why the fuck did I say that. You constantly replay scenarios in your head, thinking what you could have done or said to stop or even prevent it from ever happening. Then reality kicks in and you realize that you will never get that moment back in your life, and the only way that you will have a small chance of fixing it is confronting the person. This is when pride comes to play, neither side will admit to the other that they were wrong because they both think that they are right. Time passes, no one says anything and just like that its over forever. You go into a downward emotional spiral and constantly blame yourself for the stupid mistakes you’ve made. Then you get scared of any other relationship thinking that you’re the problem and then you have nobody. So why do we do it? Love? I highly doubt that. Sex? It plays a big part but that’s not the reason either. So what is it? I think, it is human race’s natural fear of being alone. Do we really need each other to survive? Do we really need “love” to feel happiness? Well I don’t think so, but I guess everyone has their own opinion.