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Fairy Tales (30)

1 Name: Nico : 2012-11-29 08:51 ID:PpJ+Jcrl [Del]

Everyone knows about the story of Cinderella and her magical prince but do you guys know about the secret behind it? My english teacher told me that in the real story once the shoe doesn't fit your feet your feet gets cut off. Harsh right? So do you guys know any secrets behind the true stories of any fairy tales?

2 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2012-11-29 20:33 ID:mSuqUIWu [Del]

Well, in one version of Cinderella, the stepsisters cut off parts of their own feet to fit in the slippers. The prince noticed his mistake when a bird sand to him about blood being on their shoes.

The little mermaid dies. She commits suicide because she can't be with the guy she loves.

3 Name: Gatzu !DFqtqWsVYk : 2012-11-29 22:14 ID:f8jif8jd [Del]

Little Red Riding Hood was about rapists. The wolf is the rapist and Red was the foolish one to go talk and trust a stranger.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2012-11-29 22:27 ID:uiCk0wHh [Del]

The wolf just wanted sugar from the three little piggies, but broke the houses made out of sticks and straw because he had a really bad cold, and sneezed so hard, the houses broke. When he crawled through the chimney of the brick house, it was because he needed to whiz really bad, and didn't know the third piggy was cooking something.

5 Name: Momento : 2012-11-30 13:57 ID:giYZtPPj [Del]

The story of the Sandman is an old one, and quite simple:

The bits of stuff that are in the corner of your eyes when you wake up are actually grains of sand. This sand is sprinkled on your face by the Sandman, who does this to people he thinks are sleeping, or to make people fall asleep, depending on the version of the tale.

What's often left out in modern versions is that, should you be awake when the Sandman comes and sprinkles sand in your eyes, he slits your throat with his knife.

Parents used to tell their children this to try and help/make them go to sleep.

They were absolutely insane.

6 Name: arka !chvok4/SZI : 2012-12-02 10:52 ID:1qRyfCUJ [Del]

One darker ending of the Pied Piper's story is that, when the townsfolk refused to pay him, the piper enchanted all the children to follow him and drowned them in the river.

7 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-02 17:43 ID:EknEPKM5 [Del]

I read that in the true story of the Hunchback, Esmeralda plays such avtragic role ... for everyone wishes to... take advantage(?) of her because she was so beautiful and Frollo was mad with lust for her, threatening her and stalking her. And her Knight and shining armor, Pheobus? Was just another playboy proclaiming some deep love for her to only get in her panies. But before he could (get this!) Frollo comes randomly rushing in and stabs him in the back.
Forgive me, but I've had a bit much to drink so I can not fully recall the whole tale, but it was trully the ending that stuck forever in my memory. No, she was never saved by Quasi from the stake, but instead burned to death as Quasi tore from his chains that connected him to the church, sending rubble down upon the prospectors of Esmeralda's execution before swinging down and flinging himself in the bonfire to burn along with her.
I simultaneously hated, get favored this version, because sadly, it was more accurate. Beautiful people really do have to put up with a lot of shit in the world if they still cling on to their innocence, and the chaos and jealousy and stress that surrounded Esmeralda until her very death was quite cynically realistic.

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10 Name: Orpheus : 2012-12-05 00:08 ID:mOjfSmZY [Del]

The story of Santa Claus

Once there were two Santa's, Black Santa and White Santa,The Black Santa was mean and cruel plus he loved to play pranks and trick children while the White Santa was kind and gentle and gave children gifts.One day Black Santa went to far and White Santa killed him and got his blood all over his cloths and that is why there is one Santa and why Santa is also RED and and WHITE

I heard this story when I was ten and was Really surprised that this is the true story of Santa Claus

11 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2012-12-05 07:55 ID:REPoq8In [Del]

Since when??? The real story was that there was a man known by his neighbors as Saint Nicholas, because every year he gave gifts to the poor. When he passed away, the people of the town wanted to carry on his tradition and that's how jolly old saint Nicholas turned to the Santa Claus that we all know today.

12 Name: SulWulf : 2012-12-05 17:48 ID:2leBKQWm [Del]

>>10 >>11 I've actually heard the one with the two santas, though I heard it differently I think it was a combination of the two....

it had something to do with two twin princes who grew up in poverty and wanted to give back to the world, so they started to give out gifts. But they had to keep their identity secret, so secret that even they didn't know their own twin was giving gifts to the other. this happened for a while when the twin in a black cloak snuck into the other one's(the one in white) room to place a gift beside his bed. The white dressed twin freaked and stabbed the supposed stranger with a long knife through the heart. When the black dressed twin fell to the ground his cloak was pulled from his face to teh horror of his brother.

In grief and regret teh white dressed twin died his clothes with his brother's blood turning them to teh blood red color we all know. As another act of grief he too his brothers name and used his own as a surname(last/family name)

Turning him into Kris Krigle... and throughout the years his name was eventuall transformed into Khriss Kringle(thats how I learned to spell it)

13 Name: Nico : 2012-12-06 07:16 ID:lYUp+NLE [Del]

Woah.. Totally shocked about the Santa Claus Story... I know now about Sleeping Beauty. It turns out she didn't wake up from the Prince's kiss. She was taken advantage by the prince and sleeping beauty got pregnant and gave birth to twins who took the needle? out of her finger and woke her up...

14 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-06 07:25 ID:i1lGiHFg [Del]

...yeah. I'm pretty sure the Santa Claus stories are false :| It's a holiday story, not a fairy tale, and I've never heard it having a gruesome background. Did you guys get them from Creepypasta or what?

I knew the basics of the other ones, though. I love the stories behind fairy tales /o/

15 Name: SulWulf !Oo/B2lDqNQ : 2012-12-06 14:36 ID:2leBKQWm [Del]

>>14 never heard it on creepypasta, one of my aunts told me this when I was like seven or eight, can't remember when....

16 Name: AHK27 :!NL7fv9akls : 2012-12-17 07:07 ID:HnfmkHDD [Del]

I saw this and I thought that you guys, ought to read this:

17 Name: Xavier Maddux !hMypHw1jWo : 2012-12-17 11:23 ID:fTHs39Tv [Del]

Santa Clause in English is Saint Clause. Nick Clause is a guy who gave presents.

18 Name: Ayame : 2012-12-17 13:32 ID:P7IALMPE [Del]

Snow White: everyone knows that the witch was evil, but she needed seven women to keep her young, and snow white was the seventh, hence the wanting her heart to keep her magic.

Gingerbread man: The Gingerbread man was actually a psychotic glob-like creature who eats little children stealing their faces.

Red Riding hood: Red is the wolf, who has terrible memory, and starts to see things that aren't there. OR The wolf is Snow White's father, whom was sent into exile by the queen.

19 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-12-17 16:06 ID:Rklsv4bG [Del]

>>18 Snow White: Another thing about that story is Snow White was only about 8 years old. The prince wasn't like her "true love" either. He was just riding threw the forest, saw her dead body, and thought she was beautiful and wanted to dead little girl back home with him. He wasn't sad that she was dead, and was shocked when she woke up alive. So, he married cause she was good looking and now not dead. (Prince was about 20)

Beauty and the Beast: The prince was really a Lion, not a horrible ugly beast, but a beast all the same and still scary. He wasn't evil or mean either. But terribly lonely. A man, who was so very poor, went away on a trip, and asked each of his 3 daughters what they would like when he returned. One wanted jewelry, one wanted dresses, but the youngest wanted a single red rose. Well the man made a fair amount of money on his journey, and got the first two exactly what they wanted, but never did he see a red rose. While traveling home he got lost and came upon the castle of the beast prince who had a lovely garden of red roses. The prince caught the man trying to steel a rose. The man begged for his life. The prince said to that man that he could leave up harmed and take the rose, but the first thing to great him when he got home had to come to the castle and stay for all eternity. The man gratefully agreed, knowing the his old dog was always the first to great him. But, when he returned home, his youngest daughter saw him from the window and rushed out to great her father. The old man cried as he told his daughter what terrible thing she had just done. But the girl smiled, kissed her father's cheek, and willingly left for the beast's home. Many months later the old man returned to the castle to steel his daughter back, but the girl was happy. She told her father how she and beast were married, and that he wasn't mean or horrid at all. In fact she fell in love with him the very first day they met. An evil witch had put the prince under a spell and during the day he had the body of a lion, but at night he was a strong, handsome prince.

I don't quite remember everything that happens after that. I know the girl was put under a spell, and was engaged to another prince, not knowing her husband. Some how the beast prince saved the kingdom and was greatly honored. Finally he was able to one night sneak into his wife's room and when the lion skin fell off him and she saw him the spell broke over her. She cast the lion skin into the fire, breaking the spell over her husband. Again, I don't quite remember what happens next, but they basically live happily every after.

20 Name: Magnolia : 2012-12-20 07:17 ID:r6q7l7h8 [Del]

>>19 I think that was the first happy one.

21 Name: Antandy : 2012-12-20 08:19 ID:G1awFTML [Del]

Sleeping Beauty: Prince rapes her because he can and then kills her.

22 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-12-20 16:15 ID:NoEch6Mw [Del]

>>20 Some of them are happy, but not most -_-

>>21 O.o never heard that one

23 Name: Magnolia : 2012-12-20 21:40 ID:r6q7l7h8 [Del]

>>21 yeah, same. WTF? Care to elaborate?

24 Name: Antandy : 2012-12-21 16:03 ID:T70YIsZA [Del]

>>22 >>23 Ok so apparently in the old fairy tale the prince is enchanted by her beauty and worries that she wont love him in return, so the does what I mentioned previously. (This is just what I have been told by my sister who is a massive nut for these old stories.)

25 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-12-21 16:17 ID:098tR6O8 [Del]

>>24 the original is that Sleeping Beauty's true love died long ago because he couldn't break threw the vines. Hundreds of years later the witch/dragon had died from old age and the vines had died as well. A prince riding by found the sleeping kingdom, he new the old story and kissed the princess. Everyone had a happy ending except the princesses who married the prince because he had saved her and her kingdom and gave him children. She died young. At least that's what I found when I did research. I have studied original stories.

26 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-12-21 16:33 ID:nPI4HBYT [Del]

>>25 I thought Sleeping Beauty was raped in the original :I

27 Name: Antandy : 2012-12-21 17:04 ID:T70YIsZA [Del]

>>25 What the hell was my sister reading then?...

28 Name: Antandy : 2012-12-21 17:09 ID:T70YIsZA [Del]

In reply to my other comments here is the summary

In the original sleeping beauty, the lovely princess is put to sleep when she pricks her finger on a spindle. She sleeps for one hundred years when a prince finally arrives, kisses her, and awakens her. They fall in love, marry, and (surprise surprise) live happily ever after. But alas, the original tale is not so sweet (in fact, you have to read this to believe it.) In the original, the young woman is put to sleep because of a prophesy, rather than a curse. And it isn’t the kiss of a prince which wakes her up: the king seeing her asleep, and rather fancying having a bit, rapes her. After nine months she gives birth to two children (while she is still asleep). One of the children sucks her finger which removes the piece of flax which was keeping her asleep. She wakes up to find herself raped and the mother of two kids.

the website is:

29 Name: Magnolia : 2012-12-22 06:27 ID:r6q7l7h8 [Del]


This was already said here. >>16

But if u ever find the story ur sister was talking bout, do come back cuz I really intrigued.

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