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Enders Game (9)

1 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-07-21 20:41 ID:xwTzqVl5 [Del]

For the 9th grade AP English class we have to read Orson Scott Cards "Ender Game",and frankly,I'm about halfway through.And its starting to get very boring.And I know there are so many site's and blogs and reviewers claiming that he's a master at his craft.And I'm not saying he's not.I just feel that the book is kinda all over the place,and I'm bored with it.Anyone else read it who feels the same way?Please let me know.

2 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-07-21 23:28 ID:TOo97TE4 [Del]

you're only halfway done? keep pushing through it, soldier. yeah, i felt the same way when i first read it, but it becomes incredibly worth it in the end.

3 Name: Tsukkuyomi : 2012-07-22 02:39 ID:/NqvmIX+ [Del]

>>2 Agreed. Books like Ender's Game can be boring at times and difficult to stay focused on but it's definitely worth it. I love Orson Scott Card's books (Hart's Hope is my favorite though, not Ender's Game, but I like fantasy more than sci-fi).

4 Name: Forgotten One : 2012-07-22 13:56 ID:STWLA6/u [Del]

Ender's game is a good book compared to many, many other books you might have to read.

5 Name: Leigha Moscove !9tSeSkSEz2 : 2012-07-23 08:41 ID:njOG39QQ [Del]

I knew what would happen in the end, and I was still surprised by it. I personally thought it was an excellent book and all of you who think it's boring are stupid little fuckers that don't know a good book from bad shit.

There are a lot of crappy books that I'll never enjoy no matter what. Ender's Game is not one of those books. I am extremely picky about my books, and won't read most things, but I personally loved that. The descriptions can get confusign and a little boring, but the rest is fun.

6 Name: Need a name : 2012-07-23 10:18 ID:chHFEkSV [Del]

>>5 I knew what would happen when I read it, too. Still a good ending.

7 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-07-24 13:00 ID:xwTzqVl5 [Del]

okay thanks.I will keep on pushing through the book!!!^-^

8 Name: Sid : 2012-07-24 20:22 ID:2G1QIuzT [Del]

I personally thought it was a good book, though it was quite an easy read. Another problem is there is way too many books branching off from this one. Someone who was an Enders Game fanatic in one of my classes said there is about as many books as there are characters in Enders Game. I ended up reading Enders Shadow, which is the short kids story, which I think was Bean. But anyway good luck with the report.

9 Name: CeltysCat : 2012-07-25 20:32 ID:bA2TGG7A [Del]

>>8 Thanks.I have to write a themed summary,and keep a log on every chapter,and take an at home quiz on all the chapters...