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The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How To Quit School and Get A Real Life and Education (7)

1 Name: Maren : 2012-05-12 17:07 ID:Hz2ed+tQ (Image: 150x221 jpg, 13 kb) [Del]

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I am a bit fed up with the American School System. So I was thinking of self-educating myself until I can go to College. I was given this book by my dad and I've just started reading it. If you've read this book and started "unschooling" (or have always been self-educating yourself) and really like it or are disappointed with it I'd appreciate it if you shared you're oppinion on it. Thanks :)

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-13 09:41 ID:7t+FMD7t [Del]

Oh fuck. There must be a lot of controversy over this bitch of a book. I'd love to read it, but I can't afford to buy it, and it's not exactly the type of book our library would support kids reading lol

3 Name: Maren : 2012-05-13 09:58 ID:Hz2ed+tQ [Del]

Hahaha Yep, and that's exactly why I want peoples' opinions on it. So I can decide on being self- educated or not. It bugs me that libraries wouldn't even have it. Anyway,thanks for commenting! ^-^

4 Name: Sir !oREIIjkuA2 : 2012-05-13 12:24 ID:6+TfpiAv [Del]

Depending on your age I'd advise not going into self-education/unschooling. The school system in our convenient time is, in many opinions including my own, not great. But; it is the best system, autocratically, systematically, like a factory for efficiency.

If you took to unschooling at an approximate age of 15, it would not be beneficial, as the future truly depends on education and the proof of attendance. (i.e: Diplomas)

5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-13 13:06 ID:7t+FMD7t [Del]

>>4 That depends on the person, though. If you have the ability and charisma that lets you be your own boss, you can do anything whether you've got a diploma or not. You only need diplomas to work under others. However, few people are like this, and this book (I assume) helps you identify if you are or aren't.

I don't enjoy school, but I wouldn't drop out (mainly because my mom wants me to keep going). I enjoy learning. I don't care if I'm teaching myself or if it's a teacher teaching me. IMO, as long as you have the maturity to want to learn and the money to start up something on your own, there's nothing wrong with dropping out.

There are also situations where you don't need to be in school. If you're good at what you do and your portfolio is good enough, your diplomas and resume aren't going to be as big of a deal. Employers want skilled people, not just people who finished school. You can go through college and still suck at what you do compared to someone who just has that natural skill and determination. Who do you think is going to get the job? The one with the skill - not the one with the diploma.

6 Name: kimimaro!oBOTQMIm2o : 2012-05-14 16:56 ID:RUmrMSfJ [Del]

I personally believe that relying solely on self education is not beneficial in most circumstances. While the American School System may be flawed, there are still advantages to formal schooling that cannot be gained by individual study. For example, the use of academic databases or teachers who are able to effectively educate students are just some of the more obvious advantages. However, this does not mean that one should rely solely on a Formalized education either. Schools, at least in America, are created and run with the intention of allowing students to do well on tests, not gain intelligence. While they may be related in some situations, often times test taking in no way displays true knowledge. Also, depending on the school one may not have access to even halfway decent teachers, a regrettable truth which is unfortunately not a priority for the American government. School is just another tool for gaining an education, not the only way to learn. I encourage you, and everyone else, to conduct independent research on subjects which interest you or are useful to know. Just remember, school is not a place of learning, it is a place in which teachers are required to drill specific facts into students. While some teachers may go above and beyond and actually teach, the responsibility for learning falls on the one who wishes to learn.

7 Name: Nanami Rai !wVoPX6Dk6M : 2012-05-15 17:12 ID:vGlVuvdS [Del]

Why not go online schooling? Self education isn't as good as people should think because some people dont keep up with self education as well as they think