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Riddles! (129)

1 Name: Little Black Raincloud : 2012-03-26 06:50 ID:v9Nn5fJS [Del]

Post here the most mind boggling riddles you have ever heard!
I'll start:"Why are a Raven and a Writing Desk alike?"

2 Name: Ayanavi : 2012-03-26 07:07 ID:/kDY0qMJ [Del]

Your riddle is an excerpt from Alice in Wonderland, during the Mad Hatter's tea party where they were exchanging riddles.

It should be noted that a few pages later he specifically points out that he has no idea, and then it should be remembered Alice posed a counter question - Why would you spend so much time exchanging questions that have no answers?

Lewis Carrol wrote Alice in Wonderland as a kind of metaphor for a lot of things, so it's silly to take everything as face value when almost all of it can be attributed to some reference or satire. In this case, the scenario is really a set up for Alice questioning the world of adults - They spend so much time asking and doing things that, to a child such as Alice, had no meaning.

It isn't a riddle, it's a jab at adults from a child's point of view regarding how much time they waste on pointless things. It's also something of a joke lost in translation - In a later edition published, he addressed the riddle during the prologue.

"Because it produces a few notes, though they are quite flat; and it is nevar placed with the wrong end in front!" is essentially the gist of it. The "Nevar" isn't a typo, it's his pun on words - Being Raven spelled backwards.

In short: That isn't a riddle, it's a satirical joke, and later it was a literary pun.

How do riddles fit in literature when a great deal of them are a spoken medium? try Random.

3 Name: ♔Tsukitty!TSUKIx5W46 : 2012-03-26 07:15 ID:IbcEWzr9 [Del]

゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

4 Name: Kenren : 2012-03-27 23:02 ID:qxcT7070 [Del]

It 4 am and you jump in your bus to start your routes. at the first stop 5 people get in, at the second stop 2 get off 7 get on, third stop 8 get off 16 get on, fourth stop 3 get on and 10 get off, fifth stop 10 get off none get on. Now what's the color of the buss drivers eyes'

5 Name: Kenren : 2012-03-27 23:03 ID:qxcT7070 [Del]

What can you drop from the tallest building and it wont break but put it in water and it shatters?

(it doesn't really shatter but yeah)

6 Name: Little Black Raincloud : 2012-03-28 06:47 ID:v9Nn5fJS [Del]

>>4 I actually used to know this one >.<

7 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2012-03-28 10:14 ID:pccFUuyN [Del]

>>4 I wanna say whatever color your/the reader's eyes are.
I'm probably wrong.

Though we already have a riddle thread

8 Name: Kira Lycann : 2012-05-23 07:22 ID:VTUT+3dH [Del]

I have the answer to the first riddle!!
Question: "Why are a Raven and a Writing Desk alike?"
Answer: Cause Poe wrote on both!

9 Name: CacoPhoniA : 2012-05-23 11:03 ID:wDC8x9E4 [Del]


10 Name: Sukaira : 2012-05-23 12:44 ID:W7rND88D [Del]

#4 My eyes are Green (today i don't know haha they change colours XD)

11 Name: Sukaira : 2012-05-23 12:49 ID:W7rND88D [Del]

I can be broken easily, but mending is much harder.

I have brought down the mightiest of warriors, just by hearing my name.

I am the cause of wars and sometimes cruelty, but I'm peaceful and caring.

What am I?

12 Name: Saz : 2012-05-24 20:21 ID:q3fZ2Nd5 [Del]

What is the sound of one hand clapping

13 Name: usotsuki !PGefUnlJu6 : 2012-05-25 04:27 ID:K8AOwHWh [Del]

On New Year's Day, a girl told her friend: "Two days ago I was seven, but next year I'll be ten!"
Explain how this mathematical riddle is true.

14 Name: Dstar89 : 2012-05-25 09:02 ID:+YAFI3SZ [Del]

>>13 I think she was born on a leap year.........might be wrong thogh >~<

15 Name: yu : 2012-05-25 20:48 ID:BcD1sOBh [Del]

tell me if any of you get this
A guy walked in to a bar ....... Ow

16 Name: AnubisTheMuse : 2012-05-25 20:49 ID:5h0YCiei [Del]

>>13, New Years Day is January 1. She was 7 then but turned 8 before New Years Day. At the end of the current year she will turn 9. At the end of next year she will be 10.

17 Name: ?????? : 2012-05-26 15:38 ID:obBFZ0IY [Del]

I am very bright and I have seven parts what am l

18 Name: The Doctor : 2012-05-26 18:21 ID:SpxC/C8D [Del]

>>11 the heart

19 Post deleted by user.

20 Name: Leo : 2012-05-26 20:20 ID:X6ISDEE4 [Del]

I am a pumpkin with seven holes, what am I?

21 Name: Dagda !v5YOJ26ZOY : 2012-05-26 20:44 ID:YThQMZlM [Del]

>>20 a pumpkin with seven holes

22 Name: usotsuki !PGefUnlJu6 : 2012-05-26 21:36 ID:vDh6tcIy [Del]

>>16 finally someone on the internet solves this :)) but when is her birthday?

23 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-05-26 22:42 ID:5h0YCiei [Del]

>>22 New Years Eve

24 Name: Loliprincess : 2012-06-01 19:25 ID:U3kZBTPq [Del]

There's a giant green house and inside that house is a white house and inside that house is a red house and inside that house are a lot of kids. What is it?

25 Name: Carminda : 2012-06-01 19:51 ID:8OYrPgHT [Del]


26 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-01 19:52 ID:o7NuqdLk [Del]

>>24 Mexico.

27 Name: Loliprincess : 2012-06-01 22:39 ID:U3kZBTPq [Del]

>>25 Correct :D
>>24 LOL but no.

28 Name: midway !rRqEHlTdR2 : 2012-06-06 20:29 ID:InLRXOS4 [Del]

>>12 someone being slapped

29 Name: Kie !w2bj9pQcfA : 2012-06-06 20:42 ID:Mvyy3iZQ [Del]

A man and his wife are driving down the road in a hurry. The man notices that the gas is almost empty and pulls into a gas station. When he finishes filling the tank, he tells the woman to stay in the car and to keep all the windows closed and doors locked. Yet, when he comes back a few minutes later the woman is dead and there is a stranger in the car. The windows are still closed and the doors were still locked. What happened?

30 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-06 20:51 ID:qf/r/dQm [Del]

>>29, Huh, didn't close the door? Some one was hiding there all along?

31 Name: animelover320 : 2012-06-07 03:13 ID:Wn3aJY+J [Del]

>>29, She was pregnant: she died of childbirth and the stranger is the baby?

32 Name: Izzy : 2012-06-07 10:03 ID:ede8EwbS [Del]

>>29 the stranger enters when the man fills the tank. he killed the female when the man way away.

33 Name: Izzy : 2012-06-07 10:09 ID:ede8EwbS [Del]

>>32 *was

34 Name: Ray : 2012-06-07 19:16 ID:WB28K2i9 [Del]

What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?

35 Name: YYCSoul !EFZ/Outf1I : 2012-06-07 19:35 ID:I5+GSIbg [Del]

A human?

The beginning of your life(morning), you are a baby thus you walk on 4 legs(crawling). Noon is the middle of your life where you walk on two legs. Night represents the end of your life in which you walk with three legs(one being a walking stick).

This is all I can come up with :)

36 Name: Kie !w2bj9pQcfA : 2012-06-07 19:46 ID:Mvyy3iZQ [Del]

>>30 Nope.
>>31 Right answer!
>>32 Sorry, wrong answer.

37 Name: Saijo : 2012-06-07 21:09 ID:4HjjvAuA [Del]

There were five men going to church and it started to rain. How did the four that ran got wet and the one that stood still stayed dry?

38 Name: Anti-Sin : 2012-06-07 23:43 ID:0b/3gTDp [Del]

Why are a Raven and a Writing Desk alike? The answer is: Nothing.

39 Name: Eve !V41FL0UQHA : 2012-06-08 00:26 ID:ede8EwbS [Del]

>>37 I don't know, I'll try guess:
1. the four ran while the fifth man took the train
2. the fifth man had an umbrella
3. the fifth man took a different route than the other four mans, his area wasn't pouring
4. the fifth man stayed on a roofed earth
5. etc. (silly guesses, I know)

40 Name: Saijo : 2012-06-08 01:24 ID:4HjjvAuA [Del]

>>39 all wrong. try again

41 Name: iono : 2012-06-09 12:59 ID:U5Dfveg5 [Del]

>>37 you never said they were 'on their way to,' you said "going to" which could imply that they are already inside. If we assume they are in a building, it makes perfect sense that the four men who ran would sweat and the one who stood still didn't. Am I right?

42 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-12-17 16:37 ID:Rklsv4bG [Del]

Well no. I see it's been a while since someone last posted here, but I do adore riddles, so.......

Riddle 1:
What is Greater then God
More evil then the Devil
The poor have it
The rich need it
And if you eat it you die

Riddle 2:
A man is in a house with no doors, no windows, no cracks, or sunlight. All he has is a mirror and a table. How does he get out?

Riddle 3:
30 white horses on a hill or red. First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.

Riddle 4:
Voiceless whispers, wingless flutters, mouthless mutters.

43 Name: Anonymous : 2012-12-17 21:54 ID:gUQelnjq [Del]

>>7 I think this person might have had a point, but I was captivated by those last three riddles and been working on them for a few hours...

1. Nothing.
2. Break the mirror with the table and step through? That doesn't seem right, but it seems as though it were night time and there's no roof...
3. This one beat me utterly.
4. A book.

44 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-12-17 22:34 ID:4r+sG0TZ [Del]

1. Correct~
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong


45 Name: Pxi!r.3MwOAasY : 2012-12-18 12:25 ID:DcFHpL9H [Del]

i. Nothing
2. No clue.
3. Teeth.
4. Wind?

46 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-12-18 14:45 ID:4r+sG0TZ [Del]

3. Correct
4. Correct

47 Name: Warsaw : 2012-12-18 19:27 ID:Ih04KckC [Del]

He has a boat, but the boat can only carry 2 things at the same time. If left alone, the chicken will eat the bag of rice; If left alone, the fox will eat the chicken.
How will he do this ?

tis easy but let us see if you can guess it

48 Name: Redbutton !oQrJs1xMI2 : 2012-12-19 04:18 ID:7cemKN6D [Del]

fox,rice chicken-->
rice fox--> chicken fox
chicken--> fox,rice

49 Name: SulWulf !Oo/B2lDqNQ : 2012-12-19 11:56 ID:2leBKQWm [Del]

ohhh one of the things I'm good at is riddles XD

>>15 literally walked into an iron (or whatever type of metal) bar
>>37 one was in teh coffin, the other four were carrying it

now for some riddles

1.) The maker doesn’t want it.
The buyer doesn’t use it.
And the user doesn’t see it.
What is it?

2.)I am always hungry,
I must always be fed,
The finger I touch,
Will soon turn red

3.)Ripped from my mother's womb,
Beaten and burned,
I become a blood thirsty killer.
What am I?

4.)Marble walls as white as milk, lined with skin as soft as silk.
in a fountain crystal clear, a golden apple does appear.
No doors are there to this stronghold, yet thieves break in and steal the gold.
What is it?

50 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2012-12-19 15:17 ID:mSuqUIWu [Del]

1. Coffin
2. Fire
4. Egg

51 Post deleted by user.

52 Name: Erika !IMCadVsMqg : 2012-12-19 19:12 ID:JEkLsi8G [Del]

1. Coffin
2. Fire
3. Sword
4. Egg

53 Name: SulWulf !Oo/B2lDqNQ : 2012-12-22 14:57 ID:2leBKQWm [Del]

>>50 all correct
>>52 all correct but the third one, not a sword but that is close

54 Name: LEGION : 2012-12-22 21:41 ID:BHuGjhgb [Del]

I have a riddle for you, Little Black Raincloud.

I'm in love with the rose of my first lover,
smell is the first kiss of a beautiful girl as a rose was born and raise from the cherry blossom.

I'm also a mutt from hell cover in lava.

What am I?

55 Name: Redbutton !oQrJs1xMI2 : 2012-12-23 12:44 ID:UyLMsJPl [Del]

Bump, because I still dont know the answer of 42/riddle 2.

56 Name: Live 2 Die !3Sd75li6/6 : 2012-12-24 15:53 ID:qfZ2JFHU [Del]

Near a tree by a river there's a hole in the ground, where an old man of Aron goes around and around, and his mind is a beacon in the veil of the night, for a strange kind of fashion 'tween the wrong and the right........(Song...Reference...Get it?)

57 Name: SulWulf !Oo/B2lDqNQ : 2012-12-30 15:46 ID:2leBKQWm [Del]

>>56 I recognize it... couldn't tell you where it's from though

58 Name: Fogcloud : 2013-01-02 04:09 ID:7oVcpasK [Del]

It is the beginning to the end and the end to time and space. It is used for creation and is seen in everywhere. What is it?

59 Name: arka !chvok4/SZI : 2013-01-02 09:07 ID:3A924noy [Del]

^The letter 'E'.

And I think there's a thread just like this on Random too.

60 Name: Hibiscus : 2013-01-03 19:17 ID:EE+CfXmv [Del]

>>42 #2

I've heard this one before...

The man looks into the mirror and sees what he saw. Then he takes the saw and saws the table in half. Then he takes the two halves of the table and makes a whole. Then he puts the whole against the wall and escapes. It's a play on words.

61 Name: SulWulf !Oo/B2lDqNQ : 2013-02-02 15:19 ID:xK9QRRAv [Del]

no new riddles right now but bump XD

>>60 that's how the answer goes lol

62 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-02-05 18:19 ID:ms7jD+dg [Del]

I made my own riddles and they're a bit old and easy to figure out. lol ^^;

1.) We travel to serve many places. Small and fragile, but all the better to keep a person company.

2.) Day and night are my time.
I live by your side and never sleep.
I am easily forgotten.

3.) I devour everything.

63 Name: D.K. "Username !QPmHeQ1qUM : 2013-02-05 21:11 ID:5FwnQuJt [Del]

born in the flame
conceived in the earth
some use me with shame
and others with mirth
once I've been tamed I hardly miss
and all men fear my deadly cold kiss
they cloak themselves in shells and chains
they try to fend off the inevitable pain
I am gifted to both soldiers and kings
my beauty can rival an angels wings
but do not forget the homely hearth
for it was probably my first place of birth

what am I?

64 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-02-05 21:17 ID:mSuqUIWu [Del]

>>63 I want to say bullets.

65 Name: Bakyura : 2013-02-06 09:43 ID:NsvM3UBr [Del]

>>63 i gotta say its a sword, or a bow/arrow...

66 Name: Solace : 2013-02-06 18:55 ID:V2IddR6k [Del]

>>63 I swear I have heard that before and the answer was Gold. Might be wrong though.

67 Name: Byakko : 2013-02-06 21:05 ID:kJvj3TRy [Del]

1. coffin
2. fire
3. iron ore? (I'm not sure, I remember I heard that one before)
4. egg

68 Name: musiclover : 2013-02-09 22:31 ID:DOQyHFEU [Del]

what's white, black and read all over?

69 Name: Hulavuta !ZMARBjvczs : 2013-02-09 22:48 ID:jlBcgeCb [Del]

Newspaper? Either that or a dead Zebra or Penguin xD

70 Name: Riddle Master !DRiuKYSsjw : 2013-02-10 03:24 ID:NNkhx3Vl [Del]

You are lost and alone in the woods. You stumble across an old cabin, and decide to stay there for the night. You want some heat and light, but the only things you find in the cabin are a candle, an oil lamp and a wood burning stove. You look in your pocket but you only have one match left. What do you light first?

71 Name: Riddle Master !DRiuKYSsjw : 2013-02-10 03:35 ID:NNkhx3Vl [Del]

An old man wanted to leave all of his money to one of his three sons, but he didn't know which one he should give it to. He gave each of them a few coins and told them to buy something that would be able to fill their living room. The first man bought straw, but there was not enough to fill the room. The second bought some sticks, but they still did not fill the room. The third man bought two things that filled the room, so he obtained his father's fortune. What were the two things that the man bought?

72 Name: Alternative : 2013-02-10 12:51 ID:vsJ1f3lK [Del]

>>70 The candle, because then wouldn't you be able to light the stove and the oil lamp with that flame?
>>71 I think probably the third man bought the sticks and the straw from both the other men.

73 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-10 13:19 ID:YUyYP80Z [Del]

>>72 fun fact: the first thing you'd light would be the match.

74 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-10 13:21 ID:YUyYP80Z [Del]

And further fun facts: the guy buys a candle and a match.

The light from the candle will fill the room.

>calls himself riddle master
>gives well known old puzzles

75 Name: musiclover : 2013-02-10 20:22 ID:gt9ZLy2D [Del]

what did the chip said to the other chip?

76 Name: Riddle Master !DRiuKYSsjw : 2013-02-11 04:54 ID:BBXR2jN7 [Del]

someone will get this easy i suppose...

There are two doors, deep in a murky dungeon; one Silver and one Gold. One door will lead to certain death from the traps and monsters of the dungeon. The other will allow the traveler to continue deeper.
On a stone pillar, between the two doors are three ghastly masks.
The mask on the top says: "The door wrought of Gold is the safe path."
The mask in the middle says: "All three of us, the ghastly masks, are telling you the truth."
The mask on the bottom says: "All three of us, the ghastly masks, are lying to you."

>>74 yeah i would better ones but i lost my book of fiendishly difficult riddles :|

77 Name: Alice!l14UvTg4qQ : 2013-02-15 10:15 ID:SWqSdQEf [Del]

Oh! I've got one~
Black are we, we're most desired.
Men come to us when they're tired.
We tire the horse but comfort the man
Tell us this riddle, if you can.

78 Name: Ayanavi : 2013-02-15 10:51 ID:oHx9SaDD [Del]

>>76 The gold door is safe.

If the middle mask was telling the truth, then the bottom mask is in a paradox. If the bottom mask is telling the truth, then the middle mask is in a paradox.

There's also a variation on this riddle for a frog guarding the door (can be solved by opening a door and tossing the frog in and seeing whether he dies or not), and two villagers at a cross roads where one only lies and one only tells the truth.

I am almost offended that you can use the name Riddle Master with a straight face.

79 Name: Thesilentking : 2013-02-16 11:59 ID:3CWf7ln6 [Del]


This is the sound of one hand clapping.

80 Name: Thesilentking : 2013-02-16 12:10 ID:3CWf7ln6 [Del]

A clown, has recently inherited 3 large bars on gold each weighing 10 pounds. the clown has quit the circus, and is on his way to buy a house and live the rest of his life in leisure, when he comes across a bridge over an river. there is no way around this river and he must go over the bridge. the bridge will collapse if more that 200 pounds is on it. however the clown weighs 180 pounds, and each bar of gold weighs 10 pounds, and the river is too wide to jump over, or throw his gold, also the clown does not know how to build a better bridge, or modify the current one to be stronger. how does he go over the bridge with all of his gold?

81 Name: Thesilentking : 2013-02-16 12:14 ID:gwkJjcGH [Del]

You know what it is not, but not what it is.
You can feel it, yet you can not touch it.
It does not live, but it can die.
It can burn without fire
It can soar without wings.
What is it?

82 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-02-16 15:31 ID:mSuqUIWu [Del]

>>80 He goes across while juggling them. This way he never has more than two bars in his hands at a time and does not weigh more than 200lbs. I hope he's a good juggler.

Three men are riding through the desert and see an oasis ahead. The first says to the other two "Whoever's horse reaches the oasis last I will give a bag of jewels to" and rides ahead. The two men are going along slowly and are generally annoyed when they come across another traveler. They explain their predicament and he thinks for a moment. He gives them a solution and the two men go speeding off towards the oasis.

What two words did the traveler say?

83 Name: Rjud!I/1HzTHR86 : 2013-02-17 00:36 ID:wUfTnwz+ [Del]

>>81 I was thinking something along the lines of a feel... ;_; I dunno, probably emotion...? I'm not very good at riddles... =_=
>>82 I can't think of TWO words.. but it's fairly obvious that they go on foot... since he did say whoever's "HORSE." But then it could also mean that the bag of jewels goes to the horse... not themselves.. Hrm... this is amusing..

84 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-02-17 08:22 ID:mSuqUIWu [Del]

>>83 They don't go on foot, they are still on horses. It's funny because it's so obvious once someone tells you the answer.

85 Name: FoolishBlacky !gYwrNZJp2s : 2013-02-17 19:56 ID:GSzLYh/L [Del]

>>82 ha the answer is in the riddle

86 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2013-02-17 21:21 ID:mSuqUIWu [Del]

>>85 actually, it's not. >>83 was on the right track.

87 Name: Kanta : 2013-03-15 09:14 ID:zLBRP+an [Del]

Swap horses

88 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-03-16 11:52 ID:Upz8B0av [Del]

>>5 paper

>>83 Actually I think it has nothing to do with the horses...although Im not quiet sure...i think I have an idea...

89 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-10 08:02 ID:roHXdlm7 [Del]


90 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-23 10:11 ID:avA+ucet [Del]


91 Name: Anonymous : 2013-09-23 10:11 ID:avA+ucet [Del]


92 Name: NoviceElectromancer : 2013-09-23 17:51 ID:/sYAUF7J [Del]

Caesar's fourth son said "xlmw mw e vmhhpi".

What did Caesar's fifth son say?

93 Name: Kanra : 2013-09-24 19:47 ID:Z23HmC7u [Del]

"No man is an island." -name escapes me at the moment. John Donne perhaps?

94 Name: Elos!tHu13C7K42 : 2013-09-26 00:46 ID:8RdEqxli [Del]


If I understand correctly uh... They could both ride one and the same horse and both be last. So the words would have to be either "Same horse" or "Mount one" or "Leave one"... bleh

95 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-09-26 11:02 ID:5d4jc+jU [Del]

>>87 And the winner is Kanta. Good job.

96 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-17 20:51 ID:KRTg3L0l [Del]

>>92 ymj vsxbjw nx hvjxjw'x xmnky

97 Name: Guardian : 2015-12-18 10:21 ID:cegZPp6N [Del]

What creature walks on all fours when young, walks on two in it's prime, and walks on three when old. - From the Odyssey.

98 Name: Twisted Sister : 2015-12-18 12:44 ID:kXGWfFMQ [Del]

Why is my pussy stretched out and soaking wet?

99 Name: Troy : 2015-12-19 00:59 ID:J24GyM8J [Del]

When is a door not a door?

100 Name: Rie : 2015-12-19 08:27 ID:y5A2+zKr [Del]

Dive while drinking water?

101 Name: jill : 2015-12-19 17:27 ID:+b+XZbE4 [Del]

>>99 When its broken?
>>100 Drowning

102 Name: jill : 2015-12-19 17:36 ID:+b+XZbE4 [Del]

>>96 Its not "ymj vsxbjw nx hvjxjw'x xmnky" its "ymj fsxbjw nx hfjxjw'x xmnky"

103 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2015-12-19 19:49 ID:KRTg3L0l [Del]

>>102 typed 1 letter wrong T_T

>>98 Cause it dived into water

104 Name: _Lighter_ : 2017-01-26 08:37 ID:LwN/NsQh [Del]


105 Name: RikkaChi : 2017-02-11 11:00 ID:P46m1cmL [Del]

What first walks on two legs, then on four legs, and finally on three legs?
(and no, I didn't mean "who walks on four legs, then two, and finally four". Its two legs, then four, and finally three. I didn't mess it up)

106 Name: RikkaChi : 2017-02-11 11:07 ID:P46m1cmL [Del]

>>97 Humans
>>99 When its a jar/ajar

107 Name: Cy : 2017-02-11 14:20 ID:dNcrtaJ9 [Del]

What's lighter than a feather but not even a thousand men could carry it?

108 Name: RikkaChi : 2017-02-12 23:21 ID:P46m1cmL [Del]

>>107 Air?

109 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2017-02-15 18:54 ID:VvkU1rfX [Del]

>>107 I don't think it's air because we breathe it (atleast the oxygen in the air) thus we carry it in our body, unless those 1000 men are dead? I want to say a bubble because they float up due to the air and once you touch it it pops, but then again if your hands are covered in water or bubble soap then the bubble won't pop and can be carried... hmm, that's a hard one, but Maybe air is the right answer or some sort of gas that humans can't breathe in or put in a container. AHH!!!! I got it!!!!! It's clouds (maybe)!

110 Name: MissDirected !gC5cxNKTkI : 2017-02-24 06:41 ID:BlCRa80q [Del]

>>107 Is it a bubble? A thousand men can't carry a bubble because they break.

111 Name: Hli : 2017-02-27 21:32 ID:rA52CFt+ [Del]

1) I have three eyes and am dark as night. I can often times knock down ten men in one strike.

2) I hide the truth and can tell lies, I even sometimes give you courage you didn't have before.

112 Name: Fuji !imQYOtW7Ik : 2017-03-06 21:25 ID:FmLtn/sY [Del]

Clouds are water vapour. And every gas can but put in a container. Also, dead men have oxygen in their bodies in a molecular form (think DNA, RNA, any carbohydrate, etc.).

How far can a dog run into the woods?

113 Name: Fuji !imQYOtW7Ik : 2017-03-06 21:26 ID:FmLtn/sY [Del]

Oops, my apologies. DNA doesn't have molecular oxygen in it.

114 Name: Jill : 2017-03-11 01:31 ID:nM2UDkvM [Del]

>>107 Breath. Nobody can't hold their breath for a very long time.

115 Name: Jill : 2017-03-11 01:33 ID:nM2UDkvM [Del]

>>114 can*

116 Name: Hiro : 2017-03-11 11:13 ID:NUfSUxio [Del]

1) Bowling ball
2) Mask/Make-up (?)

117 Name: Skye : 2017-03-14 16:11 ID:MAIgMasb [Del]

>>112 It can run halfway /into/ the woods. After it runs more than half of the way, it will be running /out/ of the woods (I think).

118 Name: Fuji !imQYOtW7Ik : 2017-03-14 17:56 ID:et+vqbko [Del]

>>117 Correct!

In which month do single women in the US talk the least?

119 Name: Enigami !c6PjAO5Kw. : 2017-03-14 18:42 ID:vasDHhCC [Del]

>>118 February, because its the shortest month.

120 Name: Judge Mandolore : 2017-03-15 09:14 ID:5+K6mSBt [Del]

This riddle is featured in DCUO:

What never speaks yet shows the way? Get to the point, it's clear as day!

121 Name: Fuji !imQYOtW7Ik : 2017-03-15 21:02 ID:FmLtn/sY [Del]

>>119 Maybe mine are too easy haha.
>>120 A compass.

What flies when it’s born, lies when it’s alive, and runs when it’s dead?

122 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2017-12-04 14:27 ID:3VzDstnj [Del]

>>121 snowflake.

123 Name: Snyper !svMS/p8SOo : 2017-12-08 21:51 ID:Zp6IUXZm [Del]

Bringing this up again.

I can run, but neither stand still, nor walk.
I have a mouth, yet I have no need to eat.
I have a bed, yet it is not possible for me to rest.
What am I?

124 Name: whatsupdoc : 2017-12-09 15:26 ID:huLX+tTt [Del]

>>123 a river

125 Name: Temporary Name Because I Cannot Think of a Good One : 2018-03-28 15:35 ID:17Br+7RQ [Del]

>>105 Oedipus. Nice reference tho.

126 Name: Mirrored 617 : 2018-09-05 01:47 ID:xeIvRUHo [Del]

I forgot where I read this riddle from, but it went something like this:

What must you have to bring change in finite time in life and change in infinite time after death?

127 Name: PassLight !vnOdm8Fzdk : 2018-09-05 13:15 ID:tLeVF6Rb [Del]

A mighty snake once filled,
but now it slithers unfulfilled looking for a new source of intake.
Labeled as the great dusty one.
what is it?

128 Name: Archos Militarus : 2018-09-08 23:23 ID:7gTkf0T9 [Del]

Got this one through a friend of mine...
"I can go up a chimney down, but not down a chimney up"
What is it?

129 Name: Mirrored 617 : 2018-09-10 22:16 ID:SgjOb804 [Del]

>>128 An umbrella (probably).

Try solving my riddle too!