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The sad hurting dog. (reader beware you may cry, or not. I don't know) (14)

1 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-03-13 20:49 ID:oHA1/UFt [Del]

This is a story that I am writing for close to no reason, feel free to comment.

The Sad Hurting Dog.

The front door opens, the small beagle lifts her head. In walks a rather large man wearing a dirty wife beater and ripped blue jeans. The dog stands and runs to his owner, happy to see him return home after his long day at work. 'I have missed you so much Master!' she thinks. She stands and places her front paws on his leg gently. His hand swiftly comes down and back swats her. she falls to the ground with a yelp. She looks up at the man with sad eyes 'Why did Master hurt me?' she thinks, 'Did I hurt you? I only got a little excited. I am sorry.' She follows her master to the couch, and jumps up when he sits to lie next to him. He shoves her down and shouts, "GET DOWN YOU STUPID MUTT" She jumps off the couch, as she lands she realizes she needs to use the bathroom. She looks to her master and howls like the hound she is 'Master, please let me go outside, I need to pee.' He stands and kicks her "Shut it!" He shouts. When his foot hits her body, she falls to the ground, her heart has stopped beating and her lungs have closed, he killed her, and he just sits back on the couch, not even caring. She loved him unconditionally and he repays her with her own death.

2 Name: Feral : 2012-03-13 20:58 ID:q9sAm7Wu [Del]

Wow. Depressing. I'm going to go hug my dog now, be right back.

3 Name: Shizuo : 2012-03-14 05:25 ID:0wEJSOxJ [Del]

that is depressing. honestly for people who are like that in real life, they deserve something bad to happen to them.

4 Name: Kiem : 2012-03-14 10:36 ID:NwbLz0H9 [Del]

... Some people are just...

5 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-03-14 11:19 ID:YOpFVEzC [Del]

Not a true story

6 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-03-14 11:22 ID:838xQsC1 [Del] demented little...You actually wrote that story for NO dont even feel the urge to put some sort of touching thought at the end...I am insulted for such a thing...I am a novelist AND a manga-ka! Yet...That story shames both...I am very sorry to say...I hated it

7 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-03-14 11:22 ID:838xQsC1 [Del]

PS- If I knew that guy...Id kick his sorry ass

8 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-03-14 12:07 ID:n6eNXgLg [Del]

o.o sorry i offended you.

9 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-03-14 12:31 ID:lpspQLPd [Del]

Would've been sad if I had a reason to sympathize with the dog. Feels like it's missing an entire exposition, and it's just written for the sake of depicting a shitty situation.

The title is also pretty narmy. Like, it's entirely direct and blunt, which makes it come off as a bit silly. So you go into it like "well this is gonna try to be a sad story obviously" right off the bat.

It's like calling Romeo and Juliet "The Sad Love Story that ends in Tragedy." It suddenly loses a lot of its meaning.

10 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-03-14 12:50 ID:n6eNXgLg [Del]

honestly, this is nothing serious, but thank you for the input, I will keep it in mind for next time

11 Name: YuGiKiNgOfGaMes!QkDkFBDKOw : 2012-03-14 14:43 ID:tF+tI36m [Del]

is the dog a metaphor for victims of domestic violence? if it is coulda been much better

12 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-03-14 17:18 ID:oHA1/UFt [Del]

>>11 no, it is a dog that was beat to death

13 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-14 22:04 ID:dtSB01/7 [Del]

>>9 Yes i agree with you. As sad as it is, it remains as only a thought. Like a "There are hungry people starving all over the world." Or a "I bet somewhere around the world a dog is getting kicked." Your story is just a thought, not really story. Well i mean it is, but it's not literature. Doesn't convey any emotion.

14 Name: CelticMaster !vMfB/HjmOc : 2012-03-15 08:19 ID:n6eNXgLg [Del]

>>13 honestly yes, it was just a thought