Dollars BBS | Literature
















Un-Officail Fanfiction Page (84)

1 Name: ~LOVELESSArf~ : 2011-08-21 11:12 ID:Yw6mEZdG [Del]

Yo ya'll My name is Loveless and I am making this thred to show there IS some good fanffiction. I write it for one reason and one reason only. To help you have a good day and laugh. So come on in, read stories from any Profiles that get posted, get some popcorn and get down with your bad self.

Link to my profile:

2 Name: ~LOVELESSArf~ : 2011-08-25 20:08 ID:Yw6mEZdG [Del]

No other Fanfic writers out there?

3 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-08-26 02:07 ID:dxVvHAP5 [Del]

I'm actually rather surprised this thread hasn't gotten more attention. With the sheer quantity of animetards we get, there's bound to be someone who writes fanfiction.

...and I mean animetard in the most endearing of ways, I just didn't have any other way of saying "person who is really into anime, perhaps excessively" in a concise manner.

4 Name: Invader Kiwikami : 2011-08-26 14:25 ID:Nn6BaBzh [Del]

I write fanfiction, or I did... most of it looks like it has been written by a 10-year-old, because I wrote it a while back. Now I focus mostly on original fiction, but I do love READING fanfiction.

5 Name: ChocoCat13 : 2011-08-26 15:21 ID:m/W0Vq37 [Del]

I write fanfiction also. And its still on-goingish...I currently have two stories up at the moment and will add more chapters for them soon if I'm not that busy...

6 Name: Ekajra !YKgt7dotn2 : 2011-08-26 17:50 ID:qYyg+DGB [Del]

"Otaku" works fine enough for that, even though it has a much more negative connotation in Japan.

As for the topic at hand, I am a writer of fanfiction. I primarily work inside the Sonic the Hedgehog universe(s), though I've written a few stories with other series. I'm thinking of doing a Minecraft story actually, probably sometime after the 1.8 update.

I don't use for posting, but I can be found on deviantART and my own website.

7 Name: Socks !CTOykyu6cw : 2011-12-02 18:38 ID:FdJ7HPqG [Del]

finding a good fanfic is like finding a single straw of hay in a needle stack. It's painful and damn near impossible to find.

8 Name: PsycheBunny !mfbNb4JzaM : 2012-01-25 08:39 ID:fhkrTqg+ [Del]

I have written a few fanfics~

9 Name: Feral : 2012-01-25 15:43 ID:zcWQwm0u [Del]

I have a few as well. I'm not great, some of my older stories blow, but I've been developing over the years. Think I got a good hang of it now.

Here's a link if anyone cares enough:

10 Name: Ravana۞ ☆!HltySaVY5g : 2012-02-23 17:54 ID:QbVlqou9 [Del]


GrassBlade-Chan... but I'll probably change it soon...

I post the new name if anyone cares..

11 Name: Hinata-Snow : 2012-02-23 18:31 ID:xAXoN6c7 [Del]

7: That reminded me of Spongebob Squarepants.

Now, I write fan fiction but I don't consider it "good". But it will get there, someday.

Meanwhile, this is a Naruto fan fiction by someone I'm pretty sure is insane. But it's also possibly the greatest fan fiction in history:

Be warned, it's long so commit to it.

12 Name: tsubaki !yQ3luh1QiU : 2012-02-23 18:47 ID:AQG2zM7i [Del]
^ The most amusing Naruto fanfic I've ever read

13 Name: Tanasu : 2012-02-25 13:39 ID:Bbsgv8Te [Del]

>>12 It was more of a what? that's really creepy! kind of story, but it did make me laugh

14 Name: tsubaki !yQ3luh1QiU : 2012-02-25 13:45 ID:AQG2zM7i [Del]

>>13 XD I just love it~

15 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-02-25 22:25 ID:5h0YCiei [Del] this girl is pretty awesome.

16 Name: MKOLLER !YYk5m0jo12 : 2012-02-29 06:20 ID:9siEbAmR [Del]

Zokusho deserves mention for his Lucky Star fanfiction. He's written a pretty impressive three volume series (still progressing) with much of the same humor as the original series, and a little drama thrown in. I have read the first two volumes thrice over, so I highly recommend the series as a whole.

17 Name: Black!5L7V/xvR76 : 2012-04-25 19:42 ID:RCOYujFT [Del]

Group collaboration fanfic:

WARNING: Contains ponies. Ponies, adventure, and loss.
This is a collaberate project of 6 different people working on 1 fic (myself included) and is a good read (although that opinion is undoubtably biased!). Please don't go "OMG DUDE IT'S GOT PONIES ABANDON THREAD!" No, it's actually got some adult themes engraved into it. Anyway, I'm sure we'd appreciate the extra attention. Here's a summary:

Six unlikely friends, two warring Goddesses, and one task set between them. As the fate of Equestria sits upon a shaky foundation, an old evil worms its way back into the history of the kingdom, taking a new shape. How will six traitors to the crown, facing banishment and uncertainty, shape a pivotal, yet easily forgotten, point in Equestria’s history?

18 Name: b-rabbit : 2012-04-25 20:50 ID:UAEuZlv3 [Del]

please check my story senpai's!

19 Name: ria.x !f0qNY9tIWs : 2012-04-25 21:43 ID:z9UofIeG [Del]

Alright guys.
I'm dixonTICONDEROGA pencils. Mind reading my things and reviewing?

I have a LOT of Harry potter slash, if anyone wants it...or Kingdom Hearts, and some Shizaya.

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21 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-21 09:29 ID:v6x5OvMX [Del]


22 Name: Kaze : 2012-05-21 12:57 ID:sou38Jvz [Del]

Hello there.
I think this one is really good and funny: (Beyblade)

And, it anyone is intressted. This is my fanfiction (also beyblade) and I'd be happy if you read it ^^J

23 Name: BarabiSama!!Xu7p6LDw : 2012-05-24 16:36 ID:ARk4J+EF [Del]


24 Name: Setton : 2012-05-25 22:51 ID:qLDMRaV7 [Del]

I write Fan fictions! Maybe some people can come check out my stories! Im under ArdainMatsudo on

25 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-26 07:59 ID:LI/oTOvv [Del]

I have one too! But I've only written for Hetalia...

26 Name: Setton : 2012-05-28 18:39 ID:ADT38mQ7 [Del]

I have one for Hetalia. I have one for Kingdom Hearts, Bleach, The Legend of Zelda, Peter Pan, and Durarara

27 Name: Kuroneko !TeRybnCeqs : 2012-05-29 08:06 ID:VyvYublH [Del]

Hey, I was wondering if any of you guys are fans of CharmaEvans on If not, then I wanna recommend reading this story. It's her first in a while, and it's actually pretty good. :D
And it's for you Cirque Du Freak fans! :D ... I could do with a better Vancha though.

28 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-31 11:39 ID:4mbuhzhG [Del]


29 Name: purplemellows : 2012-09-01 04:06 ID:0tDMilik [Del]

Oh so here's the fanfiction thread. This seriously needs more attention. Does everyone know of the author Jikage? She's pretty awesome and she's mainly in the KHR fandom. I also write fanfiction and have two published stories about KHR too.

30 Name: Whisper : 2012-10-13 10:26 ID:3wuvtxjH [Del]

Oh here it is! Sue me, I'm bringing this back to life. I wrote my first fan fiction and part 1 and 2 are up so far :) It's a Zelda: Ocarina of Time story from Dark Link's point of view.

Part 1:
Part 2:

31 Name: Tsukkuyomi : 2012-10-15 03:07 ID:gicowU5L [Del]

*blushes* Kind of not sure if I should post my stuff here but hey, what the hell, might as well. *comes out of shy writer shell and puts up Fanfiction account*

(Yes I go by a boy's name but whatever XD There's a LOT of fanfictions there....)

32 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-17 17:23 ID:jFcaeM9I [Del]


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34 Name: Ignis : 2012-10-23 12:20 ID:FS8upZ99 [Del]

My fanfic:
If you can, read it please :)

35 Name: Hibiscus : 2013-01-09 23:31 ID:VoErl8Ir [Del]

Hello all (who are interested)!

I want to advertise my Fanfics on My username is HibiscusAngel15. I've written four (in-progress) Bleach fanfics, but do have plans to write more.

Please, please check my stories out! Drop me a PM or a review too, if you like. I'd be honored to have fellow Dollars review! :)

Also, could we use this thread for fanfic ideas or to help others with their fanfictions? Just curious...

36 Name: Hulavuta !ZMARBjvczs : 2013-02-07 17:05 ID:jlBcgeCb [Del]

I just wanted to bump this, I'm surprised there isn't so much activity here. I also write fanfics and would love to talk with others that are into it :D My friend convinced me to make a account back in November, I'm just Hulavuta there too :D

This thread needs more activity! I like Hibiscus' idea, let's talk about Fanfiction!

37 Name: Hibiscus : 2013-02-07 19:22 ID:8dV+IHYn [Del]

Yay, someone else who writes fanfiction I can talk to! :D

So, what fandoms have you written for so far, Hulavuta? And how many fics do you have, if you don't mind all the questions?

38 Name: Hulavuta !ZMARBjvczs : 2013-02-08 09:14 ID:jlBcgeCb [Del]

Hey Hibiscus,

I have 1 one-shot fanfic finished, and I've uploaded the first chapter of another. So far I've written for Pokemon and Boktai/Lunar Knights. :D (Yeah Boktai is not very well known, but at least that means I'll be on the front page for a while)

39 Name: Hibiscus : 2013-02-09 19:38 ID:jGbCK7Yb [Del]

Hm, cool! I'll be sure to drop a review in the Pokemon fic sometime soon! :)

I've been planning to write more fics, but I'm still writing four fics right now. Trying to juggle through them all the time is a bit stressful, I will admit, but I do like getting reviews for when I finish chapters. It makes me feel accomplished. X3

So what are your fics about? Also, I'm not very familiar with Boktai, so could you give me a bit of background info?

40 Name: Hulavuta !ZMARBjvczs : 2013-02-10 21:11 ID:jlBcgeCb [Del]

I actually have 2 followers, and got my first review today! XD The guy said something about how he was glad that people were still into Boktai and that I should keep writing about it :D

Eh, so far all of my fics have been romance/shipping, probably just a coincidence, I've only written two. Haha.

Boktai...I could give you a bit of background info but I think you'd be better off looking it up on Wikipedia xD It was made by the same guy who made Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima.

Basically it combines a whole bunch of stuff, it's like a Spaghetti WEstern but taking place in a Norse Mythology world. So generally the good guys are named after characters from Westerns, the main character, Django, for example, and the bad guys are characters/gods from Norse Mythology.

Lunar Knights is the 4th game and it is sort of a successor, it takes place way into the future and is Science-fantasy rather than Western. Lunar Knights is the one I am currently writing for.

Unfortunately, the games did not do extremely well, so there was no sequel to Lunar Knights despite the cliffhanger ending.

41 Name: Hibiscus : 2013-02-12 21:59 ID:Dp4Du+iG [Del]

Sorry I didn't answer sooner! I have schoolwork bringing me down...

Anyway, you got your first review today? Congrats! ^_^ XD You found another Boktai fan on Fanfiction! That's good.

Romance shipping? Eh, all of my fics are romance and shipping too...

Oh, really? Cool! Mythology is interesting to me, so I'll have to check it out sometime!

What? Why didn't they make another one if the ending wasn't necessarily an ending? That sucks...D:

42 Name: Hulavuta !ZMARBjvczs : 2013-02-12 22:30 ID:jlBcgeCb [Del]

Well, like I said, apparently it just did not do well or something. On the same note, it'll be pretty hard to actually find a copy of the games (although fortunately I have all of the games, except the third which was only released in Japan).

I'm thinking of doing another Pokemon fic, but a long one, rather than the 1-shot I did before. I'm not quite finished with my Lunar Knights one but I'm thinking I can develop them simultaneously.

43 Name: Hibiscus : 2013-02-18 21:47 ID:p4bb1EcP [Del]

Sorry to reply so late, I was busy with weekend homework. XP

Oh, really? :( Huh...

Oh, so a multi-chap one? Interesting...I've played Pokemon though not a whole lot of it.

Off topic, but have you seen the anime Bleach? I've written four fics on that, though they're in-progress still...

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46 Name: Hulavuta !ZMARBjvczs : 2013-02-19 11:59 ID:jlBcgeCb [Del]

I haven't seen Bleach, but I know a bit of it. I'll try to read them :D

47 Name: Hibiscus : 2013-02-25 23:20 ID:t3PpnlPW [Del]

Wah, sorry I haven't answered in a while! School's been keeping me super busy...

*looks up at sentence above* This board is starting to become a PM type thread...I'm actually surprised that there aren't more fanfic writers here...With the amount of anime fans, I expected more...


48 Name: Shade !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-03-01 16:19 ID:0Fr/tbjt [Del]

Hey guys. Considering this is my first time in the Literature section, hello. I just released the Prologue/Backstory and First Chapter of my fanfiction: Mobile Suit Gundam Century. I'd like to spread the word about it and hopefully get people interested in it. I know it's only been a day, but I feel its had a slower start than most, so i'd very much like to jumpstart it and get people's opinions on it so I can improve upon It for chapters that follow. This will be a long fanfic. So, here's the link to my profile:

If at all possible, I'd like for comments or reviews to be posted on the fanfiction page, rather than here, but here is fine as well so long as I see it. Thanks!

49 Name: Chiron !zBg38AUVCM : 2013-04-09 02:14 ID:ljq9B9ci [Del]

So I used to write fanfiction of FanFiction.Net but those two stories are abandoned and I'll probably never pick them up again so I won't give you my FanFiction link.
I'm starting afresh on Archive of Our Own though so here:
I'm not updating for a while though since there's heaps of assignments to finish and I'm writing two original stories and some short stories.

50 Name: Anonymous : 2013-05-13 07:46 ID:roHXdlm7 [Del]


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52 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-30 20:51 ID:yLfYdpoA [Del]


53 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-07-01 01:18 ID:DotJgQ9z [Del]

One of my good friends is a fanfic writer, actually. I read some here and there and some of it is really damn good. I've found a few which are longer than most novels, and better quality than some of the stuff on the shelves at the local bookstore.

54 Name: Dia14 : 2013-07-01 16:19 ID:3KTao0m5 [Del]

I am currently writing a Durarara fanfic. If anyone reads it I would like to have feedback.

55 Name: Tomodachi !STu7NJkn2. : 2013-07-04 16:15 ID:CQvMwk/U [Del]

>>54 I have been on pages for years and I will surely read it and comment it :D

56 Name: HAM : 2013-07-06 18:29 ID:tDRdDJu4 [Del]

Here's my AO3 link:

I only started getting into fanfic a month or two ago and personally I liked AO3 more than so I chose to make an account on there...:3
It's probably only going to be Destiel crap btw. So if you don't like that don't read it xD

57 Name: Omnia Ravus!hSmVND53jI : 2013-08-17 02:48 ID:sxwbaI50 [Del]


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59 Name: Shinigami : 2013-08-24 18:08 ID:aBiDSNV6 [Del]

I've written several fanfics: (none of them are romance, they are mostly humor). I'd like to say that they are decently written, but you can judge that for yourselves.

60 Post deleted by user.

61 Name: Yuuko Ichihara !oOs/L7gBLA : 2013-08-27 21:42 ID:QkzDMKzb [Del]

I've only written one fanfic so far, hopefully more to come ^^

62 Name: Aeterna!HERESYxWhE : 2013-09-04 22:31 ID:NvA5uM/O [Del]

I just now realized that Black put this here. Oh well.

63 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-09-09 20:51 ID:x5RU+8t+ [Del]

Man, Lunaescence is where the good stuff is at.

64 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2014-07-03 19:43 ID:ELIKZuYc [Del]


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66 Name: River : 2014-07-04 14:08 ID:eId7TTZA [Del]

I will leave. They will remain.

67 Name: Rin-san : 2014-07-08 11:56 ID:RXUAx8K7 [Del]

I write fan fiction. My account is The Inferno Alchemist, please R&R

68 Name: Tsubasa : 2014-07-10 16:41 ID:bCogZxZS [Del]

Thanks to BarabiSama for directing me to this thread :3

My user is DaProgram01 and I'm kind of new to the fanficion thing. So far I have on there a one-shot based on The Stanley Parable, and I'm currently writing a Homestuck fanfiction which is entirely OC based. Also got a few others in the works too, mostly MLP-based.

69 Name: Puck !OTHETEnDOU : 2014-07-22 01:22 ID:8rpC9jxJ [Del]


70 Name: MandaPanda : 2014-08-21 00:06 ID:8GsKLFgl [Del]

I started writing Fanfiction a couple of years ago. I have a few stories on my account. I really enjoy writing it. Let me know if you like my stories by leaving me a review. My current Fanfiction that I'm working on right now is a Borderlands 2 short story.

**Be warned that some of my stories have sexual content in them. If you are uncomfortable with that then please pay attention to the age rating.**

71 Name: Allena Frost : 2014-08-22 23:13 ID:SalOU+KQ [Del]

I started writing fanfics when I was 10 and now I'm 16 so yeah. I try to make my readers happy. You can request any story be it yuri, yaoi, or even hetero. I do all. Let me know if you like the stories. Most of them are yaoi so beware. My favorite story of mine that I'm currently working on is "Phantom of Shibuya"

72 Name: Takumi : 2014-08-28 21:31 ID:zL7WSQQU [Del]

I-I suppose if everyone else is doing it, then I will. I go by Poke-Yaoi-Fangirl on fanfiction. I rarely update due to having had problems with hate-Pm's previously, and I am trying to motivate myself to continue, but honestly, I doubt my writing skill, and I have only ever written yaoi, so be prepared if you decide to read.

73 Post deleted by user.

74 Name: Takumi !C7S15Bwr.E : 2014-09-01 08:27 ID:GwW/Y30p [Del]

Request fanfics from me here on my deviantart page

75 Name: Live 2 Die !3Sd75li6/6 : 2014-09-02 13:39 ID:8acFvUdp [Del]

Um...Is it wrong that I'm a guy and am totally into fanfiction/shipping/fanart and all that gooey romantic stuff?

76 Name: Allena Frost : 2014-09-03 07:49 ID:SalOU+KQ [Del]

>>75 Nah it's not. :3 My other friend is into that too so don't worry.

77 Name: Lawli !BSKeLetOnE : 2014-10-17 20:07 ID:sHxXNwmM [Del]


78 Name: Ice : 2014-10-17 22:56 ID:RGX+xBPi [Del]

so um... I have a fanfiction that I wrote...

79 Name: V !0SOsQB.MGg : 2015-01-31 09:32 ID:cszPCOga [Del]

I know a really good harry potter fanfiction, if any of you read that
it is the best thing i have ever read

80 Name: AikahisakatuHogo-sha!N.06ibPNxc : 2015-02-01 02:24 ID:Xa6ozGli [Del]

B.U.M.P~! I really like this one.

81 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2015-03-10 20:49 ID:cUbjxSEP [Del]


82 Name: ZenithYore : 2015-06-03 00:15 ID:4m3Y2QR3 [Del]

When I get around to writing more stories, finding a good beta, and having confidence in what I write, then I will post my page. For now, I'll bump this because it's an awesome thread.

83 Name: ZenithYore : 2015-06-06 15:24 ID:OkrYAitu [Del]


84 Name: Sigiled Hawk : 2016-01-17 17:38 ID:zhUNUNH9 [Del]

know this story that is really good and would want to share it with all of you. If you don't believe me that its good read the reviews. I take no credit for the written material. Please leave a review, it helps motivate the writer.