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Need your opinion!!!! (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-12-29 10:59 ID:oOFWbY5g [Del]

Hello fellow dollars, I wrote a short story and i want your guy's opinion on it because my opinion would be bias of course. If you could take a quick second to look at this and tell me if this makes you cry =p oh yeah I'm anonymous on purpose~ (By the way, i didn't give much mind to the title ><)

A love between war (or something like that)
It was December 8, 1941 when Japan attacked America without any declaration of war. Every man had to go to war, had to leave their wife behind, their kids behind, their grandchildren… And every woman had to watch their love ones go; only the really lucky ones get to watch them come back. Rosie wasn’t one of the lucky ones… Rosie was a lovely girl, 21 years old, beautiful, talented, smart. Along with Rosie was a young boy named Jack, age 22, with a charming smile and a face that could sweep the entire nation off its feet. Rosie and Jack were in love with each other, everywhere Rosie went, Jack went as well. Unfortunately, Rosie and Jack were one of the couples that were ripped apart by the war. Jack went to war, while Rosie sat at home. Unlike every other couple out there, Rosie and Jack didn’t send letters to each other. They sent pictures, items, things like that. Which makes sense if you think about it; pictures are worth more than a thousand words. This whole story could probably be summarized by a picture. The first one to send a message was Jack. The first envelope contained a will saying the Rosie’s entitlement to everything he owned when he is dead. Rosie wept; she interpreted his message as “I’m going to die soon… I have no hope to survive, and so being that it may, I want you to have everything I own, so when you look at your watch, or that pen, you’ll always know that I loved you.” Rosie didn’t want Jack to lose hope, she wanted Jack to survive. She took the will, stuffed it back into the enveloped and sent it back, meant to be interpreted this way, “I don’t need a will, I need you, you’ll definitely come back to me, please have faith.” Rosie sent the mail, as if she was sending her heart. A week has passed, and Rosie had gotten another mail from Jack. In this envelope, there was no will, but instead a picture of Rosie. It was a picture that Jack kept with him always. He carried it in his back pocket, never letting go of it. Tears slid down Rosie’s cheek. He didn’t want to be with me anymore Rosie thought. She got up slowly, reached for a picture of Jack that she had always kept close to her and slid it in an envelope. This was the last message Rosie will ever send to Jack, their relationship was over. She cried for the remaining 6 months until her door rang. A man in an army suit appeared in her doorstep. She quickly jumped at Jack, smiling, thinking that all the lost time can be made up, and everything in the past can be forgotten. She quickly realizes the man she was holding was not Jack… A moment of happiness, no, not even a split second of happiness, was over before she could even say his name. She lets go of the man, apologizing. “Ma’am, I’m from the military, I know Jack personally. He was a great friend…and a great soldier, but I’m afraid he had passed away.” Rosie was shocked. She looks at disbelief at the man, even though she knew this day was coming. Holding back the tears, Rosie said, “Why…why are you telling me this? Jack and I are not together anymore, his messages say that loud and clear, there is no reason anymore to tell me any of this.” The man looked at her strangely. “You’re not making any sense, Jack loved you that should have been as clear as daylight, it was all in his messages.” Rosie could fight back the tears anymore, “NO! Jack wanted me out of his life, he thought I was a burden… His first message was a will. He was prepared to die, he had no thoughts of ever coming home to me!” Her face was redder than an apple. She was a mess of emotions. She was angry, sad, scared, every emotion she reveals was tearing her apart. “He sent back a picture of me in his second message! He didn’t want my picture anymore because he didn’t need me anymore, well, I sure as hell don’t need him anymore, I’M GLAD HE’S GONE!!!!” Rosie put both her hands to her mouth as if to prevent herself from spitting out anymore words. She was about to slam the door until the man calmly said, “Wait, you haven’t seen his third message yet…” He handed her an envelope. She looked at the man, then the envelope. Rosie thought to herself, hurry up…open it….why am I so afraid, my hands won’t even move… She slowly opens it, regardless of her thoughts. Tears quickly swelled up in her eyes. She looked at the man. “He didn’t want to give it to you until he came back home or died on the battlefield.” Rosie held the sparkling diamond ring between her thumb and index finger. So fragile she thought both the ring…and my heart…. The message was loud and clear now.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2010-12-29 11:01 ID:oOFWbY5g [Del]

For those of you who don't get it, the first message was a will, which she misinterpreted, the will was suppose to be what it was, the word "will." The second message was a picture of herself, meaning "you" which she also misinterpreted. The third message which she didn't get until later was a ring which would mean marry me of course. Put it all together you get, will you marry me!!

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2010-12-29 12:53 ID:oOFWbY5g [Del]

I hate taro =o LOL

5 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-02 00:14 ID:ZfqxD8lW [Del]

Well written. But didn't get the 'will' idea until it was mentioned ^^; it should be clear when reading the actual story.

It seems weird for the women to lose her confidence so easily. Maybe the misinterpretation isn't that realistic?

I like to write too but I don't write in English..

Keep writing :) Don't give up! ^^
Have fun.