Dollars BBS | Intro




















hey (5)

1 Name: furryboi : 2021-08-03 08:04 ID:ZMiww3BI [Del]

my first time on here so im not sure what to expect

2 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-08-03 22:25 ID:Xkbts2hr [Del]

Expect... an 11 year old message board site yeah.

There aren't much going nowadays, everyone just kinda chilling around I guess.

3 Name: Vee : 2021-09-13 01:34 ID:fOG+cbmm [Del]

Everyone on this forum is here for 1 reason, we just like Durarara. This is just a cool little forum based on that beloved series so treat it as a fun little easter egg/love letter to the fans.

Honestly, I'm just glad that someone is still paying the costs of keeping this site around, maintained and secure.

4 Name: Vee : 2021-09-13 01:37 ID:fOG+cbmm [Del]

Everyone on this forum is here for 1 reason, we just like Durarara. This is just a cool little forum based on that beloved series so treat it as a fun little easter egg/love letter to the fans.

Honestly, I'm just glad that someone is still paying the costs of keeping this site around, maintained and secure.

5 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-09-13 07:26 ID:/G/wOQPS [Del]

>>4 The site actually evolved so much that it almost completely detach itself from the source material it was made from. There was a community thriving here, an actual flock of people that aren't just talking about Durarara, hence the multiple boards titled with various topics.

People are gathered here because of that one fictional series, but once they're here, they want to do something that actually matters. They want to help people, they want to know more about all kinds of things, they want to share the things that they knew about.

The shortest path to becoming the closest resembling depiction of Dollars in the anime, is by detaching ourselves from the show itself and do some actual dirty work, contribute to something. They did, and they succeed.

Our site looked the most authentic among dozens of other Dollars-esque site, and apparently also housed the community that most resembles the anime's Dollars counterpart.

But because the community also adapt to the turn of changing era, they decided to moved their base of operation to a Discord server. Simplifying all the process of discussions, planning, gathering, etc within one tidy platform, you could probably guess how that decision impacted the site.

There was some sort of melancholy within it, I feel. People tend to the site, cared enough to spend some time of their life to post something, to police the site, make sure it was used the way they intended it. And to some people, they even used it as a stepping stone to contribute the bettering of our world.

A lot had happened here, can't say if we'll see so much more action in the future. There might be nothing more waiting for us in the coming days, still though, we gotta cherish what we currently still have.