Dollars BBS | Intro




















Revived Member (8)

1 Name: Pure Water 100% : 2021-01-29 21:15 ID:7S14Skyo [Del]

I'm not new to the Dollars, and I'd like to think that I'm at least decently recognisable in chatrooms, but I thought I'd re-introduce myself.
I joined the dollars around four years ago for the first time.
I don't remember what handle I used on the BBS website, but I've always use the same name in the chatrooms.
Around 2 years ago, I decided to take a small break. There was no particular reason, I just started getting bored of this place. In those two years, I never even bothered to type the website into my search bar.
However, after such a long break, curiosity got the best of me. Starting a few days ago, I've decided to come back, and give the Dollars another shot. The fact that it's still fairly alive alone gives me a little more hope for this place.
I want to become a more active member.
I do recognise a small handful of people who also came back from a break, so I hope we can all get back together to get along once again. I also look forward to meeting new people.

You can call me Aoba. I'm a fellow human being that's looking for entertainment in a colourless paradise.
I hope to get along with everyone :)

2 Name: Pure Water 100% : 2021-01-29 21:19 ID:7S14Skyo [Del]

Also, to clarify, I am not a roleplay account. Nor am I an "Aoba kinnie." I just happen to like his character, and not like the idea of giving out my real identity.

3 Name: Mai : 2021-01-30 00:25 ID:jwVlToez [Del]

Heeeeeeyo!! ☆
Aoba Aobaaaaa, it’s Mairu~!
Remember me??
I’ve wanted to talk on the chatroom again for a while with Kururi, but we don’t ever seem to line up TT

Hope to see ya soooooon~ ♪

4 Name: Kuru : 2021-01-30 00:31 ID:9HSTG3GK [Del]

Welcome back Aoba
Hope to message you again sometime

5 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2021-01-30 02:38 ID:h2PbUJJa [Del]

Realizing is down, guess yall took refuge here huh?

Anyways, hello you both. I'm not sure what is the right greeting message to deliver, but probably only the fact we regulars liked to hang in the Random Thought Thread on Random board. We're quite slow to respond most of the time though, so patience is the key to hanging around here.

You can also circumvent this by periodically visiting the site instead of reloading the site every minute while bore the hell out of your mind, just a reminder because some people really don't know this trick. Anyways, I'll see you around and enjoy the place!

6 Name: Izaya : 2021-01-30 06:21 ID:zOlqmRvq [Del]

hola soy nuevo

7 Name: Pure Water 100% : 2021-02-01 21:50 ID:FP1lpapY [Del]

Thank you for all of the welcomes, I'm enjoying my days back ^^

8 Name: Anonymous : 2021-02-06 21:47 ID:Nth40aHz [Del]

welcome back Aoba!!! I am actually back from doing something super similar!