Dollars BBS | Intro




















My first time here, about me and hope for some advice~ (9)

1 Name: Xilepop : 2020-06-02 23:59 ID:jBq7JMcg [Del]

Hello! It has been awhile since I've seen DURARARA, so when I re watched it, and thought of the dollars. I'm going to be starting high school soon and I be anime. Sooo...due to my love for durarara, I had to see if the dollars was a real website. I was so surprised to see the website was real! It's my first time on here, I hope I can get some information on how this all works~. Well, I hope we can get to know more about each other and be friends~ Bye bye~♡

2 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-06-03 01:34 ID:8mzzi7dt [Del]

Yo, welcome to Dollars Xile(...pop?)! Yes we're real and alive, might be a good idea to read the 'Read This If You're New' thread on Main as well as some other threads linked within it then you should be good to go.

Look forward to seeing you around here bud, enjoy your time!

3 Name: dyeaki : 2020-06-03 03:09 ID:smAJBpZm [Del]

>>1 I'm in the same boat pretty much! I finished rewatching Durarara (for the 4th time, I think) today, and found out that there was an actual Dollars site! I honestly think it's pretty amazing! I guess we're both newbies here ^_^

4 Name: dyeaki : 2020-06-03 03:13 ID:smAJBpZm [Del]

>>1 I'm in the same boat pretty much! I finished rewatching Durarara (for the 4th time, I think) today, and found out that there was an actual Dollars site! I honestly think it's pretty amazing! I guess we're both newbies here ^_^

5 Name: dyeaki : 2020-06-03 03:15 ID:smAJBpZm [Del]

>>1 I'm in the same boat pretty much! I finished rewatching Durarara (for the 4th time, I think) today, and found out that there was an actual Dollars site! I honestly think it's pretty amazing! I guess we're both newbies here ^_^

6 Name: dyeaki : 2020-06-03 03:20 ID:smAJBpZm [Del]

Welp, looks like I just screwed up big time. The site kept giving me a error every time I tried to post, didn't realize it was still sending the message. Sorry everyone... guess I just proved how much of a noob I really am...

7 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-06-03 04:45 ID:8mzzi7dt [Del]

>>3>>6 Happens all the time m8 don't worry, welcome to Dollars too though. Enjoy your time here, and I'll see you around!

Also, you can delete your own post in a limited time.

8 Name: dyeaki : 2020-06-03 16:11 ID:smAJBpZm [Del]

>>7 Thanks for the warm welcome and the advice! I'll try to delete the duplicate messages!

9 Name: Raines : 2020-06-04 10:35 ID:sGV5RSiX [Del]

Hello! Welcome to the Dollars. Good luck with high school. It can be tough, but with the right support it can be a great experience. I hope you enjoy your time with the Dollars.