Dollars BBS | Intro




















How we defeating those yellow scarves? (7)

1 Name: Calby the Great : 2020-05-28 05:14 ID:3UTWNPrr [Del]

This is sick I've pondered if there was a dollars website but it truly real! Any plans to take down those yellow scarves?

2 Name: Calby : 2020-05-28 05:40 ID:3UTWNPrr [Del]

Also what's with this Bump thing I don't get it?

3 Name: !C8Hypela/M!!/fN+hj5w : 2020-05-28 06:20 ID:bFeND7ft [Del]

Firstly, if you're tryna roleplay, then we're not doing that here. However if you somehow found the Yellow Scarves site, you should probably knew that the founder of their site has put up a final notice to disband the 'gang'. So we the Dollars are the ones having the last laugh after all.

Secondly, welcome to Dollars. To be fair, we're not trying to imitate the Dollars in the anime, but some of us got inspired by them to contribute making the world a better place using our community name Dollars. So that's the point of Missions board's existence, we're more like a charity community than a global internet gang.

I hope you enjoy the time spent here, and I'll see you around.

BTW, bump could mean 'Bring Up My Post', but it could literally mean bumping a thread so it goes up on top of the page. It is used when you want a thread to be seen by people, but apparently doesn't have anything to say to contribute to said thread.

Also, congratulations on reaching the Intro board. Some people in the past wouldn't even bother to read the threads you've read before coming here. For that I thank you, sparked some joy in me tbh.

Goddamnit I made a wall of text again!

TLDR: Yellow Scarves weren't a threat to us, they've disbanded themselves. We're not a fansite, were pretty much real community of people trying to make the world a better place through small things. Bump means 'Bring Up My Post'. Thanks for reaching the Intro board and posted about yourself here instead of the Main board.

Sorry if that's still too long, I tend to be overjoyed upon greeting new people and accidentally went over the top.

4 Name: Calby : 2020-05-28 15:10 ID:3UTWNPrr [Del]

Thanks for responding. Sorry wasn't trying to role-play just wanted to test out the posting in the site. I really do think this site is cool though and I already joined the discord.

5 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2020-05-28 17:37 ID:+8zlmRjR [Del]

>>3 lol. You and your wall of text.

>>4 welcome Calby thank you for doing an intro in the intro board! That makes us happy! Enjoy your stay!!

6 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2020-05-28 17:39 ID:+8zlmRjR [Del]

>>3 lol. You and your wall of text.

>>4 welcome Calby thank you for doing an intro in the intro board! That makes us happy! Enjoy your stay!!

7 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2020-05-28 18:16 ID:+8zlmRjR [Del]

Ahh double replies. My connection sucks ass. Grr