Dollars BBS | Intro




















Hello! こんにちは! (2)

1 Name: おべんと !wgAH4CYfEE : 2019-10-19 13:32 ID:ODIXAMEL [Del]

Hello everyone! Nice to meet you!

I'm おべんと, or you can just say "obento" (lunchbox).

I originally watched DRRR a few years ago, but only the first season. However, recently I started to rewatch it and just finished DRRR 2 Second Arc last night, heading onto the third arc.

I'm really into software/web development and wanted to try making the dollar's chatroom as a fun project, but it seems someone already beat me to the punch, as well as this BBS! Lol.

I am curious, though, while this site seems like a fun place to hangout, has it actually been used like it was in show? Such as, have people actually been brought together to achieve some sort of on-the-spot goal, especially if it was some sort of crime/stalker or something?

I see there is a Missions section, but I didn't really see anything like that, kinda besides the printout envelope one where you put a dollar in it and leave it somewhere.

I guess a little bit about myself:

- As I mentioned, I am into software/web development. I haven't been doing it for a long time, but I make money from it, so I'm satisfied with it.
- I also love computers/tech, as I have been my whole life.
- I am trying to learn Japanese. I am no where near fluent, but I can pick up on words and read a general conversation. I mainly want to learn it so I can watch Anime without subtitles, because often times the subtitles are not really correct or are appropriated.

Either way, looking forward to chatting with everyone!

2 Name: Shizuragi : 2019-10-24 23:43 ID:Yi/YVYhC [Del]

Hi! Unfortunately, no, this site isn't really used to the extent it is in the anime. There might have been a time when it had more activity, probably around the time the anime originally came out, but I've only been on here for a few years. Even in that time, the activity has gone down a bit and not much happens. People use the chatrooms, mostly just as a way to, well, chat, but other than that it really isn't active. I think part of it is that we aren't all concentrated in one city like the anime, most of us seem to be in the US with some sprinkled throughout other countries, and also a lot of us probably don't have nearly as much freedom as in the anime. It still is interesting though, you can chat with just about anyone and have this little knowledge in your head that "I'm in a gang" even if it is a relatively inactive website. You can interact with people who have like interests, a while ago I ran into someone in the chat who just so happened to have read the same book series as I had just finished a week earlier, which was wacky but also really fun. I guess... it's a quiet community where you can interact with just about anyone from around the world. Either way, welcome, I hope you enjoy your time here!