Dollars BBS | Intro




















new member, here,,, (7)

1 Name: xavier : 2019-07-08 04:37 ID:qdWyaVzk [Del]

okay so i watched drrr a year back, so when i was listening to the first op's video on youtube yesterday, someone had linked this site in the comments so here i am. this whole website thing makes me so giddy and happy because i never met anyone who watched drrr, especially not in my country, so having a whole website in amazing. and i read this in suggestions or somewhere, not sure, if we actually had this thing where whenever groups of us did good things, we would credit the dollars, kind of like a casual thing? that would be like a dream come true, especially if it became famous. oh and i am xavier, that's an internet name.

2 Name: Ryu-Shiranui : 2019-07-08 06:24 ID:T+2sCWrK [Del]

hi xavier! I'm always happy to meet a fellow anime fan too especially drrr lol. As far as crediting the dollars whenever we did good the one thing that reminds me of is probably the mission section.. well if that's wrong then I dunno sorry. iirc I helped a classmate once back at college when he is doing these random stuffs such as cleaning/removing graffitis etc. on our school then he would leave a " Dollars were here" 85×55mm card he would even sometimes stick them on the wall lol. I dunno his nickname here on this site or whether he's active or not, anyway shout out to him too! just in case if he saw this! ...sigh (goodtimes)

3 Name: Kami : 2019-07-08 09:23 ID:rRT3N6q5 [Del]

You're not obligate to answer but are you french ? Your username looks like a french name

4 Name: xavier : 2019-07-08 20:11 ID:qdWyaVzk [Del]

@ kami haha no, i am not french

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: xavier : 2019-07-08 20:15 ID:qdWyaVzk [Del]

@ ryu shiranami,,, imagine if everyone did what your friend did but with stuff like removing graffiti? yeah, that would be amazing, but small actions would be a great start haha

7 Name: Ryu-Shiranui : 2019-07-09 04:02 ID:BaBOz0on [Del]

@xavier ..tbh at first I was thinking "boo a waste of time" really hot here in summer and this is what we're doing?? lol but in the end I understood why we're doing it and yeah I agree small actions will be a great start haha.

I'm just glad the graffiti we're removing were the vandalism caused by freshman students not the type of graffiti you'll see on the streets of Melbourne lmao those one will be very tough to remove we're gonna need lots of members for that (tho yeah some of those graffiti looks good)