Dollars BBS | Intro




















Hello? (11)

1 Name: Shad : 2019-02-01 12:37 ID:4Yn0QR+U [Del]

I was reading the manga for the anime and then decided to see if there was an actual website, and well, here i found it! After some searching i found the password (and seeing that actual people just got here i thought i would say hello!)

2 Name: KsoleiChii22194 : 2019-02-01 14:37 ID:KQN0dIeS [Del]

Hello! I just finished the last episode of the anime! Now on to the manga and LNs I guess lol! Anyway I’m new too, hope we can get along and welcome to the Dollars!

3 Name: Shad : 2019-02-01 14:55 ID:QxhOWilj [Del]

Thank you for the welcome! I hope we can get along as well! I noticed that you're sort of new as well! I send a welcome to you too!

4 Name: KsoleilChii22194 : 2019-02-01 16:49 ID:KQN0dIeS [Del]

Thanks, just wanted to welcome someone since I didn't get one at first but yay now I've been welcomed!!! (lol I feel like it's part of the experience as a Dollar) Feel free to join my thread if you want! Thank you!!! ^^

5 Name: Shad : 2019-02-01 20:31 ID:7GwQV4zv [Del]

You are quite welcome! (Im still trying to figure out if this place is dead or not, hence me posting here haha)

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: KsoleilChii22194 : 2019-02-01 21:23 ID:KQN0dIeS [Del]

It seems dead lol! I started threads but nobody comments and when they do it's hours later. I'm always on my computer so that's why it looks like I'm everywhere now, people probably think I'm insane lol! Anyway maybe they just need more new people? I've been checking it every couple hours out of pure boredom, but if things stay this silent I might check it only every couple days! I have nothing better to do on weekends but this is rather slow.... (Sorry for going on so long!) - K

8 Name: Merah!fOwSuyS8F2 : 2019-02-01 21:57 ID:ojRt3zSp [Del]

I don't know if it's dead or not, but I'm still here. Been here for over four years.

9 Name: KsoleilChii22194 : 2019-02-01 22:09 ID:KQN0dIeS [Del]

lol oof well I'm glad to see someone is still here! And my posts have taken up a lot of categories but barely anyone posts responses, that's the only main reason I have! Sorry if I offended you, I guess I thought this place would be more lively, but I suppose most people are probably just busy IRL. It's cool how you describe the Dollars when welcoming people btw I like it!

10 Name: Shad : 2019-02-02 14:52 ID:GLTeWorO [Del]

Yeah i also have been checking it every few hours, though it does seem a tad dead. Nice to meet everyone though!

11 Name: Merah!fOwSuyS8F2 : 2019-02-03 08:42 ID:s6ZFHZW7 [Del]

>>9 No you didn't offend. And thank you! I just technically repost the same to anyone new, of course, with their own name. It may be repetitive, but it's helpful to them.

>>10 Nice to meet you!