Dollars BBS | Intro




















An Old member coming back! (4)

1 Name: 花茶(Hanacha) : 2018-09-23 09:21 ID:iGK4zpY7 [Del]

Hello! I am an old member of dollars and have spent quite awhile here before leaving few years ago. I'd say the first time I discovered this site was 5 years ago??? Definetly not sure as I have a rock for a brain (maybe 3 years) but anyway! Not the point! Dollars and especially the chat room had been fun when I was using it. I made a lot of friends and one even lasted till this day and now we known each other personally! Not just with the avatar you use on the drrr chat room, that was made possible because we love in the same country. And some friends I made here, I never heard from them again... which sometimes when I think about it, gives me some melancholic kind of nostalgia. IDK xD

So I am here again, After years of inactivity! The reason is of course, to make friends and chat just to pass time and the main reason is maybe Ill find aomeone to practice with xD What practice? English speaking and Japanese speaking partner yay! Well I can try finding on different more efdective sites, but I feel like of I ever find someone here, it will be fun. So a little background about my self.

I am planning to improve my English by Majoring in it at college next year and I am self studying Japanese as now. The reason why I want to major in English is becaue I want to teach English in Japan as a profession and live there, I guess, maybe? My japanese knowledge is border line JLPT N5 and (not confidently saying) N4

I guess I'll do a little Japanese introduction.



2 Name: Boric : 2018-09-23 18:21 ID:W5N2Uc7H [Del]

Welcome back Hanacha. I'm glad to see old members returning. I currently live in Japan for work, and I have to say that my stay here has been great. Good on you for learning the language because I don't speak a lick of it, but even not knowing the language the country is actually really easy to get around. Wish I could give you some solid information teaching opportunities and how to get them, but I didn't go the teaching route. If you have any questions about Japan, I'm sure I can give you an answer or find one of my acquaintances who can. Good luck in your studies, and I hope you can reach your goal!

3 Name: Aki-not-dearest :)) : 2018-09-23 19:22 ID:OoRNcaJW (Image: 266x190 png, 61 kb) [Del]

src/1537748552242.png: 266x190, 61 kb
fresh new weeb trash is here

4 Name: Boric : 2018-09-23 20:03 ID:UQuY+fRB [Del]

Welcome Aki. Glad to have fresh blood here.